Detected during the build of 5.5.3-m3:
On FreeBSD (and nowhere else), for the variable "net_retry_count" the value 100000 (one million) is reported, whereas everywhere else it is 10 (ten).
This results in the below difference on 32 bit platforms,
on 64 bit it is identical except for the position of the last reported difference (32 bit: start at line 184; 64 bit: start at line 176).
sys_vars.net_retry_count_basic_32 [ retry-fail ]
Test ended at YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
CURRENT_TEST: sys_vars.net_retry_count_basic_32
--- /PATH/mysql-test/suite/sys_vars/r/net_retry_count_basic_32.result
+++ /PATH/mysql-test/suite/sys_vars/r/net_retry_count_basic_32.reject
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
SET @start_global_value = @@global.net_retry_count;
SELECT @start_global_value;
SET @start_session_value = @@session.net_retry_count;
SELECT @start_session_value;
SET @@global.net_retry_count = 100;
SET @@global.net_retry_count = DEFAULT;
SELECT @@global.net_retry_count;
SET @@session.net_retry_count = 200;
SET @@session.net_retry_count = DEFAULT;
SELECT @@session.net_retry_count;
SET @@global.net_retry_count = DEFAULT;
SELECT @@global.net_retry_count = 10;
@@global.net_retry_count = 10
SET @@session.net_retry_count = DEFAULT;
SELECT @@session.net_retry_count = 10;
@@session.net_retry_count = 10
SET @@global.net_retry_count = 1;
SELECT @@global.net_retry_count;
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
SET @@global.net_retry_count = @start_global_value;
SELECT @@global.net_retry_count;
SET @@session.net_retry_count = @start_session_value;
SELECT @@session.net_retry_count;
mysqltest: Result content mismatch
This value difference also affects test "mysqld--help-notwin", see bug#52410.
How to repeat:
Run the test suite.