Bug #51788 Error in SQL syntax not reported. A CLR exception was thrown instead,
Submitted: 6 Mar 2010 3:30 Modified: 24 Mar 2010 14:10
Reporter: Ted Palmer Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:6.2.2 OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: Tony Bedford CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Mar 2010 3:30] Ted Palmer
My application is written in VB.NET 2008. My interface to MySQL server version 5.1.43 using localhost is through the MySQL .NET adapter version 6.2.2 using all dynamicly generated SQL statements. I do not have any static bound controls anywhere in my whole application. The SQL statement generated by my code was

Update casecalendar SET DueDateTime = STR_TO_DATE('20100305 05:00 PM','%Y%m%d %h:%i %p'), AssignedTo = 'charlotte', Priority = '3', Done = 'N', Action_cd = 'SGND-CNSNTJDGMNT2DEF', Narrative = 'test NARRATIVE test 2010-03-04 @ 10:14 , AppUID = ' joe', JobRunID = 0, PrgmFunction = 'Update Diary.btnSave_Click' WHERE casecalendar.ID = 12

The SQL syntax error is that immediately after ". . . @ 10:14" there should have been a single quote, but it is not there. That was my bug. I expect that this will cause a MySQL exception thrown with an error message like "There is an error in your SQL syntax in line 1. Check the manual for the version of MySQL server you are using for an error near '@ 10:14'". That is as good as I can remeber what that particular MySQL error message is like.

After I fixed my bug in my VB.NET program source code the program executed without throwing an exception, and the database table row was updated with the new data.

How to repeat:
I hope that you have a test environment that you can paste my SQL statement into and see what you get. I'll paste the snippet of source code where the exception was thrown. I hope it is not too long for you.

            If ii_PickParm1 > 0 Then

                strSQL = "Update casecalendar " _
                       & "SET DueDateTime = " & "STR_TO_DATE('" & (Format(Me.DateTimePicker1.Value, "yyyyMMdd") & " " & Me.mtbDueTime.Text).Trim & "','%Y%m%d %h:%i %p')" & ", " _
                       & "AssignedTo = '" & Me.cmboAssignedTo.SelectedValue.ToString & "', " _
                       & "Priority = '" & Me.cmboPriority.SelectedValue.ToString & "', " _
                       & "Done = '" & is_Done & "', " _
                       & "Action_cd = '" & Me.cmboAction.SelectedValue.ToString & "', " _
                       & "Narrative = '" & Me.txtDiaryNarrative.Text & "', " _
                       & "AppUID = ' " & gs_UserID & "', " _
                       & "JobRunID = 0, " _
                       & "PrgmFunction = 'Update Diary.btnSave_Click' " _
                       & "WHERE casecalendar.ID = " & CStr(ii_PickParm1)
                strSQL = "INSERT INTO casecalendar " _
                       & "(CasesTableID, DueDateTime, CreatedBy, AssignedTo, Priority, Done, Action_cd, Narrative, UpdateDateTime, InsertDateTime, DBCONNID, AppUID, JobRunID, PrgmFunction) " _
                       & "VALUES (" & ii_CasesTableID.ToString & "," _
                       & "STR_TO_DATE('" & (Format(Me.DateTimePicker1.Value, "yyyyMMdd") & " " & Me.mtbDueTime.Text).Trim & "','%Y%m%d %h:%i %p')" & ",'" _
                       & gs_UserID & "','" _
                       & Me.cmboAssignedTo.SelectedValue.ToString & "','" _
                       & Me.cmboPriority.SelectedValue.ToString & "','" _
                       & is_Done & "','" _
                       & Me.cmboAction.SelectedValue.ToString & "','" _
                       & Me.txtDiaryNarrative.Text _
                       & "',null,now(),'" _
                       & gs_DBCONNID & "','" _
                       & gs_UserID & "'," _
                       & "0,'Insert Diary.btnSave_Click');"
            End If 'ii_PickParm1 > 0 Then
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("#12.0 In screen form Class Diary btnSave_Click event, there was an General Exception thrown while processing Diary.ID = " & CStr(ii_PickParm1) & ". CLR error message follows: " _
            & ex.Message, "*************(TM) Exception:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
        End Try

            Try 'This Try-Catch block performs the Insert/Update to the casecalendar database table.

                'Debug Code -- Save 2007-02-01 by Ted Palmer
                'MessageBox.Show("Value strSQL: " & strSQL, _
                '"Subrogation Debug Message:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)

                myCommand.Connection = conn
                myCommand.CommandText = strSQL

                intReturn = myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
                Console.WriteLine("intReturn: " & CStr(intReturn))

            Catch myerror As MySqlException
                MessageBox.Show("#15.0 In screen form Class Diary >> btnSave_Click event there was a MySqlException writing casecalendar.ID = " & CStr(ii_PickParm1) & " to the casecalendar table in the Subrogation database. MySQL error message follows: " _
                & myerror.Message, _
                "*************(TM) Exception:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
            End Try

        Catch myerror As MySqlException
            MessageBox.Show("#13.0 In screen form Class Diary >> btnSave_Click event while processing casecalendar.ID = " & CStr(ii_PickParm1) & ", there was a MySqlException Connecting to the Subrogation Database. MySQL error message follows: " & myerror.Message, _
            "*************(TM) Exception:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("#14.0 In screen form Class Diary >> btnSave_Click event while processing casecalendar.ID = " & CStr(ii_PickParm1) & ", there was a General Exception Connecting to the Subrogation Database. CLR error message follows: " & ex.Message, _
            "*************(TM) Exception:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
            If conn.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then conn.Close()
        End Try

        Me.io_IWasCalledBy_Object.SetDgDiaryRecords() 'Refreshes the DataGrid on the MyFile screen.


My bug was in line

& "Narrative = '" & Me.txtDiaryNarrative.Text & "', " _

I didn't have the single quote that you see between the last double quotes at the end of the line just ahead of the comma. The CLR exception was thrown in the Catch clause identified by the literal #14.0

I didn't save any information about the CLR exception. If you want me to put my SQL syntax error back in my source code, build and run an executable, I can do that. I don't have much experience interperting CLR exceptions. The VS2008 IDE was running in debug mode when I figured this out. The VS2008 debugger had an exception object viewer that provided a lot of information, but I have no experience capturing that in a way that I could include it here except to make a screen shot of the part of the object viewer that you would find most helpful. If there is a way to accomplish capture of the content of the exception object viewer and you can communicate that to me, I would be thrilled to cooperate with you on that.

Suggested fix:
I have no clue. I have never written any C# or C++. This is my first bug report on MySQL. I hope you find if of value, and a useful investment of your time. I would be glad to cooperate and assist you in any way I can.
[8 Mar 2010 14:51] Tonci Grgin
Hi Ted and thanks for your report.

I must say I do not really get it... If CLR throws an error it means it did not even got to MySQL server. Did you checked that in general query log? If you did not, please do so now.
If it's about the interpretation of CLR errors, then BugsDB is not the place for that. There are forums and such.
[8 Mar 2010 15:07] Tonci Grgin
It is the same exception on the same place like in Bug#51610. Probably fix for that bug should be extended.
[8 Mar 2010 15:56] Ted Palmer
Tonci Grgin,

Thank you. You do good work..!!

Ted Palmer
[10 Mar 2010 19:14] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


800 Reggie Burnett	2010-03-10
      - fixed bug in tokenization where a nonterminated string in sql will cause a CLR exception
        rather than throwing a syntax exception (bug #51788)
[10 Mar 2010 19:17] Reggie Burnett
fixed in 6.0.6, 6.1.4, 6.2.3, and 6.3.2+
[24 Mar 2010 14:10] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the changelogs: 6.0.6, 6.1.4, 6.2.3, 6.3.2:

A non-terminated string in SQL threw a CLR exception rather than a syntax exception.