Bug #47582 main.perror-win fails on non-English versions of Windows
Submitted: 24 Sep 2009 7:11 Modified: 25 Jun 2013 10:25
Reporter: Sergey Petrunya Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1, 5.5 OS:Windows (XP Russian, Bulgarian)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Sep 2009 7:11] Sergey Petrunya
When one tries to run perror-win.test on a non-English (in my case Russian) version of Windows, it fails with the following error:

main.perror-win                          [ retry-fail ]
        Test ended at 2009-09-24 09:02:52

CURRENT_TEST: main.perror-win
--- c:/maria-slave/psergey-win32box/build/mysql-test/r/perror-win.result	2009-09-24 06:50:00.481372800 +0300
+++ c:\maria-slave\psergey-win32box\build\mysql-test\r\perror-win.reject	2009-09-24 08:02:52.177563200 +0300
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
-Win32 error code 150: System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.
+Win32 error code 150: Сведения о трассировке в файле CONFIG.SYS не найдены, либо трассировка запрещена.
 OS error code  23:  Too many open files in system
-Win32 error code 23: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
-Win32 error code 1062: The service has not been started.
+Win32 error code 23: Ошибка в данных (CRC).
+Win32 error code 1062: Служба не запущена.
 Illegal error code: 30000

mysqltest: Result length mismatch

 - saving 'c:/maria-slave/psergey-win32box/build/mysql-test/var/log/main.perror-win/' to 'c:/maria-slave/psergey-win32box/build/mysql-test/var/log/main.perror-win/'

Test has failed 2 times, no more retries!

(Full build/test log can be found at 

(For those not in the know: it is not possible to turn e.g. Russian Windows into English one, and it is quite hard to obtain English version while in a non-English country. So there's no easy workaround.)

How to repeat:
Run perror-win testsuite on a non-English windows.
[24 Sep 2009 8:24] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report.

I will give this to Kostja.
[24 Sep 2009 8:28] Susanne Ebrecht
btw. I have no clue about Russian but I was able to reproduce with German.
[24 Sep 2009 9:28] Peter Laursen
@Sergey - just FYI: "it is not possible to turn e.g. Russian Windows into English one".  Well it is possible with Vista and Win7 ULTIMATE editions (not sure about 2008). In Vista+ localisation is achieved through language files.  But only ULTIMATEs will let you use another one than the original.
[30 Sep 2009 19:36] Vladislav Vaintroub
I cannot try since I've got only English Windows, but this patch could help

=== modified file 'extra/perror.c'
--- extra/perror.c      2009-07-24 06:45:06 +0000
+++ extra/perror.c      2009-09-30 19:34:30 +0000
@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@
   LPTSTR s;
-                    NULL, error, 0, (LPTSTR)&s, 0,
+                    (LPTSTR)&s, 0,
     if (verbose)
[1 Oct 2009 19:13] Sergey Petrunya

I've tried this and now perror.exe prints: 

  Illegal error code: 1062
[1 Oct 2009 19:24] Sergey Petrunya
Another problem with this approach is that, do we really want to change messages
to English for everyone for the sake of making a test pass? 

As one alternative I could offer
1. making mysqltest understand multiple --replace_result commands (or have one command understand \-escaped line breaks

2. changing the test to 

--replace_result <English error text> ERROR_TEXT
--replace_result <Russian error text> ERROR_TEXT
--replace_result <other language error text> ERROR_TEXT
--exec $MY_PERROR 1062 2>&1

then we'll be able to expect single result of ERROR_TEXT
[7 Oct 2009 14:24] Vladislav Vaintroub
--replace_result <English error text> ERROR_TEXT

maybe even
--replace <anything> ERROR_TEXT

I don't think we can guarantee  stability of Windows error message texts across all versions of windows, nor can we get all possible localized messages for these 2 errors.

I'm sorry my attempt did not work.. Personally, I would prefer to see OS error messages in English instead of localized versions, as English is more google-friendly´== easy to find a help on the internet.
[27 Oct 2009 18:39] MySQL Verification Team
Failed on Portuguese Brazilian version too:

main.perror                              [ pass ]    248
main.perror-win                          [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2009-10-27 14:56:24

CURRENT_TEST: main.perror-win
'diff' não é reconhecido como um comando interno
ou externo, um programa operável ou um arquivo em lotes.
'mtrdiff' não é reconhecido como um comando interno
ou externo, um programa operável ou um arquivo em lotes.
[12 Nov 2010 1:02] Santo Leto
Obviously the test fails with Italian language too:

 --- D:/mysql-server/mysql-5.5-build3/mysql-test/r/perror-win.result >>>
MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
Win32 error code 150: System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file, or tracing is disallowed.
OS error code  23:  Too many open files in system
Win32 error code 23: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
MySQL error code 1062 (ER_DUP_ENTRY): Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %d
Win32 error code 1062: The service has not been started.
Illegal error code: 30000
 --- D:/mysql-server/mysql-5.5-build3/mysql-test/r/perror-win.result >>>
MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
Win32 error code 150: Le informazioni di registrazione del sistema non sono state specificate nel file CONFIG.SYS oppure la registrazione è disattivata.
OS error code  23:  Too many open files in system
Win32 error code 23: Errore nei dati (controllo di ridondanza ciclico).
MySQL error code 1062 (ER_DUP_ENTRY): Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %d
Win32 error code 1062: Servizio non avviato.
Illegal error code: 30000

Same for French language.
Bug #43749 can be marked as a duplicate of this one.
[20 Jan 2011 16:14] Santo Leto
Bug #43749 has been marked as duplicate of this one.
[24 Oct 2012 14:44] Paul DuBois
Changes for test suite. No changelog entry needed.
[25 Jun 2013 10:25] Georgi Kodinov
The test still fails if Bulgarian. What's even weirder I get the Cyrillic letters garbled in the failure notification.

Here's what I get on a recent 5.5 build : 
TEST                                      RESULT   TIME (ms) or COMMENT

worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 13000..13009
main.perror-win                          [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2013-06-25 13:19:05

CURRENT_TEST: main.perror-win
--- D:/mysql/work/B16996656-5.5/mysql-test/r/perror-win.result  2013-06-25 11:17:45.0
92000000 +0300
+++ D:\mysql\work\B16996656-5.5\mysql-test\r\perror-win.reject  2013-06-25 13:19:05.3
02071600 +0300
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
-Win32 error code 150: System trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS
file, or tracing is disallowed.
+Win32 error code 150: ╚эЇюЁьрЎш Єр чр ёыхфхэх эр ёшёЄхьрЄр эх х єърчрэр т·т тр°ш  Їр
щы CONFIG.SYS шыш яЁюёыхф трэхЄю х чрсЁрэхэю.
 OS error code  23:  Too many open files in system
-Win32 error code 23: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
+Win32 error code 23: ├Ёх°ър т фрээшЄх (яЁютхЁър ё Ўшъышўэр ъюэЄЁюыэр ёєьр).
 MySQL error code 1062 (ER_DUP_ENTRY): Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %d
-Win32 error code 1062: The service has not been started.
+Win32 error code 1062: ╙ёыєурЄр эх х ёЄрЁЄшЁрэр.
 Illegal error code: 30000