Bug #46758 backup_no_data fails in mtr
Submitted: 17 Aug 2009 13:27 Modified: 29 Aug 2009 23:21
Reporter: Jørgen Løland Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Backup Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Hema Sridharan CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Aug 2009 13:27] Jørgen Løland
backup_no_data was disabled due to bug#42756, but the test can not be enabled because it still fails with errors like these:

@@ -19,6 +19,25 @@
+#	1752	The grant 'ALTER ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'BACKUP ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'CREATE ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'CREATE ROUTINE ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'CREATE VIEW ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'DELETE ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'DROP ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'EVENT ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'INDEX ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'INSERT ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'LOCK TABLES ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'REFERENCES ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'RESTORE ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'SELECT ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'SHOW VIEW ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'TRIGGER ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.
+#	1752	The grant 'UPDATE ON `test`.*' for the user ''@'%' was skipped because the user does not exist.

How to repeat:
Run backup_no_data in mtr

Suggested fix:
Fix test or backup, whichever is wrong
[17 Aug 2009 13:29] Jørgen Løland
Remember to enable backup_no_data.test after fixing this bug.
[17 Aug 2009 20:05] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2860 Hema Sridharan	2009-08-17
      BUG#46758 (backup_no_data fails in MTR)
      The backup_no_data fails because of BUG#46765 where test database produces warnings during restore.
      This bug fix will not use BACKUP DATABASE * in the testcase.
[18 Aug 2009 15:05] Chuck Bell
Approved pending adding a note in BUG#46765 to remind developer to reenable test case of BACKUP DATABASE *.
[18 Aug 2009 15:11] Rafal Somla
Approved pending one change (comment out remove_file .../test/db.opt).
[18 Aug 2009 16:52] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2860 Hema Sridharan	2009-08-18
      BUG#46758 (backup_no_data test fails in mtr)
      The backup_no_data fails because of BUG#46765
      where test database produces warnings during restore.
      This bug fix will not use BACKUP DATABASE * in the test case.
[28 Aug 2009 10:01] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.4.4-alpha (revid:alik@sun.com-20090828100112-r73xkx8dhekz5bbb) (version source revid:jorgen.loland@sun.com-20090819062832-mzgo92b5zw4lfqkc) (merge vers: 5.4.4-alpha) (pib:11)
[29 Aug 2009 23:21] Paul DuBois
Not in any released version. No changelog entry needed.