Bug #45549 | UDF plugin_dir path separator inconsistency & cryptic ERROR 1126 message | ||
Submitted: | 17 Jun 2009 7:10 | Modified: | 3 Feb 2012 15:38 |
Reporter: | Roel Van de Paar | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: User-defined functions ( UDF ) | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 5.0, 5.1.28 | OS: | Windows |
Assigned to: | Kristofer Pettersson | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | Contribution, regression |
[17 Jun 2009 7:10]
Roel Van de Paar
[17 Jun 2009 7:11]
Roel Van de Paar
Also note bug #39116
[19 Jun 2009 20:19]
Andrew Hutchings
Problem appears to be due to this line in sql_udf.cc which seems to assume Unix type paths: strxnmov(dlpath, sizeof(dlpath) - 1, opt_plugin_dir, "/", udf->dl, NullS);
[20 Jun 2009 10:43]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/76760 2952 Andrew Hutchings 2009-06-20 Bug #45549 Windows UDF does not work because of '/' to plugin_dir path addition bug Fix plugin and udf paths to work in Windows by using FN_LIBCHAR instead of '/' and formating the default plugin_dir variable for the OS in use.
[22 Jun 2009 18:28]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/76859 2953 Andrew Hutchings 2009-06-22 Bug #45549 Windows UDF does not work because of '/' to plugin_dir path addition bug Get sensible error codes for dlopen() in Windows.
[22 Jun 2009 19:22]
Andrew Hutchings
Got lib_mysqludf_xql.dll working, it was failing due to missing library files. 2 patches commited to this bug fix some possible path problems, mainly cosmetic (default should work OK), and displays proper error codes for the dlopen() substitute when using UDFs and plugins in Windows. Note: When using my patch Windows Error 126 can mean the dll is missing or one of its dependencies is missing
[22 Jun 2009 22:32]
Roel Van de Paar
Setting more correct title and severity. Would be good to have path inconsistency fixed and windows errors made clearer. Some more info on windows paths: --------- The “\” path name separator character Path name components in Windows are separated by the “\” character, which is also the escape character in MySQL. If you are using LOAD DATA INFILE or SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE, use Unix-style file names with “/” characters: mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:/tmp/skr.txt' INTO TABLE skr; mysql> SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:/tmp/skr.txt' FROM skr; Alternatively, you must double the “\” character: mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:\\tmp\\skr.txt' INTO TABLE skr; mysql> SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:\\tmp\\skr.txt' FROM skr; --------- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/windows-vs-unix.html
[6 Aug 2009 0:13]
Fernando Beleski
any news on this? I am using older versions under Windows because of this bug...
[6 Aug 2009 0:34]
Roel Van de Paar
Fernando, Can you describe in detail the issue(s) that you are seeing? Thanks.
[6 Aug 2009 12:56]
Fernando Beleski
sorry, wrong message submitted, please delete it...
[23 Dec 2009 18:07]
Olivier Olivier
Hi, I just try with 5.1.41/Windows XP-SP3 and found no improvments. Tried to set plugin variable with slash, backslash, double backslash, re-installed mysql in mysql folder instead of "program files" to avoid spaces in folder name, tried to create function under dos and cygwin, no change. I don't agree with severity, it's critical as it's not possible to add UDF. Olivier
[23 Dec 2009 18:17]
Andrew Hutchings
Hello Oliver, Can you please use the file monitor in the following utility to see what mysqld is trying to do when loading your UDF?: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx
[23 Dec 2009 19:08]
Olivier Olivier
Here are the results. I wonder if the problem is really related to "file not found" as it seems that the plugin_dir is well searched at the beginning. I also discovered that I was not using the right compiler for windows, which the could be another error cause that I'm trying to correct but the contents of the .so file aren't used at this time aren't they ?. 20:03:35,6921031 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS CreationTime: 23/12/2009 18:29:01, LastAccessTime: 23/12/2009 20:00:04, LastWriteTime: 22/12/2009 19:07:24, ChangeTime: 23/12/2009 19:17:49, AllocationSize: 8 192, EndOfFile: 18 408, FileAttributes: AC 20:03:35,6922479 mysqld.exe 3652 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS Desired Access: Execute/Traverse, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:03:35,6923410 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: PAGE_EXECUTE 20:03:35,6923480 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_QUERY_INFORMATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS Type: QueryStandardInformationFile, AllocationSize: 8 192, EndOfFile: 18 408, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:03:35,6923539 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6923593 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:03:35,6923637 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6924504 mysqld.exe 3652 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6924624 mysqld.exe 3652 IRP_MJ_CLOSE C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6925980 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS CreationTime: 23/12/2009 18:29:01, LastAccessTime: 23/12/2009 20:03:35, LastWriteTime: 22/12/2009 19:07:24, ChangeTime: 23/12/2009 19:17:49, AllocationSize: 8 192, EndOfFile: 18 408, FileAttributes: AC 20:03:35,6927301 mysqld.exe 3652 IRP_MJ_CREATE C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS Desired Access: Execute/Traverse, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:03:35,6928120 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: PAGE_EXECUTE 20:03:35,6928206 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_CC_FLUSH C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6928282 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_CC_FLUSH C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6928333 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6928386 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex. SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:03:35,6928431 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex. SUCCESS 20:03:35,6929333 mysqld.exe 3652 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6929462 mysqld.exe 3652 IRP_MJ_CLOSE C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS 20:03:35,6930870 mysqld.exe 3652 Load Image C:\Mysql\lib\plugin\libphonex.so SUCCESS Image Base: 0x10000000, Image Size: 0x9000 20:03:35,6932820 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Mysql\bin\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6934123 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\system32\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6936139 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\system\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6937139 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6939001 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6940573 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\arcgis\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\bin\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6942462 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6942876 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_2\bin\cygwin1.dll PATH NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6943641 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-5.5.8-Q16\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6944842 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\system32\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6945809 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6947294 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6948825 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6950256 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\arcgis\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\bin\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6950839 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Ulead Systems\MPEG\cygwin1.dll PATH NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6951985 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN C:\Program Files\QuickTime Alternative\QTSystem\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND 20:03:35,6953578 mysqld.exe 3652 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN D:\oracle\sql\cygwin1.dll NAME NOT FOUND
[23 Dec 2009 19:31]
Andrew Hutchings
Hi Oliver, In your case it cannot find the dependency 'cygwin1.dll' in any of the paths searched in that output.
[24 Dec 2009 11:46]
Olivier Olivier
Thanks Andrew, the problem was there. It was searching cygwin.dll. I added it and it's ok. I suggest that the error message returns the searched file.
[25 Jan 2010 10:05]
Usoa Sasigain
Hello, How could I get a working mysql version for UDF plugin? I have Windows XP as operative system and don't know how to go through this bug. Thank you very much
[25 Jan 2010 10:25]
Andrew Hutchings
Usoa: it should work fine, please see my comments from 23rd December if you get an error
[25 Jan 2010 10:51]
Usoa Sasigain
Hi Andrew, nice to get so quick response. I have looked to all the post around this bug but couldn't make to work it. I downloaded this mysql version http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#downloads and installed, not making any change. And I get this error: "Can't open shared library 'C:\plugin/lib_mysqludf_xql.dll' (errno: 2 )" I guess with the wrong slash between plugin and the dll name. when I try to run "install plugin lib_mysqludf_xql soname 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'" comand at mysql shell. Could you give me some clue about what's going on. Thank you very much.
[25 Jan 2010 11:07]
Andrew Hutchings
Hello Usoa, Please use this tool to try and find out what this plugin is missing (there will be a library it tries to open which it is missing): http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx Most likely reason is it cannot find 'libxml2.dll'. The slashes in the path should not make a difference.
[25 Jan 2010 13:11]
Usoa Sasigain
Ok, I have used the tool you suggested and place correctly some missing libraries. But I'm blocked again, now the error is the next: ERROR 1127 (HY000): Can't find symbol '_mysql_plugin_interface_version_' in library. And I can't add here the log get from the tool because it says that it's too long. Thank you very much
[25 Jan 2010 13:22]
Andrew Hutchings
Hi Usoa, You need the following in your CMake Makefile: ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DMYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN")
[25 Jan 2010 13:46]
Usoa Sasigain
Sorry but, could you explain that a little bit more? where I could find the CMake Makefile? Sorry but I'm not familiar to all this things. Once again thank you for your help.
[25 Jan 2010 13:47]
Sergei Golubchik
No, you don't. You are loading a UDF, not a plugin. You need to use a syntax for loading UDFs - CREATE FUNCTION, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/udf-compiling.html
[25 Jan 2010 14:33]
Usoa Sasigain
Thank you very much Andrew and Sergei. Just in case it can help someone, with the help of Andrew and the tool suggested by him I added some libraries that I was missing. And after that with the help of Sergei I have left aside the "install plugin ..." command and use the "create function..." ones, exactly the next ones: CREATE FUNCTION lib_mysqludf_xql_info RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_textdecl RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_pi RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_dtd RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_element RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_forest RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_concat RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION xql_agg RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_comment RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_cdata RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; CREATE FUNCTION xql_encode RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_xql.dll'; Thank you very much for your help and quick answers for both of you!
[26 Mar 2010 6:44]
Peter Yau
MySQL Community Edition 5.1.45 Win32 (mysql-5.1.45-win32.msi) Tried to install the below fulltext plugin : Simple N-Gram fulltext plugin for MySQL (http://sites.google.com/site/mysqlbigram/home) The file is put at C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so mysql> install plugin bi_gram SONAME 'bi_gramlib.so'; ERROR 1126 (HY000): Can't open shared library 'C:\MySQL51\lib/plugin/bi_gramlib.so' (errno: 2 ) Using Process Monitor, the above command generate the below logs : 14:41:46.4268818 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:29, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:37:16, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4270796 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.MYI SUCCESS CreationTime: 2008/11/14 18:31:32, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:37:16, LastWriteTime: 2008/11/14 18:31:32, ChangeTime: 2009/06/12 11:16:51, AllocationSize: 4,096, EndOfFile: 1,024, FileAttributes: A 14:41:46.4272720 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFile C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.MYI SUCCESS Desired Access: Generic Read/Write, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 14:41:46.4274391 mysqld.exe 2068 ReadFile C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.MYI SUCCESS Offset: 0, Length: 24 14:41:46.4276120 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:29, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4277621 mysqld.exe 2068 ReadFile C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.MYI SUCCESS Offset: 0, Length: 347 14:41:46.4279244 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:29, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4281020 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.MYD SUCCESS CreationTime: 2008/11/14 18:31:32, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:03:58, LastWriteTime: 2008/11/14 18:31:32, ChangeTime: 2009/06/12 11:16:51, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: A 14:41:46.4283099 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFile C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.MYD SUCCESS Desired Access: Generic Read/Write, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 14:41:46.4285024 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:29, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4286488 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:29, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4287996 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:29, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:09:50, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4289751 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\Data\mysql\plugin.TRG NAME NOT FOUND 14:41:46.4291212 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51 SUCCESS CreationTime: 2009/03/14 22:46:18, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 14:06:30, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 14:06:30, AllocationSize: 0, EndOfFile: 0, FileAttributes: D 14:41:46.4292446 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFile C:\MySQL51\my.ini SUCCESS Desired Access: Generic Read, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: N, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 14:41:46.4294022 mysqld.exe 2068 ReadFile C:\MySQL51\my.ini SUCCESS Offset: 0, Length: 4,096 14:41:46.4295810 mysqld.exe 2068 ReadFile C:\MySQL51\my.ini SUCCESS Offset: 4,096, Length: 4,096 14:41:46.4297277 mysqld.exe 2068 ReadFile C:\MySQL51\my.ini SUCCESS Offset: 8,192, Length: 695 14:41:46.4298294 mysqld.exe 2068 ReadFile C:\MySQL51\my.ini END OF FILE Offset: 8,887, Length: 4,096 14:41:46.4299246 mysqld.exe 2068 CloseFile C:\MySQL51\my.ini SUCCESS 14:41:46.4301006 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS CreationTime: 2010/03/26 09:50:36, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:36:21, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 09:42:11, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 11:02:09, AllocationSize: 16,384, EndOfFile: 16,171, FileAttributes: A 14:41:46.4302512 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFile C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS Desired Access: Execute/Traverse, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 14:41:46.4303699 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFileMapping C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: PAGE_EXECUTE 14:41:46.4303808 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS AllocationSize: 16,384, EndOfFile: 16,171, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 14:41:46.4303987 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFileMapping C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 14:41:46.4305180 mysqld.exe 2068 CloseFile C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS 14:41:46.4306985 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryOpen C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS CreationTime: 2010/03/26 09:50:36, LastAccessTime: 2010/03/26 14:41:46, LastWriteTime: 2010/03/26 09:42:11, ChangeTime: 2010/03/26 11:02:09, AllocationSize: 16,384, EndOfFile: 16,171, FileAttributes: A 14:41:46.4308432 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFile C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS Desired Access: Execute/Traverse, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 14:41:46.4309602 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFileMapping C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: PAGE_EXECUTE 14:41:46.4309700 mysqld.exe 2068 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS AllocationSize: 16,384, EndOfFile: 16,171, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 14:41:46.4309803 mysqld.exe 2068 CreateFileMapping C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 14:41:46.4311320 mysqld.exe 2068 CloseFile C:\MySQL51\lib\plugin\bi_gramlib.so SUCCESS 14:41:46.4413397 mysqld.exe 2068 TCP Receive localhost:3308 -> localhost:2221 SUCCESS Length: 50 14:41:46.4460056 mysqld.exe 2068 TCP Send localhost:3308 -> localhost:2221 SUCCESS Length: 88 Please help as It do not seems to missing dependency file and this plugin is proved to be usable in other websites. Thanks a lot.
[12 Oct 2010 19:04]
Pele pelevet
I am having the same exact issue i am running mysql on windows vista and i coudnt figure out how to fix it thru this bundle file that is post as a patch can you guys help me ?
[12 Oct 2010 19:04]
Pele pelevet
I am having the same exact issue i am running mysql on windows vista and i coudnt figure out how to fix it thru this bundle file that is post as a patch can you guys help me ?
[3 Feb 2012 15:38]
Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.5.21, 5.6.5 changelogs. On Windows, the server incorrectly constructed the full path name of the plugin binary for INSTALL PLUGIN and CREATE FUNCTION ... SONAME.
[3 Feb 2012 15:38]
Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.5.21, 5.6.5 changelogs. On Windows, the server incorrectly constructed the full path name of the plugin binary for INSTALL PLUGIN and CREATE FUNCTION ... SONAME.