Bug #44644 agent installer missing for IBM i5/OS V5R4 (64bit)
Submitted: 4 May 2009 14:59 Modified: 9 Jan 2015 14:38
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Agent Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:IBM i (V5R4 64bit)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: build

[4 May 2009 14:59] Carsten Segieth
There is no MEM agent installer for IBM i5/OS V5R4.

How to repeat:
compare supported platforms for mysqld [http://www.mysql.com/support/supportedplatforms/enterprise.html] with available / supported agent platforms [http://mysql.com/support/supportedplatforms/enterprise-monitor-agent.html]
[4 May 2009 15:06] Carsten Segieth
changed to explicit mark for the 64bit agent
[5 May 2009 18:32] Keith Russell
Bitrock has been made aware of the need for this installer.
[6 May 2009 16:06] BitRock Merlin
New InstallBuilder version sent to Keith.
[26 Jun 2009 13:03] Jan Kneschke
We should just build on the i5 box itself and see if that fixes the problem. 

Same as Bug#44644
[15 Jul 2009 20:43] Kyle Joiner
I received the same result installing the 2.0 agent on the Support I5.  the 2.1 agent partially installs but fails in the post installation configuration:

0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
########################################Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete 
Error running /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/mysql-monitor-agent 
--plugins=agent --agent-generate-uuid=true : child killed: illegal instruction
Press [Enter] to continue : 

It failed during creation of the mysql-monitor-agent.ini file with these values:
#agent-uuid = @@MYSQL_UUID@@
##log-file = @@MYSQL_LOG_FILE@@

After manually setting these values and creating the instance directory and necessary files and trying to run the agent it errors:

bash-2.05b# sh mysql-monitor-agent start
 ERROR! @@MYSQL_AGENT_BIN_FILE@@ does not exist or is not executable
[18 Jul 2009 12:01] Kent Boortz
The SIGAR library we use is not ported to i5/OS PASE. I could
earlier build with my own patches, but the users would lack most
information about memory and cpu usage.

Now when the SIGAR source has changed and is in its own repository,
my patches don't work, and making new patches just to make it
compile would be too messy after the source changes.

So I bounce this back to development, to port SIGAR to i5/OS PASE,
the AIX emulation layer. The problem is that PASE lacks "perfstat",
and it also lacks "-lodm -lcfg".
[4 Aug 2009 10:16] BitRock Merlin

We have took a look into this issue. Please see our comments below.

I received the same result installing the 2.0 agent on the Support I5.
 the 2.1 agent partially installs but fails in the post installation

0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
########################################Warning: Problem running
post-install step.
Installation may not complete
Error running /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/mysql-monitor-agent
--plugins=agent --agent-generate-uuid=true : child killed: illegal instruction
Press [Enter] to continue :

BITROCK: Could you check that this work manually for you? This action is executed in order to get the uuid for further substition in mysql-monitor.ini, however it seems that the problem could be in also in the agent binary itself. Could you check this on your side?

It failed during creation of the mysql-monitor-agent.ini file with these values:
#agent-uuid = @@MYSQL_UUID@@
##log-file = @@MYSQL_LOG_FILE@@

After manually setting these values and creating the instance
directory and necessary
files and trying to run the agent it errors:

bash-2.05b# sh mysql-monitor-agent start
 ERROR! @@MYSQL_AGENT_BIN_FILE@@ does not exist or is not executable

BITROCK: These substituions are not the cause of the error, they are not done
because of the previous error received during the installation. All these substitutions are executed after the instruction that is currently failing.

Please let us know if you can reproduce the error manually executing:

--plugins=agent --agent-generate-uuid=true

