Bug #40778 | thd_security_context has bad architecture; allocates on unprotected memroot | ||
Submitted: | 17 Nov 2008 9:46 | Modified: | 9 Jan 2009 17:27 |
Reporter: | Kristofer Pettersson | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Storage Engine API | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 5.0 | OS: | Any |
Assigned to: | Kristofer Pettersson | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[17 Nov 2008 9:46]
Kristofer Pettersson
[17 Nov 2008 13:40]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/58950 2687 Kristofer Pettersson 2008-11-17 Bug#40778 thd_security_context has bad architecture; allocates on unprotected memroot The function thd_security_context allocates memory on an unprotected MEM_ROOT if the message length becomes longer than requested and the initial buffer memory needs to be reallocated. This patch fixes the design error by copying parts of the reallocated buffer to the destination buffer. This works because the destination buffer isn't owned by the String object and thus isn't freed when a new buffer is allocated. Any new memory allocated by the String object is reclaimed when the object is destroyed at the end of the function call.
[17 Nov 2008 14:00]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/58955 2687 Kristofer Pettersson 2008-11-17 Bug#40778 thd_security_context has bad architecture; allocates on unprotected memroot The function thd_security_context allocates memory on an unprotected MEM_ROOT if the message length becomes longer than requested and the initial buffer memory needs to be reallocated. This patch fixes the design error by copying parts of the reallocated buffer to the destination buffer. This works because the destination buffer isn't owned by the String object and thus isn't freed when a new buffer is allocated. Any new memory allocated by the String object is reclaimed when the object is destroyed at the end of the function call.
[17 Nov 2008 14:00]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/58956 2688 Kristofer Pettersson 2008-11-17 Bug#40778 thd_security_context has bad architecture; allocates on unprotected memroot The function thd_security_context allocates memory on an unprotected MEM_ROOT if the message length becomes longer than requested and the initial buffer memory needs to be reallocated. This patch fixes the design error by copying parts of the reallocated buffer to the destination buffer. This works because the destination buffer isn't owned by the String object and thus isn't freed when a new buffer is allocated. Any new memory allocated by the String object is reclaimed when the object is destroyed at the end of the function call. -- MySQL Code Commits Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/commits To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/commits?unsub=commits@bugs.mysql.com
[17 Nov 2008 14:08]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/58957 2687 Kristofer Pettersson 2008-11-17 Bug#40778 thd_security_context has bad architecture; allocates on unprotected memroot The function thd_security_context allocates memory on an unprotected MEM_ROOT if the message length becomes longer than requested and the initial buffer memory needs to be reallocated. This patch fixes the design error by copying parts of the reallocated buffer to the destination buffer. This works because the destination buffer isn't owned by the String object and thus isn't freed when a new buffer is allocated. Any new memory allocated by the String object is reclaimed when the object is destroyed at the end of the function call.
[8 Dec 2008 10:20]
Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.31 (revid:kristofer.pettersson@sun.com-20081117141721-x8jrq5vhnhwotxtu) (version source revid:patrick.crews@sun.com-20081126180318-v685u61mpgoc176x) (pib:5)
[8 Dec 2008 11:31]
Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.9-alpha (revid:kristofer.pettersson@sun.com-20081117141721-x8jrq5vhnhwotxtu) (version source revid:ingo.struewing@sun.com-20081121151447-dtf2ofz2ys0zqed1) (pib:5)
[9 Jan 2009 17:27]
MC Brown
Internal only. No documentation needed.
[19 Jan 2009 11:32]
Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.31-ndb-6.2.17 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090119095303-uwwvxiibtr38djii) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090108105244-8opp3i85jw0uj5ib) (merge vers: 5.1.31-ndb-6.2.17) (pib:6)
[19 Jan 2009 13:09]
Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.31-ndb-6.3.21 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090119104956-guxz190n2kh31fxl) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090119104956-guxz190n2kh31fxl) (merge vers: 5.1.31-ndb-6.3.21) (pib:6)
[19 Jan 2009 16:14]
Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.31-ndb-6.4.1 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090119144033-4aylstx5czzz88i5) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090119144033-4aylstx5czzz88i5) (merge vers: 5.1.31-ndb-6.4.1) (pib:6)