Bug #4000 subquery with variable on BDB table fails + damages table
Submitted: 4 Jun 2004 11:51 Modified: 23 Jun 2004 17:55
Reporter: Matthias Leich Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Sergei Golubchik CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Jun 2004 11:51] Matthias Leich
If have a Subquery using a variable on a table of type BDB.
  select 1 as my_column FROM t1 where
  exists ( select 1 from t2 where b = @arg00 ) ;   (@arg00='two')
     table t1: non empty, MYISAM   table t2: empty, BDB 
This subquery fails with:
  mysqltest: At line 34: query 'select 1 as my_column FROM t1 where exists 
            ( select 1 from t2 where b = @arg00 ) ' 
             failed: 1015: Can't lock file (errno: -30982)
  ..../mysql-4.1/dst/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
  Version: '4.1.2-alpha'  socket: ..../mysql.sock' 
  port: 41000
  040604 10:54:43  bdb:  transaction has active cursors
  040604 10:54:43  bdb:  PANIC: Invalid argument
  040604 10:54:43  bdb:  fatal region error detected; run recovery
  040604 10:55:01  bdb:  fatal region error detected; run recovery
  040604 10:55:01  bdb:  fatal region error detected; run recovery
  040604 10:55:01  bdb:  fatal region error detected; run recovery
After that statement I'm unable to drop t2 (-> 1051: Unknown table 't2'),
but a create t2 also fails (->1050: Table 't2' already exists). So I assume
that some table information is damaged.

Further experiments:
 The (incomplete) property matrix
 remark     outer table inner table  use of variable  problem
 case 1:        empty      empty           YES           NO
 case 2:        empty    non empty         YES           NO
 case 3:     non empty     empty            NO           NO
 problem :   non empty     empty           YES          YES

 BTW: The effect will not change if
      - I replace t1 with t2 (work on the same physical table)
  or  - the constant 1 is replaced with a column from the outer table.

 My assumptions:
 - The problem occurs during execution of the statement, when the server
   already knows that that the outer table is not empty but before he
   detects, that the subquery will get row not found. He is unable to
   lock the table file.
 - The behaviour is very strange, because it depends on the use of the
 - The problem depends on the use of the BDB table handler for the table t2.
   If I replace BDB with MYISAM, the problem disappears.  

My environment: Intel PC with Linux(SuSE 9.0), MySQL 4.1 source distrib.
                                 (last bk pull 2004-06-01)

How to repeat:
Please use my test script.

Suggested fix:
It depends on the field where the error is situated:
  - BDB engine: It is NO MySQL bug, do what you want.
  - mysqltest or MySQL server: Please repair ist.
[4 Jun 2004 11:54] Matthias Leich
Test case file for mysqltest

Attachment: bla.test (application/octet-stream, text), 1.74 KiB.

[7 Jun 2004 14:51] Matthias Leich
The bug seems to be bigger, because the variable is not needed.
I have an a little bit different(correlated subquery,no variable) test case
which gives the same error. I assume there is the same reason for the same 
wrong behaviour. That's the reason why I do not write a new bug report.
Please have a look on the file ml_err5.test.
BTW: I have also a test case (correlated subquery, prepared statement) with 
     that error.
[7 Jun 2004 14:53] Matthias Leich
test case with correlated subquery + no variable

Attachment: ml_err5.test (application/octet-stream, text), 250 bytes.

[7 Jun 2004 17:17] Ramil Kalimullin
Matthias, thank you for the excellent test cases!

  1.1896 04/06/07 20:16:02 ram@gw.mysql.r18.ru +3 -0
  A fix (Bug #4000: subquery with variable on BDB table fails + damages table).
[22 Jun 2004 10:48] Michael Widenius
Sergei will shortly push a fix for index_init/index_end usage that will fix this bug.
[23 Jun 2004 17:55] Sergei Golubchik
fixed in 4.1.3