Bug #3811 wrong result, prepared statement, union, parameter in result column list
Submitted: 18 May 2004 14:06 Modified: 25 May 2004 8:49
Reporter: Matthias Leich Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1 OS:
Assigned to: Oleksandr Byelkin CPU Architecture:Any

[18 May 2004 14:06] Matthias Leich
The prepared statement 'select ? as my_col union distinct select ?' with
the parameter values 'abc' 'abc' gets a wrong result

Fetched result: one row with one column (correct), but
                the content is an empty string (length 0)

I would expect: one row with one column and the content 'abc'

My environment Linux (SuSE 9.0), MySQL 4.1 source distrib
                                 (last bk pull 16.05.2004)

How to repeat:
Please my attached file as function into client_test.c
[18 May 2004 14:07] Matthias Leich
function to be included in client_test.c

Attachment: union3 (application/octet-stream, text), 4.66 KiB.

[20 May 2004 18:13] Oleksandr Byelkin
  1.1858 04/05/20 19:08:34 bell@sanja.is.com.ua +2 -0 
  assigning max_length parameter for Item_param (Bug #3811)
[25 May 2004 8:49] Oleksandr Byelkin
Thank you for bugreport. bug is fixed now.