Bug #38071 rpl_row_basic_2myisam: results mismatch in row mode
Submitted: 12 Jul 2008 14:37 Modified: 17 Jul 2008 16:34
Reporter: Andrei Elkin Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Row Based Replication ( RBR ) Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: disabled, pushbuild, result_mismatch, rpl_row, sporadic, test failure

[12 Jul 2008 14:37] Andrei Elkin
        tfl_name: rpl.rpl_row_basic_2myisam 'row'
    tfl_tst_type: ps_row
        psh_tree: bzr_mysql-6.0-bugteam
       psh_order: 54
tfl_bld_platform: debx86-b
        tfl_text: rpl.rpl_row_basic_2myisam 'row' [ fail ]

--- /data0/pushbuild/pb2/pb/bzr_mysql-6.0-bugteam/54/mysql-6.0.6-alpha-pb54/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_basic_2myisam.result	2008-07-11 17:32:17.000000000 +0300
+++ /data0/pushbuild/pb2/pb/bzr_mysql-6.0-bugteam/54/mysql-6.0.6-alpha-pb54/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_basic_2myisam.reject	2008-07-11 19:28:05.245026703 +0300
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
 INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1, "", 1);
 INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2, repeat(_utf8'a', 128), 2);
-Table definition on master and slave does not match: Column 1 size mismatch - master has size 384, test.t3 on slave has size 49. Master's column size should be <= the slave's column size.
+Table definition on master and slave does not match: Column 1 size mismatch - master has size 512, test.t3 on slave has size 65. Master's column size should be <= the slave's column size.
mysqltest: Result content mismatch

How to repeat:
[14 Jul 2008 15:58] Alexander Nozdrin
See also: Bug#37883, Bug#37879, Bug#37884, Bug#37882.
[15 Jul 2008 7:17] Alexander Nozdrin
Test case has been disabled because it fails too often.
[17 Jul 2008 16:34] Andrei Elkin

Sorry, I delayed with the verdict lines for day or so.

The case appeared to fixed by a part of Bug #37426 fixes pushed separately: