Bug #36120 one more windows installer with problems
Submitted: 16 Apr 2008 9:03 Modified: 4 Dec 2008 14:58
Reporter: Peter Laursen (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Config Wizard Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.24 OS:Windows (vista 32 bit)
Assigned to: Iggy Galarza CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: qc

[16 Apr 2008 9:03] Peter Laursen
I myself reported this:

but there are still issues!

I have all major versions installed (3.23, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, a special SolidDB build and a Maria preview).

The installer pops up attached message for both 5.0 and 5.1.  It should not pop up for 5.0 when installing 5.1! 

the configuration wizard pops up small windows that are not reziable and where controls are not accessible!

How to repeat:
install on Vista ...

Suggested fix:
WOW ... do you really want to fix this time .... :-)
[16 Apr 2008 9:04] Peter Laursen
irrelevant message related to 5.0 appears

Attachment: overwrite.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 48.59 KiB.

[16 Apr 2008 9:04] Peter Laursen
configuration wizard with non-accessible controls

Attachment: dialogue.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 9.19 KiB.

[16 Apr 2008 9:07] Peter Laursen
that are not reziable >> that are not resizable
[26 Apr 2008 14:32] Peter Laursen
Also the configuration wizard shipped with 5.0.51 displays the messages as regards both 5.0 and 5.1 (and 5.1 is irrelevant).
[26 Apr 2008 14:34] Peter Laursen
one of messages appearing in Config wizard when installing 5.0.51b

Attachment: mysql50inst.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 47.01 KiB.

[5 May 2008 19:50] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

I can not repeat described behavior on 32-bit Vista Business. Please indicate accurate version of your Vista and if you installed (not installed) SP1. Also please provide installation layout (basedir, datadir and path to configuration file can help to repeat it I believe) and service names of your MySQLs.
[5 May 2008 20:37] Peter Laursen
Please indicate accurate version of your Vista 
>> Vista Ultimare 32 bit.  Anything else?  If so how do I retrieve what you want?

and if you installed (not installed) SP1. 
>> yes, SP1 is installed

Also please provide installation layout -- 
>> everything as traditional as can be:
basedir >> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1
datadir >> C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data 
Path to configuration file >>C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini

and service names of your MySQLs.
>> the service name of this instance is 'MySQL51'.  Other service names are 'MySQL3', 'MySQL40', 'MySQL41', 'MySQL50' and 'MySQL60'.

Please ignore what I wrote about the SolidDB and the Maria version.  They are not permanently installed as services (I either start those as a 'user program' or reconfigure one of the servies ('MySQL50' for the SolidDB and  'MySQL51' for the Maria preview) with 'MySQL Administrator' when I need to use one of those.

Maybe simply service names 'MySQL50' and 'MySQL51' are in conflict here?

Also the problem that the configuration wizard graphics is not properly sized (and thus controls out of reach) is probably quite another problem!  I installed 5.0.51b and reinstalled 6.0.4 recently and did not encounter this. 

Does the 5.1 installer use some OpenGL (or other kind of non-bitmap) graphics for instance that the other ones do not ?  I can try install 5.1.24 again if you want me to verify this issue!
[6 May 2008 21:11] Iggy Galarza
Here are the steps I followed to reproduce this problem on a clean copy of Windows XP using the essential installers:

1. Install mysql-5.0.45 using the defaults.
2. Configure the new instance using the defaults.
3. Stop the MySQL service instance.
4. Move the /data directory to a new location. I used C:/MySQL/5.0/Data/.
5. Edit the server config file (C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0./my.ini) and change the value of the datadir option to reflect the new location.
6. Install mysql-5.1.23-rc using the defaults.
7. Configure the new instance using the defaults except for Port = 3307 and Service Name = MySQL51
8. Install mysql-5.0.51b using the defaults.
9. Begin to configure the new instance and you will see the 5.0 warning.  Click Cancel.
10. Install mysql-5.1.24-rc using the defaults.
11. Begin to configure the new instance and you will see both the 5.0 and the 5.1 warning. Click Cancel.

The reason is because the instance config wizard attempts to detect all the installed instances on the machine and is alerting you to possible problems before you begin configuration. This is to help users who may have missed the new data location. If they bailout at this point they can Modify their installation and set the custom data location or they can move their existing data to the new location before breaking their installation. The suggested solution doesn't make sense for 5.0. The only workaround is to manually create a DataLocation string key in HKLM\Software\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0\ that points to the root of the new data location (C:\MySQL\5.0\ for my test). 

I agree that getting both warnings is a little bit of overkill. Instead the warning could be moved until after a single instance is selected. Also the suggested solution should be removed for versions < 5.1. The sizing problem described is a different problem. Versions 5.0.51b and 5.1.24-rc use the same version of the config wizard(
[20 Jun 2008 17:30] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Configuration wizard in version 5.1.25 was changed. Therefore, please, try this version and inform us if problem still exists.

Although new version has bug #37534, this one is probably solved.
[20 Jun 2008 18:40] Peter Laursen
Horrible CRAP as usual!

I had installed 5.1.25 some time ago already (but skipped the config wizard). Now I uninstalled and installed again.  The irrelevant mesage about 5.0 still appeared both when uninstalling and installing.  The config wizard is stil completely unusable.  Screnshots will be attached.

Now after this I have still not been able to start the server up and running. Something in system has been corrupted!
[20 Jun 2008 18:44] Peter Laursen
this irrelevant message appears when installing and uninstalling

Attachment: version.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 42.93 KiB.

[20 Jun 2008 18:44] Peter Laursen
almost unusable config wizard

Attachment: dialogue.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 10.58 KiB.

[20 Jun 2008 18:45] Peter Laursen
completely unusable dialogue

Attachment: dialogue2.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 8.98 KiB.

[20 Jun 2008 19:03] Peter Laursen
after 2 uninstalls the config wizard worked/dislayed correctly 3rd time. and server was installed and configured (I realise that the problem was that it 'interfered' with another running MySQL instance as the controls did not allow me to set service name and port)

However the issue in image to be attached next appeared.  This is reported in another report by another user.  The consequence is that server is running with an empty password for root.

Do not ask me to try again ... ggrrrrr! :-(

How can it be that only MySQL has all these problems wiht isntallers for Windows?
[20 Jun 2008 19:11] Peter Laursen
sorry .. that image did not get saved - or got saved where I cannot find it now.

The issue that I encoutered last time (when wizard suddenly was working) was this:
(and there is at least ONE report more about same posted by an unexperienced and very confused user ...)
[20 Jun 2008 19:54] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

> Now after this I have still not been able to start the server up and running. Something in system has been corrupted!

This is affect of bug I mentioned before. Workaround: manually change my.ini to point to the original datadir.
[20 Jun 2008 20:13] Peter Laursen
The problem was that when I uninstalled, the original my.ini got deleted (another *silly and unforgivable* bug I have reported here - but I forgot this and did not save a copy before uninstalling).

I tried to start it with a copy of "my_large.ini" template, but did not think about port setting and it probably conflicted with a running instance.  Also the MYSQL Administator configurator was not able to access the server.  It looks like service ws 'half-running' - server process displayed in task manager but client programs could not communicate wiht this server instance (due to port conflict I believe).  I realize that I should have set a non-used port in the copy of the options file template that I tried.  

We are back to the two issues:
* when (un)installing 5.1 a message pops up that is irrelevant becasue it refers to a configured 5.0 instance (with the service names I use).
* Config wizard graphics does not (always) scale correctly

I think I asked before if the configruation wizards uses some graphics that is not *simple bitmap* - like OpenGL/DirectX for instance?  It looks like it to me.  If so, I think that is unnecessary complexity for a installer splash screen!
[20 Jun 2008 21:42] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Verified as described.
[12 Jul 2008 12:44] Peter Laursen
problems persist with 5.1.26!  I just made a completely fresh install of 5.1.26

1) the misplaced message popped up for both 5.0 and 6.0

2) configuration wizard was *completely unusable*.  Dialogue window was too small and not resizable.  Grpahis was scaled too large too I think.  Controls were not visible/reachable.

I find it totally incredible that the complete MySQL orgainsation seems to think the Windows installers are complete unimportant.
[15 Nov 2008 23:30] Alex Wingrove
Just wanted to add that I have the same problem with the Configuration Wizard window being too small (Spy++ reported is was about 160x128 in size). I installed version mysql-5.0.67-win32 on Vista Business SP1. I chose the 'Complete' install option, and installed to the default location. I'm happy to help debug this if needed.
[3 Dec 2008 17:11] Iggy Galarza
The first symptom described was fixed on July 15, 2008.  I confirmed this today by using the steps I outlined in my comment on May 6, 2008 substituting Mysql 5.0.51b with 5.0.67 and 5.1.24 with 5.1.30.

I have not been able to reproduce the second symptom described at this time. 

Alex - Would you please describe your setup?  Do you have multiple instances of MySQL installed on your Vista machine?  Were they initial installs or upgrades?  Thanks in advance.
[4 Dec 2008 14:58] Iggy Galarza
The second symptom is a duplicate of bug#38723.  I am closing this bug because the first/main symptom is fixed and the other bug report has a better focus on the remaining symptom.