Bug #35314 (Leopard) MySQL Installer for 64-bit (G5) PPC leaves/Library/StartupItems empty
Submitted: 15 Mar 2008 20:48 Modified: 15 Mar 2008 22:10
Reporter: Terry Mahoney Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:version 5.0.51a-osx10.4-ppc-64bit OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Mar 2008 20:48] Terry Mahoney
The MySQL installation instructions at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mac-os-x-installation.html do not cover Mac OS X (client/non-server) version 5 (aka Leopard). Completing the instructions as given (for Mac OS 10.4.0 and MySQL 1.4.10a) gets a report of Successful Installation (of both MySQL and the MySQLStartupItem pkgs). However, the MySQL.prefpane refuses to start mysql. 

Some exploration showed that the /Library/StartupItems folder is empty. The /library/Receipts/ directory contains both the mysql-<version>.pkg and MySQLStartupItem.pkg.

How to repeat:
Try installing the captioned version of MySQL on a G5 Mac that has been upgraded to Leopard 10.5.2.

Suggested fix:
Cumbersome workaround, following the installation instructions for what to do if mysql does not start. I.e.,

shell> cd /usr/local/mysql
shell> sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe
(Enter your password, if necessary)
(Press Control-Z)
shell> bg
(Press Control-D or enter "exit" to exit the shell)

You should be able to connect to the MySQL server, for example, by running /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql

(I have not yet tried to connect to the server)
[15 Mar 2008 22:10] Mattias Jonsson
Duplicate of Bug#25008.