Bug #34990 Falcon: falcon_bug_34351_A & falcon_bug_34251_C fail periodically
Submitted: 3 Mar 2008 1:41 Modified: 5 Oct 2008 14:27
Reporter: Kevin Lewis Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Falcon storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:6.0.4 OS:Any
Assigned to: Kevin Lewis CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Mar 2008 1:41] Kevin Lewis
New testcases falcon_bug_34351_A & falcon_bug_34251_C fail periodically.  It is not because of any update conflict, which is the problem with 34351.  These tests create an environment in which two threads wait on each other quite often in fetchForUpdate().  These tests fail nearly all the time in pushbuild, but they fail on my laptop after several runs when I set mysql_test_run to run 10 in a row.

With falcon_bug_34251_C I have hit;
in table.cpp. line 2455.  And I have have also hit;
	bool ret = insert(record, NULL, recordNumber);
in table.cpp, line 2917.

In addition, when I change falcon_bug_34351_C so that key(t1_uuid) is not created, I have regularly hit a lock wait timeout on Windows.  But the funny thing is that it does not wait 50 seconds.  SyncObject::wait() calls thread->sleep (timeout) and returns with value zero, but yet the thread->lockGranted is still false.  So then timedout(timeout) is called when it really was not a 50 second timeout.  This situation is very likely to be the same as bug Bug#34890 - falcon_bug_22150.test fails on Pushbuild.

How to repeat:
perl mysql-test-run.pl --force --suite=falcon --manual-debug falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C falcon_bug_34351_C
[5 Mar 2008 19:42] Kevin Lewis
set to verified since I have consistently hit ASSERT(ret); at table.cpp, line 2917.
[5 Mar 2008 20:17] Kevin Lewis
I reproduced the assert in Table::insert many times and found that the call to Section::insertStub() was returning the same record Number to two different threads that did an insert of a new record.  The second one looses.  

Section::insertStub() uses Table::syncInsert to protect a couple bitmaps it uses to decide which record slot is available.  But it would release this SyncObject during the search of the section page.  I made it hold the synObject for the whole function and the assert did not happen anymore.  

In addition, I also could no longer reproduce the other assert in table.cpp. line 2455
[5 Mar 2008 20:27] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2588, 2008-03-05 14:25:44-06:00, klewis@klewis-mysql. +12 -0
  Bug#34990 - Fixed the condition in which two different 
  threads could get the same record number for an insert.
[12 Mar 2008 23:02] Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.4-alpha
[13 Mar 2008 16:01] Hakan Küçükyılmaz
Fix is in 6.0.5-alpha.
[5 Oct 2008 14:27] Jon Stephens
Documented bug fix in the 6.0.5 changelog as follows:

        Two different threads could obtain the same record number for concurrent
        inserts into the same Falcon table.