Bug #33217 test suite fails on Mac OS X Leopard
Submitted: 13 Dec 2007 15:23 Modified: 18 Feb 2008 21:38
Reporter: Giuseppe Maxia Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Tests Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.23 OS:MacOS (10.5 Leopard - Intel)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: cluster, leopard, regression, server, testing

[13 Dec 2007 15:23] Giuseppe Maxia
Three main problems when running the test suite on Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel based).

ChangeSet@1.2638, 2007-12-12 19:52:52+01:00

The server was compiled with the following options:

#! /bin/sh

path=`dirname $0`
. "$path/SETUP.sh"

extra_flags=" $fast_cflags $max_cflags -g"
extra_configs=" $max_configs"

. "$path/FINISH.sh"
# -------

Running the test suite without options hangs.

$ ./mtr
Logging: ./mtr 
071213 12:01:37 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because file system for /var/folders/r8/r8NTZuDQHcOkpX8B6dbMak+++TI/-Tmp-/oYO7V7Gxyb/ is case insensitive
MySQL Version 5.1.23
Using binlog format 'mixed'
Using ndbcluster when necessary, mysqld supports it
Setting mysqld to support SSL connections
Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD      = 0
Using MASTER_MYPORT         = 9306
Using MASTER_MYPORT1        = 9307
Using SLAVE_MYPORT          = 9308
Using SLAVE_MYPORT1         = 9309
Using SLAVE_MYPORT2         = 9310
Using NDBCLUSTER_PORT       = 9310
Using IM_PORT               = 9312
Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT       = 9313
Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT       = 9314
Killing Possible Leftover Processes
mysql-test-run: WARNING: Found non pid file master-slow.log in /Users/gmax/install/mysql-5.1/mysql-test/var/run
Removing Stale Files
Creating Directories
Installing Master Database
Installing Master Database
Installing Slave1 Database
Installing Master Cluster
Installing Slave Cluster


To run the test suite with NDB, I used this command:

./mtr --suite=ndb --mysqld=--user=root --force
It runs for a while, fails ndb_alter_table, passes ddb_alter_table2 and 3, and ndb_basic,  then it hangs (= 2 hours in the same ndb_waiter process).


When running the test suite with --skip-ndb, this is the list of failing tests:

main.alter_table main.fulltext2 main.merge main.ps main.sp rpl.rpl000013 rpl.rpl000017 rpl.rpl_000015 rpl.rpl_alter rpl.rpl_alter_db rpl.rpl_bit rpl.rpl_bit_npk rpl.rpl_change_master rpl.rpl_deadlock_innodb rpl.rpl_delete_no_where rpl.rpl_do_grant rpl.rpl_drop rpl.rpl_drop_db rpl.rpl_drop_temp rpl.rpl_dual_pos_advance rpl.rpl_extraColmaster_innodb rpl.rpl_extraColmaster_myisam rpl.rpl_failed_optimize rpl.rpl_flushlog_loop rpl.rpl_found_rows rpl.rpl_free_items rpl.rpl_get_lock rpl.rpl_innodb_bug30888 rpl.rpl_invoked_features rpl.rpl_load_from_master rpl.rpl_load_table_from_master rpl.rpl_misc_functions rpl.rpl_mixed_ddl_dml rpl.rpl_multi_engine rpl.rpl_multi_update rpl.rpl_optimize rpl.rpl_packet rpl.rpl_read_only rpl.rpl_redirect rpl.rpl_relay_space_innodb rpl.rpl_rotate_logs rpl.rpl_row_max_relay_size rpl.rpl_row_unsafe_funcs rpl.rpl_sporadic_master rpl.rpl_stm_000001 rpl.rpl_stm_EE_err2 rpl.rpl_stm_flsh_tbls rpl.rpl_stm_insert_delayed rpl.rpl_stm_no_op rpl.rpl_stm_reset_slave rpl.rpl_stm_until rpl.rpl_switch_stm_row_mixed rpl.rpl_temp_table

How to repeat:
see above
[13 Dec 2007 17:43] Patrick Crews
Verified this problem exists on Mac OS X Leopard.  Problem is not present in 10.4.

Still working to determine if this is related to Bug#32699:  http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=32699

When NDB tests are run, a number of orphan ndb related processes are left running after test timeout.
[14 Dec 2007 9:49] Giuseppe Maxia
To make the information more complete, please consider that on 5.0.54, built as mentioned in this report, the test suite passes, including the ndb tests.
There are only two failing tests (federated_bug_13118 rpl_ssl).
[18 Dec 2007 17:04] Giuseppe Maxia
More information, to identify the problem.

Compiling the server with debug options, only the following tests fail:

main.alter_table main.fulltext2 main.merge main.ps main.sp.

All replication tests passed.
The ndb suite hangs as with the regular build.

--- The build script : ---

#! /bin/sh

path=`dirname $0`
. "$path/SETUP.sh"

extra_flags=" $fast_cflags $max_cflags -g $debug_cflags"
extra_configs=" $max_configs $debug_configs"

. "$path/FINISH.sh"
[7 Feb 2008 8:17] Magnus BlÄudd
The failure to start NDB on OsX is fixed by BUG#30366. Since this bug mentions _at least_ three problems in one bug report, please reverify your problems and report them separately. 

Set OS="Mac OS X" in bugs db's search page.
[18 Feb 2008 21:38] Giuseppe Maxia
Replaced by two separate reports:
* Bug#34649 Test suite with cluster hangs on Mac OS X Leopard
* Bug#34650 Test suite without cluster fails on Mac OS X Leopard