Bug #32442 Application should remember window position/state
Submitted: 16 Nov 2007 16:56 Modified: 10 Jul 2008 13:06
Reporter: Johannes Taxacher Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Nov 2007 16:56] Johannes Taxacher
Application should remember window position/State of last execution

How to repeat:
- open WB
- maximize window
- close WB
- open again

Application should now open maximized
[11 Apr 2008 13:26] Alfredo Kojima
Marked bug #5992 and bug #35063 as duplicates of this
[11 Apr 2008 13:26] Alfredo Kojima
Marked bug #35992 and bug #35063 as duplicates of this
[29 May 2008 15:14] Mike Lischke
Fixed in 5.0 (rev 3113) and 5.1 (rev 3132)
[10 Jun 2008 15:12] Johannes Taxacher
workbench now stores window state/position, side-panel sizees on close and restores these settings on start.
this will be included in 5.0.23
[10 Jul 2008 13:06] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.0.23 changelog:

Workbench failed to restore window states, window positions and side-panel sizes from the previous execution of the application.
[11 Jan 2010 11:50] Miquel Rodriguez Telep
This is marked as fixed, with a lot of others marked as duplicates but, as far as I can tell, Workbench 5.2.11 never remembers pane sizes.

For example, if I open a connection tab and resize the schemata side pane and the bottom overview pane, then close and reopen the connection, all the panes are back to their default sizes. The same occurs if I exit the application and reopen the connection tab.

Furthermore, the state of the schemata tree (i.e. what is expanded/collapsed), the schema selected in the overview pane, and the view (large icons/small icons/list) selected in the overview pane are also not restored.

Expected result is that the pane sizes, positions, and settings are remembered.

My platform is Ubuntu Linux 9.10.