Bug #30408 Suite "parts" needs bug numbers updated
Submitted: 14 Aug 2007 15:48 Modified: 29 Aug 2007 18:47
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Tests Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.21 OS:Any
Assigned to: Timothy Smith CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: sr5_1

[14 Aug 2007 15:48] Joerg Bruehe
This was detected during release builds of 5.1.21.

Most likely, this is a consequence of bug#29245
  ("Bad Merge Caused Error Codes Conflict between 5.0/5.1")
having been fixed in 5.1.20

Error ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE had code 1514 up to version 5.1.19
but has code 1523 since version 5.1.20.

The logs have been severely reduced, to keep just the essential parts:

*** /PATH/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_alter2_innodb.result
--- /PATH/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_alter2_innodb.reject
*** 1523,118634
  # check single-6 success:     1
  INSERT INTO t1 SET f_int1 = @max_int_4 , f_int2 = @max_int_4, f_charbig = '#2147483647##';
  ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 2147483647
! DELETE FROM t1 WHERE f_int1 IS NULL OR f_int1 = 0;
! INSERT t1 SET f_int1 = 0 , f_int2 = 0,
! DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0_definition;
! DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0_template;
--- 1523,1530
  # check single-6 success:     1
  INSERT INTO t1 SET f_int1 = @max_int_4 , f_int2 = @max_int_4, f_charbig = '#2147483647##';
  ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 2147483647
! #      The last command got an unexepected error response.
! #      Expected/handled SQL codes are 0,1514

! #      SQL code we got was:   1523
! #      Sorry, have to abort.

*** /PATH/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_alter2_myisam.result
--- /PATH/mysql-test/suite/parts/r/partition_alter2_myisam.reject
*** 1587,73943
  # check single-6 success:     1
  INSERT INTO t1 SET f_int1 = @max_int_4 , f_int2 = @max_int_4, f_charbig = '#2147483647##';
  ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 2147483647
! DELETE FROM t1 WHERE f_int1 IS NULL OR f_int1 = 0;
! INSERT t1 SET f_int1 = 0 , f_int2 = 0,
! DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0_definition;
! DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0_template;
--- 1587,1594
  # check single-6 success:     1
  INSERT INTO t1 SET f_int1 = @max_int_4 , f_int2 = @max_int_4, f_charbig = '#2147483647##';
  ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 2147483647
! #      The last command got an unexepected error response.
! #      Expected/handled SQL codes are 0,1514

! #      SQL code we got was:   1523
! #      Sorry, have to abort.


How to repeat:
Run the "parts" test suite.

Suggested fix:
Change the expected error number.
[23 Aug 2007 20:28] Timothy Smith
ChangeSet isn't showing up in commits list for some reason.  Here it is:

[27 Aug 2007 18:39] Trudy Pelzer
Horst has verified Tim's patch fixes this and the following 
- Bug#30316 Some "parts" tests fail because the server uses "--secure-file-priv"
- Bug#30341: Test suite "parts" needs to be adapted to the new rules disallowing many functio
- Bug#30408: Suite "parts" needs bug numbers updated
- Bug#30411: Suite "parts" needs bug numbers updated: ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF
- Bug#30576: part_supported_sql_func_innodb.test tries to LOAD DATA outside of var dir
- Bug#30581 partition_value tests use disallowed CAST() function
[28 Aug 2007 18:38] Timothy Smith
Queued to target-5.1.22
[29 Aug 2007 18:47] Timothy Smith
Test case changes only, no need to document
[4 Sep 2007 17:12] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.23-beta