Bug #29162 show table status row counts for innodb include deleted but unpurged rows
Submitted: 17 Jun 2007 17:27 Modified: 22 Jun 2007 21:28
Reporter: Shane Bester (Platinum Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.44, 5.1.20 OS:Any
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: innodb, purge, row count

[17 Jun 2007 17:27] Shane Bester
maybe not a real bug, but possibly something that could adversely affect approximate row counts.

if you have a large table, t1, and then do 'delete from t1',
show table status will reflect delete-marked rows until the purge thread has purged them all. 

this can take a long time on a large batch of deletes

How to repeat:
will upload testcase later

Suggested fix:
not let show table status consider records to be purged?  can it skip them?
[22 Jun 2007 17:29] MySQL Verification Team
Small testcase to show what I mean.  Notice how the show table status shows decreasing rowcount each second (as innodb purges the rows).  select count(*) and checksum table report 0 because the table is really empty. 

drop table if exists bug29162;
create table bug29162(id int not null auto_increment primary key,a char(255))engine=innodb;
start transaction;
insert into bug29162(a) values ('a');
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
insert into bug29162(a) select a from bug29162;
show table status like 'bug29162';
delete from bug29162 limit 100000000;
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
show table status like 'bug29162';
select sleep(1);
[25 Jun 2007 13:54] Heikki Tuuri
For the SQL optimizer, it may be better to count also the delete-marked, unpurged rows.

For SHOW TABLE STATUS, it would be nice to estimate only the existing row count.

Marking this as a feature request.