Bug #25655 LIBMYSQL.dll not found
Submitted: 16 Jan 2007 17:15 Modified: 23 Jan 2007 12:41
Reporter: Horst Hunger Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.30 OS:Vista (64 bit)
Assigned to: Daniel Fischer CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Jan 2007 17:15] Horst Hunger
The instance manager cannot be used to make an instance, as it is not able to find the libmysql.dll.

How to repeat:
Call the instance manager. Use the next button until the end. Then execute.
[16 Jan 2007 19:28] Omer Barnir
This problem is not observed on Vista 32-bit.
The same 32-bit binary is used on both Vista 32 and 64
[16 Jan 2007 19:29] Omer Barnir
The setup.exe installer was used for install
[18 Jan 2007 9:40] Horst Hunger
The error occurs always when calling instance manager independent of being within installation or not. So, it is not executable.
[23 Jan 2007 12:41] Mads Martin Joergensen
Duplicate of bug#18220