Bug #18220 MySql Server Instance Configuration Wizard - Unable to Lacate component
Submitted: 14 Mar 2006 11:19 Modified: 8 Jan 2007 20:56
Reporter: jeo pi Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:MySQL 5.0, 5.1.12 OS:Windows (Windows Server 2003 R2 x64)
Assigned to: Michael G. Zinner CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: bfsm_2006_12_07

[14 Mar 2006 11:19] jeo pi
Application has failed to start because libmysql.dll was not found.

How to repeat:
Re-installing the application may fix this prolblem
[14 Mar 2006 11:51] jeo pi
How to Solve: i'm replace file libmysql.dll (windows x86) to libmysql.dll (server 2003 EM64T) in folder C:\Program Files\MySQL Server 5.0\bin and Config Path files in autoexec.bat (C:\Program Files\MySQL Server 5.0;C:\Program Files\MySQL Server 5.0\bin;) on Windows 2003 Server R2 x64bit Enterprise edition and run MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard again. 

Thankx, JeO
[16 Mar 2006 11:02] Martin
what is the main difference between the to files, isn't there some problems with using the x86 files when trying to optimize the system to run on x64 ??
[16 Mar 2006 11:12] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, specify the exact version and package (give URL) you tried to install on that machine.
[10 Apr 2006 0:38] Craig Harris
I have exact same problem with MySQL 5.0.19 for AMD64bit, installing using the complete installation; my OS is Windows Server 2003 R2 AMD 64bit Enterprise Edition.
I get same error, but copying the dll doesn't seem to fix it.

If I install the 32bit version then it works fine, but I want to use the 64bit version.
[11 Apr 2006 1:57] Occo Eric Nolf
Hi, same problem here - except that I'm using the Windows XP Professional x64 installer package.

If the Configuration Wizard is invoked from the installation program, it won't finish execution. On the final page a red cross appears in front of 'Write configuration file' but no error message pops up - I'm simply requested to finish the program.
If the Configuration Wizard is invoked from the Start menu, again execution will not be completed. The same red cross appears at 'Write configuration file', but this time an error message pops up stating that libmysql.dll was not found and re-install might solve this problem (it doesn't).

As far as I can determine, the options chosen during install and/or configuration are irrelevant - the Configuration Wizard always fails to execute.
Even installation and subsequent configuration with all standard options fails, which might point to a faulty path declaration in the Configuration Wizard. But if that's the case, why are there no more reports of this same problem?

Hope this helps :)

Occo Eric Nolf
[11 Apr 2006 5:55] jeo pi
I have exact same problem with MySQL 5.0.19 for HP Proliant ML370 G4 (Xeon 3.2G 64bit), installing with complete installation ( my OS is Windows Server 2003 R2 64bit Enterprise Edition)

i can't solve this problem. but i using 32bit version has't problem.
[11 Apr 2006 19:32] Craig Harris
Further testing showed that it only affects the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard -- manually configuring the service & settings worked fine and my 64bit databases ae running perfectly -- I just can't use the wizard for them until this bug is fixed.
[13 Apr 2006 18:15] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[10 May 2006 18:51] Joe Korzeniewski

Replace libmysql.dll with x86 version. Run configuration wizard. Restore original libmysql.dll. Voila
[10 May 2006 20:47] Occo Eric Nolf
LOL Joe - so simple, and yet it works perfectly!

Just an advice for people who want to switch from the 32-bit server to the 64-bit server.
Point the new server to the existing data directory of the old server. Don't copy anything to this directory - it'll work fine.
[28 May 2006 22:10] Amir Habibi
I simply downloaded the 64bit no install version and copied the dll to System32 folder of my windows X64 folder. It worked fine.
[30 Jun 2006 23:57] Chris Splinter
I've Made a patch to work around this, does anyone wont to host it? email me at csplinter at gmail dot com
[19 Sep 2006 23:24] Thomas Lambertz
For the x64-Version this is a bit amazing. As the Configuration Wizard seemes to be a 32bit application there´s no wonder that it can´t access the x64-dll mysqllib.dll. The errormessage "can`t FIND" is misleading - the file exists but for the wrong platform. The described workaround to temporarily exchange the dll to the x86 version surely helpes - for a further release it would be helpfull to deliver the needed x86 version within the package or - better - rebuild the Configuration Wizard for x86.

[19 Sep 2006 23:27] Thomas Lambertz
Sorry, my last comment has a typo - a rebuild of the Configuration Wizard not for x86 but for x64 would be helpfull
[25 Sep 2006 18:50] Louis Breda van

IMHO this is a serious bug, probably not to hard to solv. I understand that the seveirty is not critical, assuming an mysql expert can bypass the wizard. 
But it is very much anoying and complicating things as you just want to install
So, I just wonder when it will be fixed, given teh fact that it is known for so long! Also wonder if the priority should not be raised, if that is necessary to have it fixed in reasonable time.


[26 Sep 2006 3:26] Occo Eric Nolf
I couldn't agree more with the previous post.

Fixing this bug appears to be relatively simple, but nothing has been done in over 6 months.
I wonder how many people trying to install the x64 version have given up in the meantime?

Let me be quite clear: I like MySQL and I like the way they try to improve their products all the time.
But I'm afraid that the emphasis is too much on new things, and not enough on making sure that what's already there is actually working correctly. I got that feeling when I was figuring out how to run MySQL on Windows XP x64, and my current endeavours setting up MySQL on SuSE 10.1 x86_64 seem to confirm it.

[21 Nov 2006 0:41] Adi Feldman
I'd like to confirm that this issue still exists on 5.1.12-beta installing on Windows Vista Ultimate (x64)
[24 Nov 2006 14:45] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #24464 was marked as a duplicate of this one. Can it be fixed any time soon?
[24 Nov 2006 20:02] Chris Dahlberg
I (only once) received this error. The rest of the times I would get the error in bug #14649 ( http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=14649 ). I wouldn't be surprised if the bug is caused by the same issue, since the solution also seems to be the same.  Check that bug page for a possible workaround.
[13 Dec 2006 9:19] Occo Eric Nolf
Just 2 more days, then it will be 9 months ago this bug was first reported.
Well, 9 months ... wouldn't it be nice if someone gives birth to a solution?

Entries and comments in the bug database are labelled with a date, but the year is missing.
Considering the fact that many open threads - including quite a number about critical bugs - are well over a year old, it would be helpful if the year is included in the label.

[8 Jan 2007 20:56] Michael G. Zinner
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bug fix. More information about accessing the source trees is available at

[1 Oct 2009 1:15] Dinesh Alexandar
Hi Guys,
1) Install mysql server 
2) Don’t run configuration wizard 
3) Create the mysql service manually by using following command (mysqld--install mysql –defaults-file=”provide you’re my.ini path” this is the command)
4) change log on account to your local administrator account for mysql services 