Bug #23336 agent installer 0.7.2 cannot be started on HP-UX 11.23
Submitted: 16 Oct 2006 14:34 Modified: 17 Oct 2006 20:39
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:0.7.2 OS:HP/UX (HP-UX 11.23)
Assigned to: Keith Russell CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Oct 2006 14:34] Carsten Segieth
(same as bug#23328 on Solaris10):

I tried to start the agent installer 0.7.2 on HP-UX 11.23, but I was not
able to start it. I only get 

 cannot execute binary file

as result. Trying to start the 0.6.33 installer works as expected:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 4986374 Oct 13 18:54 /users/schilders/public_html/official_builds/linux/bitrock_agents/mysqlserviceagent-0.7.2-hpux11.23-ia64-installer.bin

/users/csegieth/bin/test-agent.sh: line 143: /users/schilders/public_html/official_builds/linux/bitrock_agents/mysqlserviceagent-0.7.2-hpux11.23-ia64-installer.
bin: cannot execute binary file
+++ RC = 126

How to repeat:
ssh mysqldev@production

or direct start: /users/schilders/public_html/official_builds/linux/bitrock_agents/mysqlserviceagent-0.7.2-hpux11.23-ia64-installer.bin --version
[17 Oct 2006 15:21] Carsten Segieth
using the re-build from Monday evening I could install. Re-test with 0.7.3 or later needed to verify this from the 'normal' build process.
[17 Oct 2006 20:39] Carsten Segieth
0.7.3 could be installed.