Bug #23328 agent installer 0.7.2 cannot be started on Solaris10 (Sparc64+AMD64)
Submitted: 16 Oct 2006 9:44 Modified: 17 Oct 2006 20:40
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:0.7.2 OS:Solaris (Solaris10 (Sparc64+AMD64))
Assigned to: Keith Russell CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Oct 2006 9:44] Carsten Segieth
I tried to start the agent installer 0.7.2 on Solaris10 (Sparc64), but I was not able to start it. I only get 

 Invalid argument

as result. Trying to start the 0.6.33 installer works as expected:

-bash: /users/schilders/public_html/official_builds/linux/bitrock_agents/mysqlserviceagent-0.7.2-solaris10-sparc64-installer.bin: Invalid argument

csegieth@sol10-sparc-b:~/mysql/network/agent>ls -og /users/schilders/public_html/official_builds/linux/bitrock_agents/mysqlserviceagent-0.7.2-solaris10-sparc6>
-rwxr-xr-x   1 3453010 Oct 13 18:54 /users/schilders/public_html/official_builds/linux/bitrock_agents/mysqlserviceagent-0.7.2-solaris10-sparc64-installer.bin

# BUT: trying to start the 0.6.33 agent the same way works:
Welcome to the MySQL Network Service Agent Setup Wizard.
Created with an evaluation version of BitRock InstallBuilder

Please specify the directory where MySQL Network Service Agent will be installed

Installation directory [/users/csegieth/mysqlnetworkagent-0.6.33]:

# ... here I cancelled the 0.6.33 agent

How to repeat:
ssh csegieth@sol10-sparc-b
[17 Oct 2006 15:24] Carsten Segieth
using the re-build from Monday evening I could install. Re-test with 0.7.3 or later needed to verify this from the 'normal' build process.
[17 Oct 2006 20:40] Carsten Segieth
0.7.3 could be installed.