Bug #23125 [patch] trigger test fails when run as root
Submitted: 10 Oct 2006 9:17 Modified: 30 Jan 2007 3:46
Reporter: Vasil Dimov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Tests Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.27-BK OS:
Assigned to: Magnus BlÄudd CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Contribution

[10 Oct 2006 9:17] Vasil Dimov
When run as root the test `trigger' fails.

The reason is that the test expects that writing to a file will fail after `chmod 0' on that file. This is not true for the superuser.

--- cut ---
Logging: ./mysql-test-run trigger
Installing Test Databases
Removing Stale Files
Installing Master Databases
running  ../sql/mysqld --no-defaults --bootstrap --skip-grant-tables     --basedir=. --datadir=./var/master-data --skip-innodb --skip-ndbcluster --skip-bdb     --language=../sql/share/english/ --character-sets-dir=../sql/share/charsets/
Installing Slave Databases
running  ../sql/mysqld --no-defaults --bootstrap --skip-grant-tables     --basedir=. --datadir=./var/slave-data --skip-innodb --skip-ndbcluster --skip-bdb     --language=../sql/share/english/ --character-sets-dir=../sql/share/charsets/
Manager disabled, skipping manager start.
Loading Standard Test Databases
Starting Tests

TEST                            RESULT
trigger                        [ fail ]

Errors are (from /usr/local/devel/mysql/mysql-5.0/mysql-test/var/log/mysqltest-time) :
mysqltest: At line 1144: query 'rename table t1 to t2' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1...
(the last lines may be the most important ones)

Aborting: trigger failed in default mode. To continue, re-run with '--force'.

Ending Tests
Shutting-down MySQL daemon

Master shutdown finished
Slave shutdown finished
--- cut ---

How to repeat:
After building, make sure you are root and:

cd mysql-test
./mysql-test-run trigger

Suggested fix:
Create a directory instead of file:

--- mysql_test_trigger.diff begins here ---
diff -ur mysql-5.0.orig/mysql-test/r/trigger.result mysql-5.0/mysql-test/r/trigger.result
--- mysql-5.0.orig/mysql-test/r/trigger.result	Mon Oct  9 15:22:07 2006
+++ mysql-5.0/mysql-test/r/trigger.result	Tue Oct 10 11:59:22 2006
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@
 test	t1_bi	test	t1	set @a:=new.id
 test	t1_ai	test	t1	set @b:=new.id
 rename table t1 to t2;
-ERROR HY000: Can't create/write to file './test/t1_ai.TRN~' (Errcode: 13)
+ERROR HY000: Can't create/write to file './test/t1_ai.TRN~' (Errcode: 21)
 insert into t1 values (102);
 select @a, @b;
 @a	@b
diff -ur mysql-5.0.orig/mysql-test/t/trigger.test mysql-5.0/mysql-test/t/trigger.test
--- mysql-5.0.orig/mysql-test/t/trigger.test	Mon Oct  9 15:22:07 2006
+++ mysql-5.0/mysql-test/t/trigger.test	Tue Oct 10 11:58:55 2006
@@ -1138,8 +1138,7 @@
        event_object_table, action_statement from information_schema.triggers
        where event_object_schema = 'test';
 # Trick which makes update of second .TRN file impossible
-system echo dummy >$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1_ai.TRN~;
-system chmod 000 $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1_ai.TRN~;
+system mkdir $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1_ai.TRN~;
 --error 1
 rename table t1 to t2;
 # 't1' should be still there and triggers should work correctly
@@ -1148,8 +1147,7 @@
 select trigger_schema, trigger_name, event_object_schema,
        event_object_table, action_statement from information_schema.triggers
        where event_object_schema = 'test';
-system chmod 600 $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1_ai.TRN~;
-system rm $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1_ai.TRN~;
+system rmdir $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1_ai.TRN~;
 # Let us check that updates to .TRN files were rolled back too
 drop trigger t1_bi;
 drop trigger t1_ai;
--- mysql_test_trigger.diff ends here ---
[10 Oct 2006 9:18] Vasil Dimov
"Create directory instead of file" patch

Attachment: mysql_test_trigger.diff (text/x-patch), 1.71 KiB.

[10 Oct 2006 9:57] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a (known) prolem report (see http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=21883 as an example) and patch. Let the developers decide is this a proper way to fix that guaranteed test failure when running tests as root (NOT RECOMMENDED, in general).
[10 Oct 2006 10:49] Vasil Dimov
If it is written somewhere that `make test' should not be run as root - sorry I missed that. While running the server as root is obviously not recommended `make test` is not exactly the same thing.

I guess that before starting the actual tests a check for uid 0 should be done and at least a warning be issued to prevent stupid users (like me) from foot-shooting themselves.

Sorry for reporing a known issue.
[21 Dec 2006 23:38] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2353, 2006-12-22 00:38:34+01:00, msvensson@pilot.mysql.com +5 -0
  Bug #23125 [patch] trigger test fails when run as root
   - Skip tests using chmod when running as root
[30 Jan 2007 3:46] Paul DuBois
Test suite change. No changelog entry needed.