Bug #21652 I_S.PROCESSLIST truncates STATE field compared to SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST
Submitted: 15 Aug 2006 11:13 Modified: 2 Sep 2006 2:04
Reporter: Stewart Smith Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Information schema Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.12bk OS:
Assigned to: Stewart Smith CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Aug 2006 11:13] Stewart Smith
| ID | USER            | HOST      | DB   | COMMAND | TIME | STATE                          | INFO                                     |
|  4 | root            | localhost | test | Query   |    0 | preparing                      | select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST |
|  2 | event_scheduler | localhost | NULL | Connect |  441 | Suspended                      | NULL                                     |
|  1 | system user     |           |      | Daemon  |    1 | Waiting for event from ndbclus | NULL                                     |

mysql> show full processlist;
| Id | User            | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State                             | Info                 |
|  1 | system user     |           |      | Daemon  |    1 | Waiting for event from ndbcluster | NULL                 |
|  2 | event_scheduler | localhost | NULL | Connect |  484 | Suspended                         | NULL                 |
|  4 | root            | localhost | test | Query   |    0 | NULL                              | show full processlist |

How to repeat:
see description

Suggested fix:
increase length of STATE field to at least accommodate NDB Binlog state strings (64 is currently sufficient)
[15 Aug 2006 11:19] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2275, 2006-08-15 19:18:57+08:00, stewart@willster.(none) +1 -0
  BUG#21652 I_S.PROCESSLIST truncates STATE field compared to SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST
  increase maximum length to 64 (max length that ndb injector creates is currently 62)
[15 Aug 2006 12:15] Stewart Smith
pushed to 5.1-ndb tree. approved by martin
[1 Sep 2006 8:03] Jonas Oreland
pushed to 5.1.12
[2 Sep 2006 2:04] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.1.12 changelog.