Bug #2090 MySQLCC crashes on connect attempt and parameter edit
Submitted: 11 Dec 2003 1:59 Modified: 23 Feb 2004 19:22
Reporter: Georg Scheidel Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:0.9.3 beta OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Dec 2003 1:59] Georg Scheidel
I started MYSQLCC for the first time.
A "Register server" window was open.
I entered server name, host TCP address, user name and password and I pressed "Test".
The last message says "connected" - no timeout message or the like appears.
I changed the host address and pressed "test" again - a new connection is attempted - no timeout, no success.
I changed the host address again and pressed "test" for the third time - the program crashed and took a dump.

I restarted MySQLCC. The "Register Server" Dialog is not shown.
Under the list of servers, an entry named "mysqlcctmp_1", the connection parameters are shown in the window on the right side.
The "Server Name" is however lost.
The list of parameters cannot be "copied" in order to be pasted here :-(

I press connect again, and the program (guess?) crashes again.

The host address was, user name: GEORG, all other parameters default.

I start MySQLCC again. I press "edit". I change the "server name" to "PLATZ03".
I press "apply". it works!
I press edit, I want to change the host address to "localhost" - no chance, the program crashed before I can enter anything!

I start MySQLCC again. The server name is "PLATZ03" - OK!
I click on "hostname" in the right window, then on the "edit" icon (same as before). It does not crash!

I change the Host name to "localhost" and press "apply" - it still works!
A message is shown in the lower window, saying that the editing was successfully completed.

I click on the icon "connect" and the message
[PLATZ03] Querying MySQL Server for Database Information.
appers in the lower window, "databases etc" are shown in the left window.

I notice however that the right window contains "" as host address - same as before the last edit!???

I disconnect and connect again - it works!

What is this for a puzzle? Are we playing games or follow Bill Gates in "Try again, maybe it works"?

Once more, this can be a PRODUCTION replacement for features disabled in WinMySQLAdmin, as stated in the response to BUG#2073.

How to repeat:
Take a fresh installation and repeat the steps above.

Suggested fix:
Prevent the program from crashing.
Use try and catch if you are not sure...
Provide meaningfull error messages to the user.
Detect the connect timeout and display a message.
[23 Jan 2004 19:22] MySQL Verification Team
Please test the current release 0.9.4.
[14 Feb 2005 22:54] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".