Bug #20208 | Blobs greater than 8K are being truncated to 8K | ||
Submitted: | 1 Jun 2006 15:36 | Modified: | 11 Jan 2013 12:24 |
Reporter: | Curtis Beattie | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / ODBC | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 3.51.20, 5.1alpha | OS: | Any |
Assigned to: | Bogdan Degtyariov | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[1 Jun 2006 15:36]
Curtis Beattie
[2 Jun 2006 15:47]
Tonci Grgin
Hi Curtis. Thanks for your problem report. I did start my favourite client, the one I made myself, but can't repeat the error you're getting. Since there's been reports of problems similar to this one I'll check more. Can you post a sample project which demonstrates this behavior?
[2 Jun 2006 16:10]
Curtis Beattie
Unfortunately I don't have any additional code that I will be able to post at this point. The ultimate cause of my problem is that SQLDescribeCol() is reporting that the blob is 8K in size when it is in fact much larger. This can be seen in the ODBC trace log I included. If you have a custom ODBC client, simply call SQLDescribeCol() for column #2 and it will return 8192 instead of something larger (assuming you are calling SQLDescribeCol() on a row that has a 'Results' column larger than 8K). I think this should be easily reproduced without additional source code. I can attach the actual patch I used to fix this problem. Basically I just removed the one line I referenced in utility.c. This should get you directly to the problem code.
[2 Jun 2006 18:25]
Tonci Grgin
Curtis, I'm still unable to reproduce problematic behavior. Explanation of returned col. type: sqlext.h #define SQL_LONGVARCHAR (-1) myodbc1 is my system DSN. Test output: --------------- Your MySQL connection id is 8 to server version: 4.1.21-debug-log Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> DESCRIBE Foo\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Field: RecId Type: int(10) unsigned Null: Key: PRI Default: NULL Extra: auto_increment *************************** 2. row *************************** Field: Results Type: longtext Null: Key: Default: Extra: 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select version(); +------------------+ | version() | +------------------+ | 4.1.21-debug-log | +------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) --------------- Test case output: --------------------------- Connecting to myodbc1 COL -> Results COL LENGTH -> 23040 COL TYPE -> -1 COL uFlag -> 0 --------------------------- Result: returned lenght and type are expected and correct. VS2005 code: rc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*)"select * from Foo", 18); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return(PrintError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, rc)); rc = SQLFetch(hstmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return(PrintError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, rc)); SQLINTEGER rs; SQLSMALLINT cl; SQLSMALLINT bl; SQLSMALLINT sLength; SQLSMALLINT sType; char pColName[255]; unsigned long lLength; short sScale; short uFlag; rc = SQLDescribeCol(hstmt, 2, (SQLCHAR*)pColName,255,&sLength, &sType, &lLength,&sScale,&uFlag ); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return(PrintError(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, rc)); std::cout << "COL -> " << pColName << std::endl; std::cout << "COL LENGTH -> " << lLength << std::endl; std::cout << "COL TYPE -> " << sType << std::endl; std::cout << "COL uFlag -> " << uFlag << std::endl;
[2 Jun 2006 19:45]
Curtis Beattie
Your test case looks pretty good Tonci and I think you should be able to reproduce the problem. The only think I can think of is that you appear to be using MySQL version 4.1.21-debug-log whereas I was using version 5.0.22 (also tested with 5.0.20). If you look at the code, the length field returned is coming from field->length (field is a MYSQL_FIELD structure if I remember correctly). It appears that in your test case field->length is the proper size whereas in mine it is not (I verified this using gdb). The fact that you are using a 4.x version of MySQL server may explain this as the field->length and field->max_length fields are coming from MySQL server data structures (MYSQL_FIELD) not ODBC data structure (or so I believe). May I suggest you try using one of the later versions of mysql server and retry your test.
[2 Jun 2006 20:46]
Tonci Grgin
Hi Curtis. I tried with latest 5.0.23-debug bk build, results are the same. I am planning to extend this test case a bit more in next few days.
[3 Jun 2006 0:06]
Curtis Beattie
I will try your test code out on my machine ASAP and see if I can still reproduce the problem. I'll offer up one potential explanation. The documentation referenced below says that mysql_fetch_field() will return a blob size of 8K until you call mysql_store_result(). Perhaps in your test case, behind the ODBC facade you are calling mysql_store_result() before your call to SQLDescribeCol(). I believe in our code, we call SQLDescribeCol() very soon after we execute the query in order to allocate the appropriate buffer sizes. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-fetch-field.html
[3 Jun 2006 14:40]
Tonci Grgin
Hi Curtis. I can provide you with entire case. I think your problem could lie in not using proper ODBC sql type. Try using SQL_LONGVARBINARY which, by definition, does not require length to be passed since length of BLOB is not known, as stated in our manual too.
[5 Jun 2006 15:23]
Curtis Beattie
I've done some more testing and I have some new information. Firstly, I must appologize as I made some assumptions which made my original test case ineffective. Use the following table instead of the one I originally suggested: CREATE TABLE Foo( RecId INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Results LONGBLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(RecId) ) TYPE=InnoDB; Insert into this table using the following SQL: INSERT INTO Foo VALUES (NULL, COMPRESS('XXX....XX')); The size of the uncompressed string must be greater than 8K, it doesn't matter if the uncompressed size is smaller. I think this should allow you to reproduce the problem using the test program you created. If not, I have a test program that I can attach to the issue.
[5 Jun 2006 19:36]
Tonci Grgin
Well Curtis, this is something completely different! Will make new test case.
[7 Jun 2006 17:37]
Curtis Beattie
Have you had any luck with this issue Tonci? Is there any more information I can provide?
[7 Jun 2006 19:29]
Tonci Grgin
Curtis, you'll be notified as soon as we agree upon results of our tests. For now, I'll just say that UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(Results) returns correct length / type while UNCOMPRESS(Results) does not.
[8 Jun 2006 15:54]
Bogdan Degtyariov
Test case uses MySQL C API shows that UNCOMPRESS function returns MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING result for both BLOB and VARCHAR
Attachment: mysql-list-fields-test.c (text/x-csrc), 2.46 KiB.
[27 Jun 2006 18:47]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/8347
[18 Sep 2006 6:50]
Ian Greenhoe
Code patch looks good to me. My only concern: is it possible to add a test?
[24 Nov 2006 21:45]
Bogdan Degtyariov
This will be tested again when mysqlclient library 5.1 is GA release. As MyODBC is being linked against client v5.0 it doesn't make sense to use patched lib yet.
[1 Dec 2006 14:43]
Bogdan Degtyariov
To fix this bug the same approach as in Connector/J was used: when use COMPRESS() the field returned has not table/org_table set. This helps to determine whether it is needed to change the type to BLOB and set the correct length.
[23 Dec 2006 23:09]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/17367 ChangeSet@1.2333, 2006-12-23 18:08:47-05:00, cmiller@zippy.cornsilk.net +12 -0 Bug#20208: Blobs greater than 8K are being truncated to 8K Backported a change from 5.1 that solves (or rather works around) this "bug". The type is inferred from the max size. For a size of 8192 bytes, we adver- tise that the type is VAR_STRING rather than BLOB. The ODBC connector's behavior is arguably wrong. I don't have the power to change the connector, but I can make 5.0 behave the same as 5.1, which does work.
[8 Feb 2007 21:21]
Bogdan Degtyariov
The fix made recently for MyODBC affects the functionality of crystal reports. So, the bug report will not close until this problem is solved. SQLTables returns wrong types of columns in the result set.
[23 Feb 2007 22:30]
Jim Winstead
patch to fix SQLTables issue
Attachment: bug20208.diff (application/octet-stream, text), 2.63 KiB.
[26 Feb 2007 23:03]
Bogdan Degtyariov
Update of the bugfix for SQLTables issue
Attachment: utility.diff (application/octet-stream, text), 2.64 KiB.
[27 Feb 2007 1:41]
Jim Winstead
looks good to me, but i can't make sense of the comment that starts with 'Metadata should not be ...'. i'm not sure what you mean by metadata.
[6 Mar 2007 22:01]
Jim Winstead
Bogdan has pushed the fix for this into the repository, it will be in the next release of Connector/ODBC.
[9 Mar 2007 11:32]
MC Brown
An entry has been added to the 3.51.14 changelog.
[11 Sep 2007 12:02]
Tonci Grgin
The bug is still present in latest GA release. For details, please see my last private comment.
[11 Jan 2013 12:20]
Hemant Dangi
Issue fixed in mysql server 5.1 release, look at last comment of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=26444. For mysql server 5.5.27 UNCOMPRESS function returns type as LONG_BLOB and myodbc returns SQL_LONGVARBINARY. mysql> SELECT RecID, UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(Results) AS Len, UNCOMPRESS(Results) AS Res FROM foo; Field 1: `RecID` Table: `foo` Org_table: `foo` Type: LONG Collation: binary (63) Length: 10 Max_length: 1 Decimals: 0 Field 2: `Len` Table: `` Org_table: `` Type: LONGLONG Collation: binary (63) Length: 10 Max_length: 3 Field 3: `Res` Table: `` Org_table: `` Type: LONG_BLOB Collation: binary (63) Length: 16777216 Max_length: 100