Bug #15665 "USE" statement fails with server-side prepared statements
Submitted: 11 Dec 2005 10:47 Modified: 1 Feb 2006 23:42
Reporter: Giuseppe Maxia Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connectors: DBD::mysql ( Perl ) Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:3.0002_4 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Bugs System CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Dec 2005 10:47] Giuseppe Maxia
When setting mysql_server_prepare=1 in a connection (which is the default in DBD::mysql 3.0002_4), "USE" statements can't be executed, because the prepare statement protocol does not support it. 
It is not properly a bug, but a feature that breaks compatibility with old code.

Since "USE" is such a common statement, something must be done to ensure that old code does not break when using it.

How to repeat:
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

my $dbh_emulated=DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:test;host=localhost'
            . ';mysql_emulated_prepare=1'
            . ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf",
                {RaiseError => 1, PrintError=>1})
         or die "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n";

my $dbh_prepared=DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:test;host=localhost'
            . ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf",
                {RaiseError => 1, PrintError=>1})
         or die "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n";

print "DBD::mysql::VERSION  $DBD::mysql::VERSION\n";

print "mysql_emulated_prepare 1 \n";

$dbh_emulated->do(qq{USE test}) and print "OK\n";

print "mysql_server_prepare 1 \n";

$dbh_prepared->do(qq{USE test})and print "OK\n";
DBD::mysql::VERSION  3.0002_4
mysql_emulated_prepare 1
mysql_server_prepare 1
DO: Something wrong while try to prepare query This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet

Suggested fix:

$dbh->do(qq{USE dbname});
[11 Dec 2005 14:22] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Verified just as described, with 5.0.18-BK (ChangeSet@1.1992, 2005-12-09 00:58:59+03:00):

[openxs@Fedora mysql-5.0]$ perl 15665.pl
DBD::mysql::VERSION  3.0002_4
mysql_emulated_prepare 1
mysql_server_prepare 1
DO: Something wrong while try to prepare query This command is not supported in
the prepared statement protocol yet
[6 Jan 2006 19:47] Cory Twibell
Also fails for 'Flush Privileges' using MySQL5.0.17-pro-log DBD::mysql  3.0002_4

$dbh->do( q(FLUSH PRIVILEGES) ) or die $dbh->errstr;
[1 Feb 2006 23:42] Patrick Galbraith
Thank you for pointing this bug out - fixed! Please get version 3.0002_5
[2 Mar 2006 22:01] Sean Stevens
I'm still seeing this problem.  It seems to show up when using mysqlhotcopy.  I'm running mysql-5.0.18 on Solaris 10 with DBI 1.50 and DBD::mysql 3.0002_5.  Any ideas?