Bug #12453 Server crash by test "query_cache"
Submitted: 9 Aug 2005 9:30 Modified: 11 Sep 2005 18:25
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.11 OS:Linux (Linux / ia64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Aug 2005 9:30] Joerg Bruehe
Release build of 5.0.11, based on ChangeSet
  1.1950.1.1 05/08/06 03:10:35 kent@mysql.com +1 -0
    Added missing backslashes

Of the 10 runs on host "quadita2" (5 products and 2 tests each: default + PS protocol),
there are 6 server crashes in test "query_cache". Symptoms slightly differ:


query_cache                    [ fail ]

Errors are (from PATH/mysqltest-time) :
At line 809: unable to send query 'call f1()' (mysql_errno=2013 , errno=0)
(the last lines may be the most important ones)

quadita2-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   normal


query_cache                    [ fail ]

Errors are (from PATH/mysqltest-time) :
At line 810: unable to send query 'select sql_cache * from t1' (mysql_errno=2013 , errno=0)
(the last lines may be the most important ones)

quadita2-glibc23-5.0-max.log   normal


query_cache                    [ fail ]

Errors are (from PATH/mysqltest-time) :
At line 799: unable to send query 'select sql_cache * from t1' (mysql_errno=2013 , errno=0)
(the last lines may be the most important ones)

quadita2-glibc23-5.0-max.log   ps-protocol


query_cache                    [ fail ]

Errors are (from PATH/mysqltest-time) :
At line 795: unable to send query 'show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"' (mysql_errno=2013 , errno=0)
(the last lines may be the most important ones)

quadita2-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   ps-protocol
quadita2-glibc23-5.0-pro.log   ps-protocol
quadita2-glibc23-5.0-standard.log   normal

How to repeat:
Run the test suite.
[10 Aug 2005 10:02] Oleksandr Byelkin
I can't reproduce Bug #12453 on amd64
[10 Aug 2005 10:05] Joerg Bruehe
The build in which this bug occurred was using "yassl", which we had to disable due to other failures.
In the rebuild without "yassl", the test passed.
[11 Sep 2005 23:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".