Bug #11302 | Insert/update in stored procedure fails | ||
Submitted: | 14 Jun 2005 0:34 | Modified: | 14 Sep 2005 16:01 |
Reporter: | Peter Brawley (Basic Quality Contributor) | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S1 (Critical) |
Version: | 5.0.9 | OS: | Windows (winxp) |
Assigned to: | Per-Erik Martin | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[14 Jun 2005 0:34]
Peter Brawley
[15 Jun 2005 8:04]
Vasily Kishkin
I tried to reproduce it on 5.0.7. All works fine.
[15 Jun 2005 9:08]
Dmitry Lenev
Hi, Peter! I was able to repeat both problems you have reported with latest bk snapshot of 5.0 (tested with debug build on Linux-x86). After some investigation I believe that the first problem you observe (ERROR 1099 (HY000): Table 'routes' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated) is yet another manifestation of bug #9565 (http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=9565). So I suggest you to track its progress. The second problem (wrong result produced by modified routine) is separate and it seems previously unreported issue. I'll try to produce simplified test case for it.
[15 Jun 2005 10:00]
Dmitry Lenev
Hi! Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the second problem using prepared statements so simplified test case does not look that simplified: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `flights`; CREATE TABLE `flights` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `depart` char(3) default NULL, `arrive` char(3) default NULL, `distance` decimal(10,2) default NULL, `direction` decimal(10,2) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `flights` VALUES (1,'LAX','JFK','3941.18','8.61'), (2,'LHR','JFK','5550.77','-171.68'), (3,'CDG','JFK','5837.46','-173.93'), (4,'STL','JFK','1408.11','7.44'), (5,'JFK','LAX','3941.18','-171.39'), (6,'STL','LAX','2553.38','-170.72'), (7,'JFK','LHR','5550.77','8.32'), (8,'HEL','LHR','1841.91','-161.17'), (9,'CDG','LHR','354.41','136.48'), (10,'ARN','LHR','1450.12','-157.06'), (11,'LHR','HEL','1841.91','18.83'), (12,'CDG','HEL','1912.96','26.54'), (13,'ARN','HEL','398.99','6.92'), (14,'JFK','CDG','5837.46','6.07'), (15,'LHR','CDG','354.41','-43.52'), (16,'HEL','CDG','1912.96','-153.46'), (17,'ARN','CDG','1545.23','-146.34'), (18,'JFK','STL','1408.11','-172.56'), (19,'LAX','STL','2553.38','9.28'), (20,'LHR','ARN','1450.12','22.94'), (21,'HEL','ARN','398.99','-173.08'), (22,'CDG','ARN','1545.23','33.66'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `routes`; CREATE TABLE `routes` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `depart` char(3) default NULL, `arrive` char(3) default NULL, `hops` smallint(6) default NULL, `route` char(50) default NULL, `distance` decimal(10,2) default NULL, `direction` decimal(10,2) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW nexthops AS SELECT routes.depart, flights.arrive, routes.hops+1 AS hops, CONCAT(routes.route, ',', flights.arrive) AS route, MIN(routes.distance + flights.distance) AS distance, routes.direction FROM routes INNER JOIN flights ON routes.arrive = flights.depart AND LOCATE(flights.arrive,routes.route) = 0 WHERE flights.direction+360>routes.direction+270 AND flights.direction+360<routes.direction+450 GROUP BY depart,arrive; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS BuildRoutes; DELIMITER | CREATE PROCEDURE BuildRoutes() BEGIN DECLARE rows INT DEFAULT 0; TRUNCATE routes; -- STEP 1, LISTING 5: SEED ROUTES WITH 1-HOP FLIGHTS INSERT INTO routes SELECT NULL, depart, arrive, 1, CONCAT(depart,',',arrive), distance, direction FROM flights; SET rows = ROW_COUNT(); WHILE (rows > 0) DO -- DEBUG OUTPUT SELECT NULL, nexthops.depart, nexthops.arrive, nexthops.hops, nexthops.route, nexthops.distance, nexthops.direction FROM nexthops LEFT JOIN routes ON nexthops.depart = routes.depart AND nexthops.arrive = routes.arrive WHERE routes.depart IS NULL AND routes.arrive IS NULL; -- STEP 2, LISTING 8: ADD NEXT SET OF ROUTES INSERT INTO routes SELECT NULL, nexthops.depart, nexthops.arrive, nexthops.hops, nexthops.route, nexthops.distance, nexthops.direction FROM nexthops LEFT JOIN routes ON nexthops.depart = routes.depart AND nexthops.arrive = routes.arrive WHERE routes.depart IS NULL AND routes.arrive IS NULL; SET rows = ROW_COUNT(); -- STEP 3, UPDATE WHICH ALLOWS TO CIRCUMVENT LOCKING BUG -- DOES NOTHING BY ITSELF UPDATE routes, nexthops SET routes.hops=0 WHERE 0; END WHILE; END; | DELIMITER ; Calling BuildRoutes routine will fill rotes table with 38 records. But if you execute equivalent statements in manual mode you will get table with 42 records. (Under equivalent sequence I mean: TRUNCATE routes; INSERT INTO routes SELECT NULL, depart, arrive, 1, CONCAT(depart,',',arrive), distance, direction FROM flights; INSERT INTO routes SELECT NULL, nexthops.depart, nexthops.arrive, nexthops.hops, nexthops.route, nexthops.distance, nexthops.direction FROM nexthops LEFT JOIN routes ON nexthops.depart = routes.depart AND nexthops.arrive = routes.arrive WHERE routes.depart IS NULL AND routes.arrive IS NULL; SELECT NULL, nexthops.depart, nexthops.arrive, nexthops.hops, nexthops.route, nexthops.distance, nexthops.direction FROM nexthops LEFT JOIN routes ON nexthops.depart = routes.depart AND nexthops.arrive = routes.arrive WHERE routes.depart IS NULL AND routes.arrive IS NULL; INSERT INTO routes SELECT NULL, nexthops.depart, nexthops.arrive, nexthops.hops, nexthops.route, nexthops.distance, nexthops.direction FROM nexthops LEFT JOIN routes ON nexthops.depart = routes.depart AND nexthops.arrive = routes.arrive WHERE routes.depart IS NULL AND routes.arrive IS NULL; )
[16 Jun 2005 2:03]
Peter Brawley
TEST 1 Installed 5.0.7 beta Copied db from 5.0.6 Truncated routes table, then ran BuildRoutes() RESULT: incorrect -- 38 rows, should be 42 (as can be proved easily by running the code manually) TEST 2 Rebuilt BuildRoutes() in 5.0.7. Truncates routes table, then ran Build Routes() RESULT: ERROR 1099 (HY000): Table 'routes' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated. Contrary to the message posted by a tester, both problems remain in 5.0.7.
[15 Jul 2005 17:37]
Peter Brawley
The bug no longer occurs in 5.0.9.
[14 Sep 2005 16:01]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release. If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information about accessing the source trees is available at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Installing_source_tree.html
[7 Nov 2006 8:29]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/14929 ChangeSet@1.2539, 2006-11-07 10:28:30+02:00, gkodinov@macbook.gmz +4 -0 Bug #11302: getObject() returns a String for a sub-query of type datetime - When returning metadata for scalar subqueries the actual type of the column was calculated based on the value type, which limits the actual type of a scalar subselect to the set of (currently) 3 basic types : integer, double precision or string. This columns of types other then the basic ones (e.g. date/time) to be reported having the corresponding basic type. Fixed by storing/returning information for the column type in addition to the result type.