Bug #112552 in Sakila, some city names are still missing their accented letters
Submitted: 28 Sep 2023 4:49 Modified: 28 Oct 2023 3:37
Reporter: tim stewart Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.4 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: sakila

[28 Sep 2023 4:49] tim stewart
Last year my friend Vladislav and I reported missing accented characters in city names in sakila-data.sql as bug #106951, and the city names in the `city` table were fixed to match their correct spelling in world.sql in time for Sakila version 1.3. But today in sakila-data.sql version 1.4 (current version) I noticed that many of the city names from `city` were also being re-used as names of streets in the `address` table, and in the `address` table the city names are still missing their accented letters.

I compiled a list of the city names that appear in street names in the `address` table in sakila-data.sql that do not match their corresponding spelling in world.sql. The following list was generated programmatically, so it should be thorough:

Line 259: Inegl => Inegöl
Line 265: Sal => Salé
Line 276: A Corua (La Corua) => A Coruña (La Coruña)
Line 285: Anpolis => Anápolis
Line 322: Guaruj => Guarujá
Line 328: Poos de Caldas => Poços de Caldas
Line 337: Baha Blanca => Bahía Blanca
Line 339: Citt del Vaticano => Città del Vaticano
Line 340: Ktahya => Kütahya
Line 371: Malm => Malmö
Line 373: Goinia => Goiânia
Line 374: Coacalco de Berriozbal => Coacalco de Berriozábal
Line 386: So Leopoldo => São Leopoldo
Line 387: Belm => Belém
Line 391: Atinsk => Atšinsk
Line 415: Baha Blanca => Bahía Blanca
Line 423: Atinsk => Atšinsk
Line 438: Szkesfehrvr => Székesfehérvár
Line 447: San Miguel de Tucumn => San Miguel de Tucumán
Line 454: A Corua (La Corua) => A Coruña (La Coruña)
Line 456: Molodetno => Molodetšno
Line 475: Luzinia => Luziânia
Line 478: Maring => Maringá
Line 479: Poos de Caldas => Poços de Caldas
Line 492: A Corua (La Corua) => A Coruña (La Coruña)
Line 493: Gijn => Gijón
Line 495: Saarbrcken => Saarbrücken
Line 512: Yaound => Yaoundé
Line 519: Kirovo-Tepetsk => Kirovo-Tšepetsk
Line 525: Goinia => Goiânia
Line 535: Santa Brbara dOeste => Santa Bárbara d´Oeste
Line 546: Cuman => Cumaná
Line 560: Coacalco de Berriozbal => Coacalco de Berriozábal
Line 561: So Bernardo do Campo => São Bernardo do Campo
Line 568: Yaound => Yaoundé
Line 575: Nabereznyje Telny => Nabereznyje Tšelny
Line 577: A Corua (La Corua) => A Coruña (La Coruña)
Line 582: Baha Blanca => Bahía Blanca
Line 588: Szkesfehrvr => Székesfehérvár
Line 610: Hunuco => Huánuco
Line 611: Aparecida de Goinia => Aparecida de Goiânia
Line 618: Jastrzebie-Zdrj => Jastrzebie-Zdrój
Line 633: Donostia-San Sebastin => Donostia-San Sebastián
Line 636: Maracabo => Maracaíbo
Line 638: Hunuco => Huánuco
Line 654: Bchar => Béchar
Line 662: Saarbrcken => Saarbrücken
Line 668: Acua => Acuña
Line 672: Santo Andr => Santo André
Line 680: Vitria de Santo Anto => Vitória de Santo Antão
Line 681: Acua => Acuña
Line 689: Aparecida de Goinia => Aparecida de Goiânia
Line 691: Santa F => Santa Fé
Line 692: Ibirit => Ibirité
Line 699: Belm => Belém
Line 720: Ibirit => Ibirité
Line 730: Yaound => Yaoundé
Line 732: Naala-Porto => Naçala-Porto
Line 735: Novoterkassk => Novotšerkassk
Line 737: So Bernardo do Campo => São Bernardo do Campo
Line 746: ostka => Šostka
Line 760: Maracabo => Maracaíbo
Line 766: Goinia => Goiânia
Line 769: Gijn => Gijón
Line 773: A Corua (La Corua) => A Coruña (La Coruña)
Line 782: Asuncin => Asunción
Line 795: Jos Azueta => José Azueta
Line 797: Cuman => Cumaná
Line 803: Trshavn => Tórshavn
Line 837: Asuncin => Asunción

Also, I see that in the `city` table in sakila-data.sql that there is one city name that is still missing its accented letters. Per world.sql, 'Santa Brbara dOeste' should be 'Santa Bárbara d´Oeste':

Line 1340: Santa Brbara dOeste => Santa Bárbara d´Oeste

How to repeat:
Open current version (1.4) of sakila-data.sql in a text editor and look at the indicated line numbers in my Description, comparing the city names against the same city name in world.sql from the world-db database.

Suggested fix:
Replace the city names that are missing accented letters with their correct form as per world.sql.
[28 Sep 2023 5:16] MySQL Verification Team
Hello tim stewart,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[27 Oct 2023 21:23] Philip Olson
Posted by developer:
Hi Tim, thanks again for the detailed bug report! This is now fixed and published online. The v1.5 changelog entry reads as follows:

Fixed MySQL Bug #112552: Accented characters were missing from the address fields.
[28 Oct 2023 1:02] tim stewart
My pleasure! 👍🙏
[28 Oct 2023 3:37] Philip Olson
Posted by developer: