Bug #10683 [Stress]: Mysql Proc table crashes during parallel test file execution
Submitted: 17 May 2005 11:20 Modified: 1 Aug 2006 9:03
Reporter: Disha Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:mysql Ver 14.9 Distrib 5.0.5-beta, for OS:Windows (Windows 2003 Server)
Assigned to: Alexey Botchkov CPU Architecture:Any

[17 May 2005 11:20] Disha
Mysql Proc table crashes when multiple clients are trying to access / update it simultaneously.

Note: Same behaviour is observed on Linux server also.

How to repeat:
 1. Start several sessions to connect to mysql server.
 2. In each session start execution of testfiles.

Expected Results: All the test files should be executed properly, without crashing 
                         the mysql proc table.

Actual Results:    The test files execute properly for sometime after which, they 
                         crash the mysql proc table.

Attachments:  	mysql-err_mysql-proc-crash.zip
[17 May 2005 11:23] Disha
Server Error-Log file

Attachment: mysql-err_mysql-proc-crash.zip (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 20.99 KiB.

[17 May 2005 11:24] Disha
Server Query-Log file

Attachment: MYSQLWIN2_mysql_proc_crash.zip (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 180.23 KiB.

[17 May 2005 11:25] Disha
Screen Output file for "50_StoredProcs_404001x404008_GlobalNature.test" testfile

Attachment: 50_StoredProcs_404001x404008_GlobalNature.txt (text/plain), 4.62 KiB.

[17 May 2005 11:26] Disha
Screen Output file for "50_StoredProcs_401001x401024_CreateDelete.test" testfile

Attachment: 50_StoredProcs_401001x401024_CreateDelete.txt (text/plain), 17.95 KiB.

[22 May 2005 10:53] Vasily Kishkin
Could you please attach your test case ? How many test cases must be started ?
[17 Jun 2005 7:31] Vasily Kishkin
Tested on Win 2000 Sp4, MySQL server 5.0.7 beta