mysqltest: At line 27: query 'Create procedure sp1_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934 (f1 char(20) ) Select * from T1 where f2 = f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 29: query 'Call sp1_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934('aaaa')' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934 does not exist mysqltest: At line 32: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE sp1_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934_ThisisaveryverylongnameABCDE( F1 TINYTEXT ) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT 'This is simple' BEGIN set @v1 = F1; Select @v1,@v1; END' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 37: query 'Call sp1_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934_ThisisaveryverylongnameABCDE( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1_Thisisaveryverylongname234872934_ThisisaveryverylongnameABCDE does not exist mysqltest: At line 38: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 41: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 binary ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set @v1 = F1; Select @v1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 46: query 'Call sp1( 34 )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 47: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 50: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 blob ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set @v1 = F1; Select @v1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 55: query 'Call sp1( 34 )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 56: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 59: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 int ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set @v1 = F1; Select @v1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 64: query 'Call sp1( 34 )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 65: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 68: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 decimal(253,253) ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set @v1 = F1; Select @v1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 73: query 'Call sp1( 1.7976931348623157E+308 )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 74: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 77: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 enum("value1","value1") ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin Select F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 81: query 'Call sp1( "value1" )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 82: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 85: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 set("value1","value1") ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin Select F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 89: query 'Call sp1( "value1,value1" )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 90: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 93: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( F1 enum("value1","value1") ) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin Select F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 97: query 'Call sp1( "value1" )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 98: query 'Show procedure status' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 101: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( f1 text ) LANGUAGE SQL select f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 102: query 'Call SP1( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 103: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 106: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( f1 text ) DETERMINISTIC select f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 107: query 'Call SP1( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 108: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 111: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( f1 text ) NOT DETERMINISTIC select f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 112: query 'Call SP1( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 113: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 116: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( f1 text ) SQL SECURITY DEFINER select f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 117: query 'Call SP1( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 118: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 121: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( f1 text ) SQL SECURITY INVOKER select f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 122: query 'Call SP1( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 123: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 126: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE SP1( f1 text ) COMMENT 'This is simple' select f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 127: query 'Call SP1( 'abc' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 128: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 137: query 'Create function fn1 (s CHAR(20)) RETURNS CHAR(50) RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!')' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 139: query 'SELECT fn1('world')' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.fn1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 142: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 MEDIUMTEXT ) RETURNS MEDIUMTEXT LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin SET @V1 = 'HELLO'; set F1 = CONCAT( @V1, F1 ); RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 148: query 'SELECT FN1( ' WORLD')' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 149: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 152: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 157: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 158: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 161: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 decimal(253,253) ) RETURNS decimal(253,253) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set F1 = 1000000 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 1063: Incorrect column specifier for column '' mysqltest: At line 166: query 'SELECT FN1( 1.3326E+8 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 167: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 170: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 enum("value1","value1") ) RETURNS decimal(253,253) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin RETURN F1; End' failed: 1063: Incorrect column specifier for column '' mysqltest: At line 174: query 'SELECT FN1( "value1" )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 175: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 178: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 set("value1","value1") ) RETURNS decimal(253,253) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin RETURN F1; End' failed: 1063: Incorrect column specifier for column '' mysqltest: At line 182: query 'SELECT FN1( "value1,value1" )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 183: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 186: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT LANGUAGE SQL Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 191: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 192: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 195: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT DETERMINISTIC Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 200: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 201: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 204: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT NOT DETERMINISTIC Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 209: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 210: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 213: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT SQL SECURITY DEFINER Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 219: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 220: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 222: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT SQL SECURITY INVOKER Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 228: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 229: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 232: query 'CREATE FUNCTION FN1( F1 SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT COMMENT 'This is simple' Begin set F1 = 1 + F1; RETURN F1; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 238: query 'SELECT FN1( 126 )' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 239: query 'SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE 'FN1'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 245: query 'Create procedure sp1 (f1 char(20) ) Select * from T1 where f2 = f1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 247: query 'Show create procedure sp1' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE sp1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 253: query 'Create function fn1 (s CHAR(20)) RETURNS CHAR(50) RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!')' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 255: query 'Show create function fn1' failed: 1305: FUNCTION fn1 does not exist mysqltest: At line 260: query 'Create Procedure SP5() Select * from T1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 262: query 'Show procedure status like 'SP5'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 267: query 'Create Function FN5(a int) returns int Begin SET @b = 0.9 * a; RETURN @b; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 272: query 'Show Function Status like 'FN5'' failed: 1030: Got error 28 from storage engine mysqltest: At line 278: query 'Create Procedure SP7a(a char(20)) Select * from T1 where T1.f2 = a' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 280: query 'Call SP7a( 'XYZ' )' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP7a does not exist mysqltest: At line 281: query 'Create Procedure SP7b (a char (20), OUT b char(20)) Select f1 into b from T1 where T1.f2= a' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 283: query 'Call SP7b('XYZ',@out_param)' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP7b does not exist mysqltest: At line 285: query 'Create Procedure SP7c (a char (20), OUT b char(20), INOUT c int) Begin Select f1 into b from T1 where T1.f2=a; Update T1 set T1.f4=999 where T1.f4=c; Select f4 into c from T1 where T1.f2=999; End' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 291: query 'Call SP7c('xyz', @out_param, 1)' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP7c does not exist mysqltest: At line 298: query 'Create function fn8(a char(20)) returns char(50) Return CONCAT('Hello, ', a,'!')' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 300: query 'Select fn8('world')' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.fn8 does not exist mysqltest: At line 305: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='SP9'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 307: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='SP9'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 309: query 'Create Procedure SP9() Select * from T1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 311: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='SP9'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 312: query 'Drop procedure SP9' failed: 1305: PROCEDURE test.SP9 does not exist mysqltest: At line 313: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='SP9'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 315: query 'Create Procedure SP9() Select * from T1' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 317: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='SP9'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 319: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='SP9'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 325: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='FN10' and type='FUNCTION'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 327: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='FN10' and type='FUNCTION'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 329: query 'Create Function FN10() returns int Return 100' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 331: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='FN10' and type='FUNCTION'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 332: query 'Drop function FN10' failed: 1305: FUNCTION test.FN10 does not exist mysqltest: At line 333: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='FN10' and type='FUNCTION'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 335: query 'Create Function FN10() returns int Return 100' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 337: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='FN10' and type='FUNCTION'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 339: query 'Select * from mysql.proc where specific_name='FN10' and type='FUNCTION'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 344: query 'CREATE USER test' failed: 1396: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'test'@'%' mysqltest: At line 345: query 'GRANT EXECUTE ON test.* TO 'test'@'localhost'' failed: 1044: Access denied for user 'root'@'%' to database 'test' mysqltest: At line 348: query 'CREATE TABLE mysql.t1( f1 CHAR )' failed: 1050: Table 't1' already exists mysqltest: At line 350: query 'CREATE PROCEDURE sp11() INSERT INTO mysql.t1 VALUES('a')' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 351: query 'Select security_type from mysql.proc where specific_name='sp11'' failed: 145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired mysqltest: At line 352: query 'Connect (test' failed: 1045: Access denied for user 'test'@'localhost' (using password: NO) mysqltest: connection 'test' not found in connection pool