Bug #103750 UnicodeDecodeError in WB when trying to access my.ini generated by Installer
Submitted: 20 May 2021 10:38 Modified: 20 May 2021 12:38
Reporter: Christopher Kirchhöfer Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.25 CE OS:Windows (Server 2019 Std. 1809)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: charmap, installing, my.ini, server, workbench

[20 May 2021 10:38] Christopher Kirchhöfer
The following error message occurs when trying to access the Options File from within MySQL Workbench:

Error opening configuration file
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 4314: character maps to <undefined>.

When inspecting the my.ini at the given position, there is a (non-unicode?) quotation-char in the description for server-id (it reads “Unique” instead of "unique"), which causes the error for MySQL Workbench.

How to repeat:
On a fresh Windows Server 2019 installation (also reproduced on a Windows 10 machine):
 - Run MySQL Installer 1.4
 - Setup Type: Custom
 - Add MySQL Server 8.0.25 and MySQL Workbench 8.0.25 as Products to install
 - Server configuration: Config Type: Dedicated Computer, everything else is default (password for root can be anything)
 - Run MySQL Workbench and connect to the local instance
 - Click on "Options File" in the MySQL Workbench Navigator
 - The error message described above appears.

Suggested fix:
Check the function responsible for generating my.ini in MySQL Installer and replace the invalid chars in the comment section above the "server-id=" parameter
[20 May 2021 12:38] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Christopher Kirchhöfer,

Thank you for the bug report.
Imho this is duplicate of Bug #103561, please see Bug #103561.

Ashwini Patil