Bug #10141 SQLColumns doesn't support ordinal position
Submitted: 25 Apr 2005 10:36 Modified: 12 Dec 2005 14:47
Reporter: Henning Andersen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:3.51.11 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Bogdan Degtyariov CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Apr 2005 10:36] Henning Andersen
It seems like SQLColumns doesn't support the ordinal position (index17). 

When working on other databases such as PostGreSQL and Access it works fine, which leads me think that it is a bug in MySQL.

How to repeat:
When calling SQLColumns and binding the column in question:

            rc = SQLBindCol(StmtHandle, 17, SQL_C_SLONG, (SQLPOINTER) 
                     &OrdinalPosition, sizeof(OrdinalPosition), &i17 );

Then in my app the i17 is always: SQL_NULL_DATA for each fetch.
I would have expected that the OrdinalPosition would have the column's sequence number in the table for that particaly column.
[16 May 2005 6:32] Vasily Kishkin
I created test program and tried to repeat the bug. I could't repeat.
There is trace log of my test program:
Bind columns....
Index = 1, Value = 1,Length = 4
Index = 2, Value = 2,Length = 4
Index = 3, Value = 3,Length = 4
Index = 4, Value = 4,Length = 4
Index = 5, Value = 5,Length = 4
Index = 6, Value = 6,Length = 4
Index = 7, Value = 7,Length = 4
Index = 8, Value = 8,Length = 4
Index = 9, Value = 9,Length = 4
Index = 10, Value = 10,Length = 4
Index = 11, Value = 11,Length = 4
Index = 12, Value = 12,Length = 4
Index = 13, Value = 13,Length = 4
Index = 14, Value = 14,Length = 4
Index = 15, Value = 15,Length = 4
Index = 16, Value = 16,Length = 4
Index = 17, Value = 17,Length = 4
Index = 18, Value = 18,Length = 4
I attached my test program in files section.
[16 May 2005 6:33] Vasily Kishkin
test program of bug # 10141

Attachment: test.c (text/plain), 8.61 KiB.

[16 May 2005 18:41] Henning Andersen
I've checked the file (test.c) used to reproduce and it doesn's seem to call SQLColumns but it calls SQLExecDirect. I haven't experienced this problem with SQLExecDirect, only with SQLColumns. Maybe that is the reason it wasn't reproduced?

[17 May 2005 5:25] Vasily Kishkin
I could reproduce this bug. Thanks a lot !
Tested on Win 2000 Sp4 , Microsoft Visual C 7.0, MyODBC 3.51.11. Test case is attached (test2.c).
[17 May 2005 5:25] Vasily Kishkin
new test case

Attachment: test2.c (text/plain), 8.74 KiB.

[12 Dec 2005 14:47] Bogdan Degtyariov
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at 

Additional info:

MySQL Connector/ODBC v.3.51.12 contains a fix for this bug