Bug #80769 No schema retrieved from Oracle
Submitted: 16 Mar 2016 20:25 Modified: 17 Mar 2016 1:20
Reporter: Arun Devaravar Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Migration Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:6.3.6 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Mar 2016 20:25] Arun Devaravar
Workbench Migration wizard doesn't retrieve any objects from Oracle. Connecting Oracle user has following Privileges/roles.

How to repeat:
Source Database:
1) Add ODBC connection using "Open ODBC Administrator"
2) database system : Generic RDBMS
3) Connection Method : ODBC data source
4) Test Connection (successful )
5) Press <Next>

Target Database :
1)Stored Connection : <pick MYSQL >
2) connection method : Standard (TCP/IP)
3) Test Connection (successful )
4) Press <Next>

Fetch Schema list:

1) connect to source DBMS : okay
2) check target DBMS connection : okay
3) Retrieve schema list from source : okay

Finished performing tasks 
Click <Next> to continue 

select the schema you want to migrate :
<empty list>

Connect to source DBMS...
- Connecting to source...
Connecting to ...
Opening ODBC connection to DSN=DW_RECONIN...
Connect to source DBMS done
Check target DBMS connection...
- Connecting to target...
Check target DBMS connection done
Retrieve schema list from source....
- Checking connection...
Connection to  apparently lost, reconnecting...
Connecting to ...
Opening ODBC connection to DSN=DW_RECONIN...
- Fetching catalog names...
- Fetching schema names...
- Finished
Retrieve schema list from source finished
Finished performing tasks.
[17 Mar 2016 1:20] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=66609.
[1 Jul 2016 22:42] Jap Boon Churn
Issue still persists in latest version 6.3.7 build 1199 CE (64 bit).
Really hope this can be resolved.

Thank you.