Bug #25156 MySQL with InnoDB does not start any more after changing configuration
Submitted: 18 Dec 2006 21:30 Modified: 22 Dec 2006 7:01
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.14 OS:Windows (Windows 2003)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: .cnf, file size, innodb

[18 Dec 2006 21:30] [ name withheld ]
After installing MySQL 5.1.14 with InnoDB and MyISAM, DB starts up fine. After changing the configuration through MySQL Administrator and shutdown, MySQL won't startup any more. 

After disabling InnoDB, MySQL starts up again.

Log file contents:

InnoDB: The first specified data file .\ibdata1 did not exist:
InnoDB: a new database to be created!
061211 22:05:36  InnoDB: Setting file .\ibdata1 size to 10 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
061211 22:05:37  InnoDB: Log file .\ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be created
InnoDB: Setting log file .\ib_logfile0 size to 10 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
061211 22:05:39  InnoDB: Log file .\ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be created
InnoDB: Setting log file .\ib_logfile1 size to 10 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer not found: creating new
InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer created
InnoDB: Creating foreign key constraint system tables
InnoDB: Foreign key constraint system tables created
061211 22:05:43  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 0
061211 22:05:44 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld-nt: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.14-beta-community-nt'  socket: ''  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)
061211 22:05:44 [Note] SCHEDULER: Loaded 0 events
061211 22:12:51 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld-nt: Normal shutdown

061211 22:12:51 [Note] SCHEDULER: Purging queue. 0 events
061211 22:12:52  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
061211 22:12:54  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 46409
061211 22:12:54 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld-nt: Shutdown complete

InnoDB: Error: log file .\ib_logfile0 is of different size 0 10485760 bytes
InnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file 0 5242880 bytes!
061211 22:12:55 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
061211 22:12:55 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
061211 22:12:55 [ERROR] Failed to init plugins.
061211 22:12:55 [ERROR] Aborting

061211 22:12:55 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld-nt: Shutdown complete

How to repeat:
Install MySQL 5.1.14 on Win2003. 
Configure with with InnoDB and MyISAM, UTF-8 charset. 
Start MySQL. 
Use Administrator to change MyISAM fulltext word length from 4 to 2. 
Apply changes. 
Stop MySQL service. 
Start MySQL service
[19 Dec 2006 16:13] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Could you please inform which MySQL
Administrator version had you used? Thanks in advance.
[19 Dec 2006 21:49] [ name withheld ]
MySQL Administrator version is 1.2.6 rc.
[20 Dec 2006 21:08] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. This is duplicate of bug:

which corrupts the my.ini file when editing with MySQL
Administrator, unlucky you need to fix the my.ini file
manually to correct values to match with the actual InnoDB
setup variables. Thanks in advance.
[22 Dec 2006 7:01] [ name withheld ]
This *is* bug 25156...
[4 Oct 2012 6:46] Marko Mäkelä
This is a duplicate of Bug#13494, which will be fixed in MySQL 5.6.8