Bug #17879 MySQL Administrator hangs after pressing User Administration Icon
Submitted: 2 Mar 2006 22:28 Modified: 13 Oct 2006 16:39
Reporter: Marcin Deka Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.1.10 OS:Linux (Linux Debian 3.1)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: User Management

[2 Mar 2006 22:28] Marcin Deka
MySQL Administrator hangs after pressing User Administration Icon. It is not
possible to stop the proccess with 'stop' button in the bottom.
It says 'retrieving data from MySQL...      Please wait..."
The window contens is not refreshed, aplication totaly frozen.

How to repeat:
see description

Suggested fix:
no fix known
[6 Mar 2006 20:37] miguel blauwbloeme
I have the same problem.
The problem only occurs when using user administration.
Hope they solve this problem very quickly.
[16 Mar 2006 13:31] Peter de Kraker
I have the same problem. This is indeed very critical. It renders the usefullnes of this app to 0. 
On windows everything works very smooth. In Linux there seems to be missing a lot of functionality. I even can't create just a table, it keeps giving me stupid errors about syntax, while on windows it has no problem at all with the same input. (just basic table.)
[20 Mar 2006 14:49] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Same on Fedora Core 4.
[23 Mar 2006 3:14] Jason Johnson
Also hangs on fedora core 5 64 bit.

version is mysql 5.0.18
mysql administrator 1.1.6

databases running on raid1 array on 3ware 9500s-8
[24 Mar 2006 15:07] MySQL Verification Team
Bug: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=18485 was marked as duplicate
of this one.
[24 Mar 2006 18:21] Paul Banks
Workaround for this bug:

Set environment variable DEBUG_DONT_SPAWN_FETCHES=1 


[30 Mar 2006 21:51] Andy Dustman
The workaround works with my 1.1.6 version on Gentoo against 5.0 and 4.1 servers. I've also experienced this with Ubuntu Dapper, but I can't test the fix right now, but I'll assume it works.
[5 Apr 2006 15:24] Marcin Deka
I've tested workaround on Debian 3.1 and it helps. Now it is possible to run user administration.

As workaround is ok I'm changing severity to S2 (Seriuos).
[26 Apr 2006 18:33] Elias
It works under Ubuntu Dapper Drake.
[4 May 2006 22:28] Alfredo Kojima
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at

Additional info:

Installed debian and was able to repeat. Probably related to the version of gtk+2 in it. It has been fixed, so next release should work normally.
[8 May 2006 10:05] Gary Coady
Hi Alfredo,
is the module which should be checked out is the one at http://mysql.bkbits.net:8080/mysql-5.0

I checked this out, and cannot find any mysql-administrator files; I would have expected MDispatcher.cc in a set of common components, as well as MInstanceInfo.cc in a set of mysql-administrator specific files.

Btw, as far as I could tell, the reason for the lock up is that MInstanceInfo::lock_mysql is supposed to prevent multiple concurrent uses of the same object. However, the only thread which could use the lock is the one which locked it. So if in the GTK run loop, another event occurs which triggers a synchronous MySQL lookup, then a deadlock occurs. I can't see any Debian/Ubuntu-specific patches which might cause extra events (in this case, a focus event on one of the trees), but I might have missed it, or it could be new behaviour in GTK+ 2.8.
[8 May 2006 14:46] Alfredo Kojima
The GUI tool sources are no longer in bk. You can fetch them with subversion, using the following commands:

svn co http://svn.mysql.com/svnpublic/mysql-gui-common/1.0
mv 1.0 mysql-gui-common
svn co http://svn.mysql.com/svnpublic/mysql-administrator/1.1
mv 1.1 mysql-administrator
[9 May 2006 18:17] Gary Coady
Thanks for that information.
However, I still get a hang after applying the change from r338 - I assume the important change is the move of the assignment to _first_show?

I also built from the current code in svn, but the recursive lock in lock_mysql still occurs via lock_mysql() -> dispatcher.dispatch() -> Gtk::Main::instance->run() -> gtk_tree_view_button_press -> lock_mysql()
[9 May 2006 18:56] Alfredo Kojima
1.1.10 has been released, please try it:
I have tried it on debian unstable, with latest everything and it seemed to work.

If it still doesn't work for you, please give me the following info:
- CPU type and number of processors/cores (including hyperthreading details)
- version of debian in use 
- version of kernel, libc
- version of gtk+2, gtkmm, glib-2
- actually, a full listing of packages you have installed would be helpfull so I can reproduce the same environment as you have there (ie, gzip and attach the output of dpkg -L)

[10 May 2006 9:09] Gary Coady
The OS is Ubuntu Dapper - I'm attaching some screenshots, backtraces, package information and platform details.

I tested without the ubuntulooks theme, same problem.
The statically linked version of 1.1.10 works (as one might expect).
[10 May 2006 9:12] Gary Coady
I can't attach any files - you can download the archive from http://www.lyranthe.org/hang_debug_info.tar.gz
[10 May 2006 9:22] Gary Coady
One further thing if you're trying to reproduce - as it's a race condition, it doesn't usually happen when X is tunnelled across an ssh connection.
[14 May 2006 16:13] Gary Coady
I've posted a patch for a minimal workaround in Ubuntu at

The patch itself is at

It uses pthread_mutex_trylock instead of pthread_mutex_lock, at the cost of an error dialog appearing when the problem occurs.

It's obviously not designed as a permanent fix, but just as a lesser evil until the locking is reworked.

I'd appreciate comments on the patch contents.
[1 Jun 2006 21:18] Marcin Deka

version 1.1.10 compiled from source doesnt work for me. It steel needs workaround!

My system is:
P4 2,26GHz uniprocesor
Debian 3.1 with kernel
libc comming with Debian 3.1 (2.3.2.ds1-2)
below from sources:
gtk+ 2.8.18
gtkmm 2.8.5
glib-2 2.8.6
glibmm 2.8.6
libsigc++ 2.0.17
[1 Jun 2006 21:32] Marcin Deka
list of installed packages (Debian 3.1 - Marcin Deka)

Attachment: list.readme.gz (application/gzip, text), 6.39 KiB.

[1 Jun 2006 21:35] Marcin Deka
I've added a file with a packages installed in my Debian 3.1

Every other lib required by mysql-admin not present on the list I've compiled from sources.
[1 Jun 2006 23:18] Gary Coady
It appears to me that lock_mysql() is of no use whatsoever. Either the main loop can call a MySQL function again (due to a callback), causing a deadlock - or it can't, in which case we didn't need lock_mysql() anyway.
The only other threads of execution besides the main loop are operating within the mysql lock, and are of no interest in this lockup issue.

However, it seems to me that replacing the locking system is going to be a major effort, and besides my earlier patch, all currently synchronous mysql calls need to be replaced with asynchronous calls including callbacks.

What that means for the "stop" UI button, I don't know. What does the "stop" button do if there are multiple mysql calls in flight?

I'm willing to try to supply patches, if some guidance can be given as to the operation of the "stop" button. Can it just be removed?
[1 Jun 2006 23:37] Vyacheslav Kvasnitsky
I have the same issue with mysql-administrator-1.1.10-1 on SuSE Linux 10.1.

I've tested the workaround and it helps.
[6 Jun 2006 8:08] Michal Marek
This patch works for me on SUSE Linux 10.1 with mysql-administrator 1.1.10

--- source/linux/MAUserAdministrationPanel.cc
+++ source/linux/MAUserAdministrationPanel.cc
@@ -2141,6 +2141,9 @@
   Gtk::TreeIter node= cnode;
   bool is_host= false;
+  if (_first_show) { // called before show() returned
+    return;
+  }
   if (node)
     _user_browser->get_row_user(node, username, host);

without the patch, User Administration _allways_ hangs. Versions of libraries in SL 10.1:
$ rpm -q  gtk2 glib2 gtkmm24 glibmm24 libsigc++2
[26 Jul 2006 19:18] Alfredo Kojima
I've tried this on Ubuntu dapper (x86_64) and was able to repeat it.
This has been fixed now.
[11 Oct 2006 13:13] Tim Williams
I'm having this same problem on Linux FC3 with MySQL 5.0.6, mysql-administrator v1.2.4rc. I tried setting the environment variable DEBUG_DONT_SPAWN_FETCHES=1, but that didn't help. 

What I've noticed is that when you select User Administration, each schema is being queried for info. I have several schemas with a large number of tables (>1000) each.  When I drop those schemas (after backing up of course) the problem goes away. MySQL Admin is not searching through >15000 tables for whatever it is looking for. There is still a bit of a delay, but then I didn't drop everything, just the schemas with large numbers of tables.

mysqlcc doesn't have this problem.
[13 Oct 2006 6:35] Daniel Kasak
I've still got this bug as well.
Any chance of re-opening it?
[13 Oct 2006 16:39] Marcin Deka
I'm using now MySQL GUI Tools Bundle r4 and its working fine.
It seems it is libs version related problem.
I'm using newest gtk+, glib and bla bla ...
Mysql is 5.0.26 standard.
[16 Oct 2006 0:12] Daniel Kasak
I'm not convinced it's a libs issue. In typical Gentoo-ricer fashion, I also have the latest libs, and still experience this problem.
[20 Oct 2006 16:31] Alfredo Kojima
Does the app completely freeze up (no redraws or anything) or does it just stay there doing nothing?
[25 Oct 2006 23:32] Daniel Kasak
It freezes. No redrawing.
Also I have just upgraded to 1.2.4rc ( binary ) and retested - same thing.
[4 Nov 2006 12:12] stephen lord
I might be missing something but is this closed? 
I get the same under Debian (3.1) on server and unstable/testing on client
The workaround works...
Correction:  under Debian at least the executable is mysql-admin (not mysql-administrator)

I created a mysql-admin.safe file /usr/bin/mysql-admin.safe containing

and this works fine... I suppose you could put it in /bin and have it in the PATH before mysql-admin in /usr/bin but since its a GUI app I just changed my shortcuts to the .safe version
[7 Dec 2006 16:27] Vladimir Kolesnikov
an update was made to the code so that tables are now loaded on demand, thus minimizing delays on user info selection
[1 Feb 2007 22:13] Daniel Kasak
This bug still exists in the latest GUI Tools package. Should I create a new bug, or can someone re-activate this one?
[21 Mar 2007 1:57] Chris Myers
Version 1.1.10 of Administrator on Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy has the same issue.  It locks up only when going to user management.