Bug #15825 Cursor "whites out" queries in query window
Submitted: 17 Dec 2005 15:31 Modified: 19 Jan 2006 14:02
Reporter: Harry Sklar Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.1.18 OS:Windows (Window XP Professional)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Dec 2005 15:31] Harry Sklar
As of installing version 1.1.18 today, I now find that if I try to drag my mouse cursor across the query text in the query window (for example, if I want to highlight something or change the query text), it appears to "wipe it out" as the cursor moves across it in either direction (left to right, or right to left), as if the cursor is "whiting out" the query text without deleting it. 

However, reversing direction immediately bring the text back! So it is as if the cursor is somehow now laying down a white cover *over* the text as it goes in one direction, then "undo-ing" it if you drag it the other direction.
Also: clicking in the query window after this process immediately makes all the text visible - again, as if the text is being un-selected after being covered by a completely opaque white highlight over the white background.

it also does this if you hold down SHIFT and use the arrow keys on the keyboard, as if meaning to manually highlight text without the mouse: go in one direction and it the text dissapears; reverse direction and it re-appears again.

This is very distracting and makes it difficult to work with! This is a repeatable issue (closing and restart the app does not releave the problem) This did not happen with any previous version.

How to repeat:
- Either type a query into the query window, or bring one over from the Schemata, Bookmarks or History tab

- Place mouse cursor into the query window

- Hold down left mouse-button and try to drag across the query text in either direction: left to right, or right to left

- Query text will dissapear as the cursor is dragged across the text, as if it is being highlighted with a completely opaque white highlight against the white background, making it invisible.

- Reversing direction will make the query text visible again, as will stopping and clicking anywhere in the query window, as if this is "un-selecting" and clearing the white highlight over the text.

- Holdiong down the SHIFT key and using the arrow keys on the keyboard, as when you manually select text without using the mouse, has the same problem, which further seems to indicate this is a selection-highlighting problem.
[18 Dec 2005 13:40] Peter Velens
I've noticed the same, it might be interesting to note that:

a. It 'only' concerns the selection (highlighting) of the text, it seems the text is highlighted with "white on white" instead of the usual "white on blue" (which is better readable ;)
b. I use the 'classic' XP theme (without the fancy colors)
c. The mainmenu highlighting is also wrong, as it is in the MySQL Administrator 1.1.6 (bug 15816)

But indeed it is enough trouble to make me want to rollback to a previous version
[18 Dec 2005 17:45] Victor Neo
The same happens on Windows XP Home edition.

The text is "white out" only in a ResultSet Tab.
[19 Dec 2005 8:02] Aku Kauste
Same colors with Windows 2000 server. Very annoying. I can't find any changelog, so I won't know what I'll miss reverting back to 1.1.17.
[28 Dec 2005 15:36] Aleksey Kishkin
verified on win xp sp2
[1 Jan 2006 15:14] [ name withheld ]
Also on Win2kPro. Very annoying bug.
When are you going to add the changelog for this tool??
[11 Jan 2006 6:51] Josh Danziger
Confirmed.  Just wanted to add a note that highlighting works just fine in script editing tabs.  This problem seems to be localized strictly to the query editing frame.
[15 Jan 2006 3:29] Eric Fauvel
Just tried latest version 1.1.19 and it still does it.
[17 Jan 2006 10:28] Aleksey Kishkin
bug #16543 marked as duplicate of this bug
[17 Jan 2006 22:45] David Seaton
I can confirm same problem in 1.1.19 with WinXP.
Bug #s 16543 16505 15892 all report the same issue.

This problem could simply be a text window highlight foreground color = white problem.
Could be a common mistake and an easy fix.
[18 Jan 2006 17:41] Jamie Maher
Definitely a text highlighting problem.. using shift + cursors to select text also causes this problem.

browser version 1.1.18!

Please fix this asap.. it makes it very hard to edit queries
[19 Jan 2006 14:02] Mike Lischke
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at