[tcp default] SendBufferMemory=10M ReceiveBufferMemory=10M [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 DataMemory=10288M IndexMemory=3072M DiskPageBufferMemory=1GB SharedGlobalMemory=128M FragmentLogFileSize=64M NoOfFragmentLogFiles=64 RedoBuffer=256M UndoIndexBuffer=16M UndoDataBuffer=32M MemReportFrequency=3600 MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations=10000000 TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout=10000 HeartbeatIntervalDbDb=3000 HeartbeatIntervalDbApi=3000 #NoOfDiskPagesToDiskAfterRestartTUP=150 #NoOfDiskPagesToDiskAfterRestartACC=83 # Disk stuff ODirect = 1 DiskCheckpointSpeed = 50M DiskCheckpointSpeedInRestart = 150M TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints=1000 #the default value for TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints is very good TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints=20 #table related things MaxNoOfTables=4096 MaxNoOfAttributes=24756 MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes=2048 MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes=512 [MYSQLD DEFAULT] [NDB_MGMD DEFAULT] # Section for the cluster management node # IP address of the management node (this system) # ID 1: mgmt 1 # ID 2: mgmt 2 # ID 3: data 1 # ID 4: data 2 # ID 5: app 1 # ID 6: app 2 # ID 7: FREE for backups on mgmt 1 # ID 8: FREE for backups on mgmt 2 [NDB_MGMD] Id=1 HostName= [NDB_MGMD] HostName= Id=2 # Section for the storage nodes [NDBD] # IP address of the first storage node Id=3 HostName= DataDir= /var/lib/mysql-cluster [NDBD] # IP address of the second storage node Id=4 HostName= DataDir=/var/lib/mysql-cluster # one [MYSQLD] per storage node [MYSQLD] Id=5 HostName= [MYSQLD] Id=6 Hostname= [MYSQLD] Id=7 Hostname= [MYSQLD] Id=8 Hostname= [TCP] NodeId1=3 NodeId2=4 HostName1= HostName2= [TCP] NodeId1=3 NodeId2=5 HostName1= HostName2= [TCP] NodeId1=3 NodeId2=6 HostName1= HostName2= [TCP] NodeId1=4 NodeId2=5 HostName1= HostName2= [TCP] NodeId1=4 NodeId2=6 HostName1= HostName2=