# Options affecting ndbd processes on all data nodes: [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 # Number of replicas DataMemory=1600M # How much memory to allocate for data storage IndexMemory=250M # How much memory to allocate for index storage #Redolog #size of each redo log fragment, 4 redo log fragment makes up on fragment log file. # A bigger Fragment log file size thatn the default 16M works better with high write load # and is strongly recommended!! FragmentLogFileSize=256M #Set NoOfFragmentLogFiles to 6xDataMemory [in MB]/(4 *FragmentLogFileSize [in MB] #Thus, NoOfFragmentLogFiles=6*2048/1024=12 #The "6xDataMemory" is a good heuristic and is STRONGLY recommended. NoOfFragmentLogFiles=12 #RedoBuffer of 32M should let you restore/provisiong quite a lot of data in parallel. #If you still have problems ("out of redobuffer"), then you probably have slow disks and #increasing this will not help, but only postpone the inevitable. RedoBuffer=32M #table related things MaxNoOfTables=512 MaxNoOfAttributes=5120 MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes=1024 MaxNoOfUniqueHashIndexes=1024 # MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations parameter should be set to the number of records # to be updated simultaneously in transactions, # divided by the number of cluster data nodes. #MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations=524288 #MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations=2097152 MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations=1048576 #Checkpointing... DiskCheckPointSpeed=10M DiskCheckPointSpeedInRestart=100M TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints=1000 TimeBetweenEpochs=100 TimeBetweenLocalCheckpoints=20 #Up this when you got a lot of: #ERROR 1297 (HY000): Got temporary error 266 'Time-out in NDB, # probably caused by deadlock' from NDB #default: 1200 msecs TransactionDeadlockDetectionTimeout=12000 #Bypass FS cache (you should test if this works for you or not) # documented in 6.3 #Odirect=1 # TCP/IP options: [TCP DEFAULT] portnumber=2202 # This the default; however, you can use any # port that is free for all the hosts in the cluster # Note: It is recommended that you do not specify the # portnumber at all and allow the default value to be # used instead SendBufferMemory=2M ReceiveBufferMemory=2M #[SHM DEFAULT] #ShmSize=2M [COMPUTER] id=1 hostname= # Hostname or IP address of node [COMPUTER] id=2 hostname= # Hostname or IP address of node [COMPUTER] id=3 hostname= # Hostname or IP address of node [COMPUTER] id=4 hostname= # Hostname or IP address of node # Management process options fw01: [NDB_MGMD] id=1 ExecuteOnComputer=1 hostname= # Hostname or IP address of MGM node datadir=/var/lib/mysql-cluster # Directory for MGM node log files #ArbitrationRank=1 # Management process options fw02: [NDB_MGMD] id=2 ExecuteOnComputer=2 hostname= # Hostname or IP address of MGM node datadir=/var/lib/mysql-cluster # Directory for MGM node log files ArbitrationRank=1 # Options for data node "A" srv01: [NDBD] id=3 # (one [NDBD] section per data node) ExecuteOnComputer=3 hostname= # Hostname or IP address datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data # Directory for this data node's data files # Options for data node "B" srv03: [NDBD] id=4 ExecuteOnComputer=4 hostname= # Hostname or IP address datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data # Directory for this data node's data files # SQL node options srv01: [MYSQLD] id=5 ExecuteOnComputer=3 hostname= # Hostname or IP address # (additional mysqld connections can be # specified for this node for various # purposes such as running ndb_restore) # SQL node options srv03: [MYSQLD] id=6 ExecuteOnComputer=4 hostname= # Hostname or IP address # (additional mysqld connections can be # specified for this node for various # purposes such as running ndb_restore) # Important: SHM functionality is considered experimental only. # It is not officially supported in any MySQL release series up to and including # MySQL 5.1 and MySQL Cluster 5.1 Carrier Grade Edition. #[SHM] #NodeId1=2 #NodeId2=4 #ShmKey=224 #[SHM] #NodeId1=3 #NodeId2=5 #ShmKey=325