WITH jennifer_0 AS (select subq_0.c0 as c0, subq_0.c5 as c1 from (select ref_0.v0 as c0, ref_0.v0 as c1, ref_0.v2 as c2, ref_0.v2 as c3, ref_0.v1 as c4, ref_0.v0 as c5, ref_0.v1 as c6, ref_0.v2 as c7 from test.table0 as ref_0 where ((((EXISTS ( select ref_1.v1 as c0, ref_0.v2 as c1, ref_0.v1 as c2, ref_1.v1 as c3, ref_1.v1 as c4, ref_0.v1 as c5, ref_0.v1 as c6, ref_0.v2 as c7, ref_0.v0 as c8, ref_1.v1 as c9, ref_1.v0 as c10, ref_0.v2 as c11, 63 as c12, ref_0.v1 as c13, ref_0.v2 as c14 from test.table0 as ref_1 where ref_1.v0 is NULL)) or (((ref_0.v0 is NULL) or (((ref_0.v0 is not NULL) and (true)) and (false))) and (true))) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_0.v2 as c0, ref_2.v0 as c1, ref_0.v0 as c2, ref_2.v2 as c3, ref_2.v1 as c4, 44 as c5 from test.table0 as ref_2 where ((true) and (false)) or (((((false) and (false)) and (EXISTS ( select ref_3.v1 as c0, ref_0.v1 as c1, ref_2.v2 as c2, ref_3.v0 as c3, ref_0.v0 as c4, ref_2.v1 as c5, ref_0.v2 as c6, ref_0.v1 as c7, ref_3.v2 as c8, ref_2.v0 as c9, ref_3.v2 as c10, ref_2.v1 as c11, ref_2.v1 as c12 from test.table0 as ref_3 where ref_2.v2 is NULL))) and ((EXISTS ( select (select v2 from test.table0) as c0, (select v0 from test.table0) as c1, ref_4.v1 as c2, ref_2.v2 as c3, ref_2.v1 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_4 where (true) and ((false) and (false)))) and (false))) or ((true) and (((false) or ((true) or (true))) and (true)))))) or ((((true) or (ref_0.v2 is NULL)) or ((ref_0.v0 is NULL) and ((((EXISTS ( select ref_0.v2 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_5 where false)) or (false)) and ((true) and ((ref_0.v1 is NULL) or (false)))) and (EXISTS ( select ref_6.v2 as c0, ref_6.v1 as c1, ref_6.v0 as c2, ref_0.v0 as c3, ref_6.v0 as c4, ref_0.v2 as c5, ref_6.v0 as c6, ref_0.v1 as c7, ref_0.v1 as c8, ref_6.v0 as c9, ref_0.v2 as c10, ref_0.v1 as c11 from test.table0 as ref_6 where false))))) or ((select v0 from test.table0) is NULL)))) and ((EXISTS ( select ref_7.v0 as c0, ref_0.v0 as c1, ref_0.v2 as c2, ref_0.v2 as c3, 83 as c4, (select v0 from test.table0) as c5, ref_0.v1 as c6, ref_0.v0 as c7, ref_0.v1 as c8, ref_0.v0 as c9, ref_0.v0 as c10 from test.table0 as ref_7 where ref_7.v2 is NULL)) and (ref_0.v2 is NULL))) or (false)) as subq_0 where (subq_0.c1 is NULL) or (((false) and ((EXISTS ( select ref_8.v1 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_8 where (false) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_9.v0 as c0, ref_9.v0 as c1, subq_0.c7 as c2, subq_0.c4 as c3 from test.table0 as ref_9 where true)) or (ref_8.v0 is not NULL)))) or (((subq_0.c3 is not NULL) or (subq_0.c1 is not NULL)) and (false)))) or ((subq_0.c0 is not NULL) and ((subq_0.c6 is NULL) or (((false) and (subq_0.c3 is NULL)) or (true)))))), jennifer_1 AS (select subq_1.c1 as c0, subq_1.c1 as c1, subq_1.c4 as c2, subq_1.c3 as c3, subq_1.c3 as c4, case when subq_1.c4 is NULL then subq_1.c3 else subq_1.c3 end as c5, 34 as c6, subq_1.c4 as c7 from (select ref_11.v1 as c0, ref_14.v2 as c1, ref_10.v2 as c2, ref_11.v2 as c3, ref_11.v0 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_10 right join test.table0 as ref_11 on ((EXISTS ( select (select v0 from test.table0) as c0, ref_11.v0 as c1, ref_12.v1 as c2 from test.table0 as ref_12 where (ref_12.v1 is NULL) and (false))) or (EXISTS ( select ref_10.v2 as c0, ref_10.v1 as c1, ref_10.v1 as c2, ref_13.v1 as c3, ref_11.v2 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_13 where ref_10.v0 is NULL))) left join test.table0 as ref_14 on (ref_11.v2 is NULL) where (ref_14.v2 is not NULL) and (ref_14.v0 is NULL)) as subq_1 where (((93 is not NULL) and (EXISTS ( select ref_16.v1 as c0, subq_1.c1 as c1, subq_1.c1 as c2, ref_15.v2 as c3, subq_1.c0 as c4, 23 as c5, ref_16.v1 as c6, ref_16.v1 as c7, ref_16.v0 as c8 from test.table0 as ref_15 right join test.table0 as ref_16 on (ref_15.v2 = ref_16.v0 ) where ((EXISTS ( select ref_17.v0 as c0, ref_16.v1 as c1, ref_15.v1 as c2, subq_1.c2 as c3, subq_1.c0 as c4, ref_15.v1 as c5 from test.table0 as ref_17 where true)) or (false)) and ((false) or (subq_1.c4 is not NULL))))) and ((EXISTS ( select ref_18.v2 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_18 where false)) and (true))) and ((((subq_1.c3 is NULL) and (true)) and (EXISTS ( select ref_19.v2 as c0, (select v1 from test.table0) as c1, subq_1.c2 as c2, (select v1 from test.table0) as c3, ref_19.v1 as c4, ref_19.v2 as c5, ref_19.v1 as c6, subq_1.c1 as c7, (select v1 from test.table0) as c8, subq_1.c0 as c9, ref_19.v2 as c10, ref_19.v0 as c11, subq_1.c1 as c12, subq_1.c1 as c13 from test.table0 as ref_19 where false))) and (EXISTS ( select subq_1.c2 as c0, ref_20.v2 as c1, ref_21.v1 as c2, 26 as c3, ref_20.v1 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_20 left join test.table0 as ref_21 on (ref_21.v0 is NULL) where (((((subq_1.c1 is NULL) and ((ref_21.v0 is NULL) or (true))) or (ref_21.v0 is not NULL)) and ((EXISTS ( select (select v0 from test.table0) as c0, ref_20.v2 as c1, ref_21.v1 as c2, subq_1.c4 as c3, ref_21.v1 as c4, subq_1.c3 as c5, ref_21.v0 as c6, ref_20.v1 as c7, ref_21.v2 as c8, ref_21.v2 as c9, ref_21.v0 as c10, ref_20.v2 as c11, ref_21.v2 as c12, ref_20.v2 as c13, subq_1.c0 as c14, ref_20.v0 as c15 from test.table0 as ref_22 where ((EXISTS ( select subq_1.c2 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_23 where (ref_23.v0 is not NULL) and ((true) and ((ref_21.v0 is NULL) and ((false) and ((true) or ((false) and ((false) and ((ref_21.v1 is not NULL) and (true)))))))))) and (false)) and ((((subq_1.c4 is not NULL) and (ref_20.v0 is not NULL)) or (false)) or (true)))) or (ref_20.v2 is NULL))) or ((true) or (true))) and ((((false) and (true)) and (false)) or ((((subq_1.c3 is NULL) and (((88 is not NULL) or (false)) or (false))) and ((((false) or ((ref_21.v1 is not NULL) and (false))) or ((true) and (true))) and (32 is NULL))) and (ref_21.v2 is NULL))))))), jennifer_2 AS (select md5( case when ((subq_2.c0 is NULL) or (true)) and ((((true) or ((EXISTS ( select subq_2.c0 as c0, ref_25.v0 as c1, ref_25.v0 as c2, ref_25.v2 as c3, ref_25.v2 as c4, subq_2.c0 as c5, subq_2.c0 as c6, ref_25.v1 as c7, subq_2.c0 as c8 from test.table0 as ref_25 where EXISTS ( select ref_26.v2 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_26 where true))) and ((subq_2.c0 is NULL) and ((subq_2.c0 is not NULL) or (subq_2.c0 is not NULL))))) and (true)) and (((subq_2.c0 is not NULL) or (true)) and (((EXISTS ( select ref_27.v0 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_27 where true)) and (false)) and (true)))) then subq_2.c0 else subq_2.c0 end ) as c0, coalesce(case when 93 is not NULL then subq_2.c0 else subq_2.c0 end , subq_2.c0) as c1, subq_2.c0 as c2, subq_2.c0 as c3 from (select ref_24.v0 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_24 where true) as subq_2 where ((((subq_2.c0 is NULL) or (subq_2.c0 is not NULL)) or (subq_2.c0 is NULL)) or (true)) and ((subq_2.c0 is NULL) and (true))), jennifer_3 AS (select subq_3.c2 as c0, subq_3.c1 as c1, subq_3.c1 as c2, subq_3.c2 as c3, case when ((subq_3.c3 is NULL) and ((((subq_3.c2 is NULL) or (true)) and ((((((true) or (subq_3.c1 is NULL)) or ((((((100 is NULL) or (false)) or (((false) and ((false) and (true))) or (100 is NULL))) and (false)) or ((subq_3.c1 is not NULL) and (true))) or (((false) or (((((false) and (EXISTS ( select ref_35.v0 as c0, subq_3.c2 as c1, ref_35.v1 as c2, subq_3.c3 as c3, ref_35.v2 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_35 where (((false) and (true)) or (ref_35.v2 is not NULL)) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_36.v0 as c0, subq_3.c2 as c1, subq_3.c3 as c2, ref_35.v0 as c3, ref_36.v0 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_36 where ref_36.v0 is NULL)) and (((false) or (((EXISTS ( select ref_37.v2 as c0, ref_37.v2 as c1, ref_37.v1 as c2 from test.table0 as ref_37 where ref_37.v2 is NULL)) and (((false) or ((false) and (false))) or (true))) or (true))) and (subq_3.c0 is NULL)))))) and (true)) or (false)) or ((subq_3.c0 is not NULL) or (EXISTS ( select ref_38.v1 as c0, ref_38.v2 as c1, subq_3.c3 as c2, subq_3.c1 as c3 from test.table0 as ref_38 where ref_38.v2 is NULL))))) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_39.v2 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_39 where false)) or ((true) and ((subq_3.c0 is NULL) or (true))))))) or ((((((false) and (EXISTS ( select ref_40.v0 as c0, ref_40.v1 as c1, ref_40.v0 as c2 from test.table0 as ref_40 where (EXISTS ( select subq_3.c3 as c0, ref_41.v2 as c1, ref_40.v2 as c2, subq_3.c3 as c3, ref_40.v0 as c4, ref_41.v0 as c5 from test.table0 as ref_41 where ((true) or (subq_3.c2 is not NULL)) or (false))) and (true)))) and ((EXISTS ( select subq_3.c2 as c0, subq_3.c3 as c1, ref_42.v2 as c2, subq_3.c3 as c3, subq_3.c2 as c4, subq_3.c2 as c5, (select v1 from test.table0) as c6, ref_42.v2 as c7, ref_42.v2 as c8 from test.table0 as ref_42 where true)) and ((EXISTS ( select ref_43.v1 as c0, (select v2 from test.table0) as c1, ref_43.v1 as c2, subq_3.c1 as c3, ref_43.v0 as c4, subq_3.c0 as c5, subq_3.c1 as c6, ref_43.v1 as c7, ref_43.v0 as c8, subq_3.c2 as c9, ref_43.v0 as c10, subq_3.c2 as c11, ref_43.v1 as c12 from test.table0 as ref_43 where true)) or (false)))) or (false)) or (((((true) or (subq_3.c0 is NULL)) or (false)) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_44.v0 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_44 where (ref_44.v1 is not NULL) and (ref_44.v2 is not NULL))) and (true))) and (((subq_3.c2 is not NULL) and (((subq_3.c1 is NULL) or (false)) or (subq_3.c1 is not NULL))) or ((true) and ((subq_3.c3 is NULL) and ((subq_3.c0 is not NULL) or (true))))))) and (false))) or (true)) or (true))) and ((EXISTS ( select subq_3.c3 as c0, subq_3.c0 as c1, subq_3.c3 as c2, (select v2 from test.table0) as c3, 81 as c4 from test.table0 as ref_45 where (EXISTS ( select subq_3.c3 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_46 where (false) and (EXISTS ( select (select v1 from test.table0) as c0, ref_47.v2 as c1, subq_3.c3 as c2, ref_45.v2 as c3, ref_46.v1 as c4, ref_45.v2 as c5, subq_3.c2 as c6 from test.table0 as ref_47 where ((EXISTS ( select ref_47.v1 as c0, ref_46.v0 as c1, ref_45.v1 as c2, ref_45.v1 as c3, ref_47.v1 as c4, ref_45.v2 as c5, ref_46.v1 as c6, ref_48.v2 as c7, ref_45.v0 as c8 from test.table0 as ref_48 where ref_47.v0 is not NULL)) and (false)) or ((false) and ((true) or (((((false) and (true)) and (false)) or (EXISTS ( select (select v1 from test.table0) as c0, subq_3.c0 as c1, subq_3.c1 as c2, ref_45.v2 as c3, ref_45.v2 as c4, subq_3.c3 as c5, ref_47.v0 as c6, subq_3.c0 as c7, ref_45.v1 as c8, ref_46.v1 as c9 from test.table0 as ref_49 where EXISTS ( select ref_47.v2 as c0, ref_46.v2 as c1, ref_50.v2 as c2, ref_45.v0 as c3 from test.table0 as ref_50 where EXISTS ( select ref_47.v2 as c0, ref_49.v0 as c1, ref_46.v0 as c2, ref_47.v1 as c3 from test.table0 as ref_51 where false))))) or (false)))))))) or (ref_45.v2 is NULL))) and (((subq_3.c3 is NULL) or ((true) and (((EXISTS ( select subq_3.c1 as c0, 39 as c1 from test.table0 as ref_52 where (true) and (false))) or (true)) or (subq_3.c1 is not NULL)))) and ((true) and (true)))))) and ((((false) or ((true) or (EXISTS ( select subq_3.c3 as c0, ref_53.v1 as c1, subq_3.c1 as c2, ref_53.v2 as c3, (select v1 from test.table0) as c4, ref_53.v0 as c5, 31 as c6, subq_3.c1 as c7, ref_53.v0 as c8, 79 as c9, subq_3.c3 as c10, subq_3.c2 as c11, subq_3.c3 as c12, ref_53.v0 as c13, ref_53.v0 as c14, ref_53.v2 as c15, subq_3.c1 as c16, (select v0 from test.table0) as c17 from test.table0 as ref_53 where EXISTS ( select ref_54.v0 as c0, ref_54.v0 as c1, ref_54.v1 as c2, ref_53.v1 as c3 from test.table0 as ref_54 where ref_53.v2 is not NULL))))) and (true)) or (true)) then current_user() else current_user() end as c4, subq_3.c2 as c5, subq_3.c0 as c6 from (select NOW() as c0, ref_30.v2 as c1, ref_30.v1 as c2, MAKE_SET( ref_28.v2, null) as c3 from test.table0 as ref_28 inner join test.table0 as ref_29 inner join test.table0 as ref_30 on ((((true) and (false)) or (ref_29.v1 is NULL)) or (((EXISTS ( select (select v0 from test.table0) as c0, ref_31.v1 as c1, ref_31.v2 as c2, (select v2 from test.table0) as c3, ref_29.v1 as c4, ref_29.v1 as c5, ref_29.v2 as c6, ref_31.v0 as c7 from test.table0 as ref_31 where (((((true) and ((false) and (true))) or (true)) and (false)) and (EXISTS ( select ref_31.v0 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_32 where (false) or ((((false) and ((false) or ((ref_30.v2 is not NULL) and ((((true) or (false)) and (ref_31.v0 is NULL)) and (true))))) or (true)) and (ref_32.v0 is NULL))))) or (((false) or (((true) and (ref_29.v2 is not NULL)) or (false))) and (false)))) or (false)) or (ref_29.v1 is NULL))) on (ref_28.v1 = ref_29.v0 ) left join test.table0 as ref_33 on (((EXISTS ( select ref_34.v0 as c0, ref_34.v1 as c1, ref_30.v2 as c2, ref_33.v2 as c3, ref_33.v0 as c4, ref_30.v2 as c5, ref_30.v1 as c6, ref_34.v2 as c7, ref_30.v0 as c8, ref_34.v2 as c9, (select v1 from test.table0) as c10, (select v1 from test.table0) as c11, ref_30.v0 as c12, ref_30.v1 as c13 from test.table0 as ref_34 where (ref_28.v1 is NULL) and ((ref_33.v1 is NULL) or (((select v0 from test.table0) is not NULL) and (((ref_34.v2 is not NULL) and (ref_33.v2 is NULL)) and (false)))))) or (ref_30.v0 is NULL)) or (false)) where (true) and (true)) as subq_3 where (select v2 from test.table0) is NULL) select subq_5.c0 as c0 from (select ref_55.c0 as c0 from jennifer_0 as ref_55 inner join jennifer_2 as ref_56 on (ref_55.c1 is NULL) inner join jennifer_0 as ref_57 on ((ref_57.c0 is NULL) or (ref_57.c0 is NULL)) left join test.table0 as ref_58 left join test.table0 as ref_59 on (ref_58.v2 = ref_59.v0 ) on (false) where false) as subq_4 left join (select ref_60.v1 as c0 from test.table0 as ref_60 where (true) and (false)) as subq_5 on (EXISTS ( select subq_4.c0 as c0, (select v2 from test.table0) as c1, (select v2 from test.table0) as c2, ref_62.c0 as c3 from jennifer_3 as ref_61 left join jennifer_0 as ref_62 on (ref_61.c3 = ref_62.c0 ) where (true) or ((false) and ((false) and ((ref_61.c2 is NULL) or (true)))))) where subq_4.c0 is NULL