--source include/have_ndb.inc --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 (f_int1 INTEGER,f_int2 INTEGER, f_char1 CHAR(10),f_char2 CHAR(10),f_charbig VARCHAR(1000) ) ENGINE= NDB PARTITION BY HASH(f_int1 + f_int2) PARTITIONS 2; # Attention: PARTITION BY HASH(f_int1) PARTITIONS 2; # removes the bug. INSERT INTO t1 (f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig) VALUES ( 0,0,'0','0','#SINGLE#'), ( 1,1,'1','1','===1==='), ( 2,2 ,'2','2','===2==='), ( 3,3,'3','3','===3==='), ( 4,4 ,'4','4','===4==='), ( 16,16,'16','16','===16==='), ( 17,17,'17','17','===17==='), ( 18,18,'18','18','===18==='), ( 19,19,'19','19','===19==='), ( 20,20,'20','20','===20==='), ( 21,21,'21','21','#SINGLE#'); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY f_int1; # This update seems to be needed, because the alternative # INSERT ... ( 22,22,'22','22','#SINGLE#') removes the bug. UPDATE t1 SET f_int1 = 22 WHERE f_int1 = 0 AND f_charbig = '#SINGLE#'; # Here comes the strange server message. UPDATE t1 SET f_int1 = -1 WHERE f_int1 = 22 AND f_charbig = '#SINGLE#';