11:18:15 [INF][ Workbench]: Starting up Workbench 11:18:15 [INF][ WBContext UI]: Initializing workbench context UI with these values: base dir: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources plugin path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/PlugIns struct path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/grt module path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/PlugIns:/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins library path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/libraries user data dir: /Users/rodrigoteixeira/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench open at start: open type: run at startup: run type: Force SW rendering: No Force OpenGL: No quit when done: No 11:18:15 [INF][ WBContext]: WbContext::init 11:18:15 [INF][ WBA]: Looking for extension modules for WBA... 11:18:15 [INF][ WBA]: 0 extension modules found 11:18:16 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 11:18:16 [WRN][ grt]: /Users/rodrigoteixeira/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/connections.xml:29: link '0D80B8A6-8B99-450F-A427-06D3FC1C2C01' key=owner could not be resolved 11:18:16 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 11:18:16 [INF][ WBContext]: System info: MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for macOS version 8.0.28 CE build 1474738 (64 bit) Configuration Directory: /Users/rodrigoteixeira/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench Data Directory: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources Cairo Version: 1.17.4 OS: unknown CPU: 8x Apple M1 - 8.00GiB RAM No video adapter info available 11:18:16 [INF][ WQE backend]: Found auto-save workspace /Users/rodrigoteixeira/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/sql_workspaces/AYMES_Reports-1.autosave 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ WBModule]: OS detection failed, skipping OS support check. OS string: 'unknown' 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_light@2x.png 11:18:16 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_light@2x.png 11:23:22 [INF][ Preferences]: Logger set to level 'debug3' in preferences menu 11:23:24 [DB2][ grt]: wb.form.showOptions finished in 94.45s 11:23:33 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'aymesbi'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 11:28:46 [DB1][ WBContext]: Saved connection list (MySQL: 1) 11:29:07 [DB3][SQL Editor Form]: Creating KeepAliveInterval timer... 11:29:07 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'aymesbi'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 11:29:07 [DB3][ WQE backend]: Connecting SQL editor... 11:29:07 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "execute sql queries" to dispatcher (wait)... 11:29:07 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: starting worker thread 11:29:07 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread running 11:29:07 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "execute sql queries" 11:35:35 [DB3][ WQE backend]: Cancelling connection... 11:35:35 [DB2][ mforms backend]: run_cancelable_wait_message returned false 11:35:35 [INF][ WBContext]: Connection to AYMES_Reports cancelled by user: canceled 11:35:43 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'aymesbi'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 11:39:07 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Notifying server state change of Mysql@ to not running 11:39:07 [ERR][SQL Editor Form]: SqlEditorForm: exception in do_connect method: Exception: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 60 11:39:07 [DB3][SQL Editor Form]: KeepAliveInterval tick 11:39:07 [WRN][SQL Editor Form]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 60 11:39:07 [ERR][SQL Editor Form]: Connection failed but remote admin does not seem to be available, rethrowing exception... 11:39:07 [ERR][ GRTDispatcher]: exception in grt execute_task, continuing: Exception: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 60 11:39:07 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "execute sql queries" finished 11:39:07 [ERR][ GRTDispatcher]: worker: task 'execute sql queries' has failed with error:.Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 60 11:39:07 [ERR][ WQE backend]: Got an exception during connection: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 60 11:39:07 [DB2][ mforms backend]: Forgetting cached password for 'aymesbi'@'Mysql@' 11:39:07 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 11:39:07 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 11:39:07 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 11:39:07 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 11:39:07 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 11:39:57 [DB1][ WBContext]: Saved connection list (MySQL: 1)