/* Copyright (c) 2012, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** @file task.c Rudimentary, non-preemptive task system in portable C, based on Tom Duff's switch-based coroutine trick and a stack of environment structs. (continuations?) Nonblocking IO and event handling need to be rewritten for each new OS. The code is not MT-safe, but could be made safe by moving all global variables into a context struct which could be the first parameter to all the functions. */ #if defined(linux) && !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif #if defined(linux) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include "x_platform.h" #ifdef XCOM_HAVE_OPENSSL #include "openssl/ssl.h" #include "openssl/err.h" #endif #include #include #include "xcom_vp.h" #include "node_connection.h" #ifndef WIN #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "task_debug.h" #include "task_net.h" #include "simset.h" #include "task_os.h" #include "task.h" #include "xcom_cfg.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "retry.h" #include "xdr_utils.h" extern char *pax_op_to_str(int x); task_arg null_arg = {a_end,{0}}; struct iotasks ; typedef struct iotasks iotasks; typedef struct { u_int pollfd_array_len; pollfd *pollfd_array_val; } pollfd_array; typedef task_env* task_env_p; typedef struct { u_int task_env_p_array_len; task_env_p *task_env_p_array_val; } task_env_p_array; init_xdr_array(pollfd) free_xdr_array(pollfd) set_xdr_array(pollfd) get_xdr_array(pollfd) init_xdr_array(task_env_p) free_xdr_array(task_env_p) set_xdr_array(task_env_p) get_xdr_array(task_env_p) struct iotasks { int nwait; pollfd_array fd; task_env_p_array tasks; }; int task_errno = 0; static task_env *extract_first_delayed(); static task_env *task_ref(task_env *t); static task_env *task_unref(task_env *t); static void wake_all_io(); static void task_sys_deinit(); /* Return time as seconds */ static double _now = 0.0; double task_now() { return _now; } #ifdef WIN int gettimeofday(struct timeval * tp, struct timezone * tzp) { static uint64_t const EPOCH = ((uint64_t) 116444736000000000ULL); SYSTEMTIME system_time; FILETIME file_time; uint64_t time; GetSystemTime( &system_time ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &system_time, &file_time ); time = ((uint64_t)file_time.dwLowDateTime ) ; time += ((uint64_t)file_time.dwHighDateTime) << 32; tp->tv_sec = (long) ((time - EPOCH) / 10000000L); tp->tv_usec = (long) (system_time.wMilliseconds * 1000); return 0; } #endif double seconds(void) { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday(&tv, 0) < 0) return - 1.0; return _now = (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0; } #ifdef NOTDEF static void task_queue_init(task_queue *q) { q->curn = 0; } static void task_queue_debug(task_queue *q) { int i; GET_GOUT; STRLIT("task_queue_debug "); for (i = 1; i <= q->curn; i++) { NDBG(i, d); PTREXP(q->x[i]); STREXP(q->x[i]->name); NDBG(q->x[i]->heap_pos, d); NDBG(q->x[i]->terminate, d); NDBG(q->x[i]->time, f); } PRINT_GOUT; FREE_GOUT; } static int is_heap(task_queue *q) { if (q->curn) { int i; for (i = q->curn; i > 1; i--) { if ((q->x[i]->time < q->x[i/2]->time) || (q->x[i]->heap_pos != i)) { task_queue_debug(q); return 0; } } if (q->x[1]->heap_pos != 1) { task_queue_debug(q); return 0; } } return 1; } static int task_queue_full(task_queue *q) { /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ return q->curn >= MAXTASKS; } #endif #define FIX_POS(i) q->x[i]->heap_pos = (i) /* #define TASK_SWAP(x,y) { task_env *tmp = (x); (x) = (y); (y) = (tmp); } */ #define TASK_SWAP(i,j) { task_env *tmp = q->x[i]; q->x[i] = q->x[j]; q->x[j] = tmp; FIX_POS(i); FIX_POS(j); } #define TASK_MOVE(i,j) { q->x[i] = q->x[j]; FIX_POS(i); } /* Put the task_env* at index n in its right place when Heap(1,n-1) */ static void task_queue_siftup(task_queue *q, int n) { int i = n; int p; assert(n >= 0); /* Heap(1,n-1) */ for (; ; ) { if (i == 1) break; /* Reached root */ p = i / 2; /* Find parent */ if (q->x[p]->time <= q->x[i]->time) break; /* We have reached correct place */ TASK_SWAP(p, i); i = p; } /* Heap(1,n) */ } /* Put the task_env* at index l in its right place when Heap(l+1,n) */ static void task_queue_siftdown(task_queue *q, int l, int n) { int i = l; int c; assert(n >= 0); /* Heap(l+1,,n) */ for (; ; ) { c = 2 * i; /* First child */ if (c > n) break; /* Outside heap */ if (c + 1 <= n) /* We have second child */ if (q->x[c+1]->time < q->x[c]->time) /* Select lesser child */ c++; if (q->x[i]->time <= q->x[c]->time) break; /* We have reached correct place */ TASK_SWAP(c, i); i = c; } /* Heap(l,n) */ } /* Remove any element from the heap */ static task_env *task_queue_remove(task_queue *q, int i) { task_env * tmp = q->x[i]; /* Will return this */ assert(q->curn); /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ MAY_DBG(FN; STRLIT("task_queue_remove "); NDBG(i, d)); /* task_queue_debug(q); */ TASK_MOVE(i, q->curn); /* Fill the hole */ q->curn--; /* Heap is now smaller */ /* Re-establish heap property */ if (q->curn) { int p = i / 2; if (p && q->x[p]->time > q->x[i]->time) task_queue_siftup(q, i); else task_queue_siftdown(q, i, q->curn); } /* task_queue_debug(q); */ /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ tmp->heap_pos = 0; return task_unref(tmp); } /* Insert task_env * in queue */ static void task_queue_insert(task_queue *q, task_env *t) { assert(t->heap_pos == 0); assert(q->curn < MAXTASKS); /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ q->curn++; q->x[q->curn] = t; FIX_POS(q->curn); /* Heap(1,n-1) */ task_queue_siftup(q, q->curn); /* Heap(1,n) */ /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ } static int task_queue_empty(task_queue *q) { /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ return q->curn < 1; } static task_env *task_queue_min(task_queue *q) { /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ assert(q->curn >= 1); return q->x[1]; } /* Extract first task_env * from queue */ static task_env *task_queue_extractmin(task_queue *q) { task_env * tmp; assert(q); assert(q->curn >= 1); /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ /* task_queue_debug(q); */ tmp = q->x[1]; TASK_MOVE(1, q->curn); q->x[q->curn] = 0; q->curn--; /* Heap(2,n) */ if (q->curn) task_queue_siftdown(q, 1, q->curn); /* Heap(1,n) */ /* task_queue_debug(q); */ /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ tmp->heap_pos = 0; return tmp; } static linkage ash_nazg_gimbatul = {0,&ash_nazg_gimbatul,&ash_nazg_gimbatul}; /* One ring to bind them all */ static void task_init(task_env *p); void *task_allocate(task_env *p, unsigned int bytes); /** Initialize task memory */ static void task_init(task_env *t) { link_init(&t->l, type_hash("task_env")); link_init(&t->all, type_hash("task_env")); t->heap_pos = 0; /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); /* #ifdef __sun */ /* mem_watch(&ash_nazg_gimbatul,sizeof(&ash_nazg_gimbatul), 0); */ /* #endif */ link_into(&t->all, &ash_nazg_gimbatul); /* Put it in the list of all tasks */ /* #ifdef __sun */ /* mem_watch(&ash_nazg_gimbatul,sizeof(&ash_nazg_gimbatul), WA_WRITE); */ /* #endif */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ t->terminate = RUN; t->refcnt = 0; t->taskret = 0; t->time = 0.0; t->arg = null_arg; t->where = t->buf; t->stack_top = &t->buf[TASK_POOL_ELEMS-1]; t->sp = t->stack_top; memset(t->buf, 0, TASK_POOL_ELEMS * sizeof(TaskAlign)); } static linkage tasks = {0,&tasks,&tasks}; //tasks for proposer_task static linkage tasks_proposer = {0,&tasks_proposer,&tasks_proposer}; static task_queue task_time_q; static linkage free_tasks = {0,&free_tasks,&free_tasks}; /* Basic operations on tasks */ static task_env *activate(task_env *t) { if (t) { MAY_DBG(FN; STRLIT("activating task "); PTREXP(t); STREXP(t->name); NDBG(t->heap_pos, d); NDBG(t->time, f); ); assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); if (t->heap_pos) task_queue_remove(&task_time_q, t->heap_pos); if (strcmp(t->name, "proposer_task") == 0 ) link_into(&t->l, &tasks_proposer); else link_into(&t->l, &tasks); t->time = 0.0; t->heap_pos = 0; assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); } return t; } static task_env *deactivate(task_env *t) { if (t) { assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); link_out(&t->l); assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); } return t; } void task_delay_until(double time) { if (stack) { stack->time = time; task_queue_insert(&task_time_q, task_ref(deactivate(stack))); } } /* Wait queues */ void task_wait(task_env *t, linkage *queue) { if (t) { TASK_DEBUG("task_wait"); deactivate(t); link_into(&t->l, queue); } } void task_wakeup(linkage *queue) { assert(queue); assert(queue != &tasks); while (!link_empty(queue)) { activate(container_of(link_extract_first(queue), task_env, l)); TASK_DEBUG("task_wakeup"); } } static void task_wakeup_first(linkage *queue) { assert(queue); assert(queue != &tasks); if (!link_empty(queue)) { activate(container_of(link_extract_first(queue), task_env, l)); TASK_DEBUG("task_wakeup_first"); } } /* Channels */ channel *channel_init(channel *c, unsigned int type) { link_init(&c->data, type); link_init(&c->queue, type_hash("task_env")); return c; } /* purecov: begin deadcode */ channel *channel_new() { channel * c = malloc(sizeof(channel)); channel_init(c, NULL_TYPE); return c; } /* purecov: end */ void channel_put(channel *c, linkage *data) { MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(data); PTREXP(&c->data)); link_into(data, &c->data); task_wakeup_first(&c->queue); } void channel_put_front(channel *c, linkage *data) { link_follow(data, &c->data); task_wakeup_first(&c->queue); } static int active_tasks = 0; task_env *task_new(task_func func, task_arg arg, const char *name, int debug) { task_env * t; if (link_empty(&free_tasks)) t = malloc(sizeof(task_env)); else t = container_of(link_extract_first(&free_tasks), task_env, l); DBGOUT(FN; PTREXP(t); STREXP(name)); task_init(t); t->func = func; t->arg = arg; t->name = name; t->debug = debug; t->waitfd = -1; t->interrupt = 0; activate(t); task_ref(t); active_tasks++; return t; } /**Allocate bytes from pool, initialized to zero */ void *task_allocate(task_env *p, unsigned int bytes) { /* TaskAlign to boundary */ unsigned int alloc_units = (unsigned int) ((bytes + sizeof(TaskAlign) -1) / sizeof(TaskAlign)); TaskAlign * ret; /* Check if there is space */ TASK_DEBUG("task_allocate"); if ((p->where + alloc_units) <= (p->stack_top)) { ret = p->where; p->where += alloc_units; memset(ret, 0, alloc_units * sizeof(TaskAlign)); } else { ret = 0; abort(); } return ret; } void reset_state(task_env *p) { if ((p->where) <= (p->stack_top - 1)) { TASK_DEBUG("reset_state"); p->stack_top[-1].state = 0; } else { abort(); } } void pushp(task_env *p, void *ptr) { assert(ptr); if ((p->where) <= (p->stack_top - 1)) { p->stack_top->ptr = ptr; p->stack_top--; TASK_DEBUG("pushp"); } else { abort(); } } void popp(task_env *p) { if (p->stack_top < &p->buf[TASK_POOL_ELEMS]) { TASK_DEBUG("popp"); p->stack_top++; } else { abort(); } } static int runnable_tasks() { return !link_empty(&tasks); } static int runnable_tasks_proposer() { return !link_empty(&tasks_proposer); } static int delayed_tasks() { return !task_queue_empty(&task_time_q); } static void task_delete(task_env *t) { DBGOUT(FN; PTREXP(t); STREXP(t->name); NDBG(t->refcnt, d)); link_out(&t->all); /* Remove task from list of all tasks */ #if 1 free(deactivate(t)); /* Deactivate and free task */ #else deactivate(t); link_into(&t->l, &free_tasks); #endif active_tasks--; } static task_env *task_ref(task_env *t) { if (t) { t->refcnt++; } return t; } static task_env *task_unref(task_env *t) { if (t) { t->refcnt--; if (t->refcnt == 0) { task_delete(t); return NULL; } } return t; } task_env *task_activate(task_env *t) { return activate(t); } task_env *task_deactivate(task_env *t) { return deactivate(t); } /* Set terminate flag and activate task */ task_env *task_terminate(task_env *t) { if (t) { DBGOUT(FN; PTREXP(t); STREXP(t->name); NDBG(t->refcnt, d)); t->terminate = KILL; /* Set terminate flag */ activate(t); /* and get it running */ } return t; } /* Call task_terminate on all tasks */ void task_terminate_all() { /* First, activate all tasks which wait for timeout */ while (delayed_tasks()) { task_env * t = extract_first_delayed(); /* May be NULL */ if (t) activate(t); /* Make it runnable */ } /* Then wake all tasks waiting for IO */ wake_all_io(); /* At last, terminate everything */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ FWD_ITER(&ash_nazg_gimbatul, task_env, task_terminate(container_of(link_iter, task_env, all)); ); } static task_env *first_delayed() { return task_queue_min(&task_time_q); } static task_env *extract_first_delayed() { task_env * ret = task_queue_extractmin(&task_time_q); ret->time = 0.0; return task_unref(ret); } static iotasks iot; static void iotasks_init(iotasks *iot) { DBGOUT(FN); iot->nwait = 0; init_pollfd_array(&iot->fd); init_task_env_p_array(&iot->tasks); } static void iotasks_deinit(iotasks *iot) { DBGOUT(FN); iot->nwait = 0; free_pollfd_array(&iot->fd); free_task_env_p_array(&iot->tasks); } #if TASK_DBUG_ON static void poll_debug() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < iot.nwait; i++) { NDBG(i,d); PTREXP(iot.tasks[i]); NDBG(iot.fd[i].fd,d); NDBG(iot.fd[i].events,d); NDBG(iot.fd[i].revents,d); } } #endif static void poll_wakeup(int i) { activate(task_unref(get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks,i))); set_task_env_p(&iot.tasks, NULL,i); iot.nwait--; /* Shrink array of pollfds */ set_pollfd(&iot.fd, get_pollfd(&iot.fd,iot.nwait),i); set_task_env_p(&iot.tasks, get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks,iot.nwait),i); } static int poll_wait(int ms) { result nfds = {0, 0}; int wake = 0; /* Wait at most ms milliseconds */ MAY_DBG(FN; NDBG(ms, d)); if (ms < 0 || ms > 1000) ms = 1000; /* Wait at most 1000 ms */ SET_OS_ERR(0); while ((nfds.val = poll(iot.fd.pollfd_array_val, iot.nwait, ms)) == -1) { nfds.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); if (nfds.funerr != SOCK_EINTR) { task_dump_err(nfds.funerr); MAY_DBG(FN; STRLIT("poll failed")); abort(); } SET_OS_ERR(0); } /* Wake up ready tasks */ { int i = 0; int interrupt = 0; while (i < iot.nwait) { interrupt = (get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks,i)->time != 0.0 && get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks,i)->time < task_now()); if (interrupt || /* timeout ? */ get_pollfd(&iot.fd,i).revents) { /* if(iot.fd[i].revents & POLLERR) abort(); */ get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks,i)->interrupt = interrupt; poll_wakeup(i); wake = 1; } else { i++; } } } return wake; } static void add_fd(task_env *t, int fd, int op) { int events = 'r' == op ? POLLIN | POLLRDNORM : POLLOUT; MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(t); NDBG(fd, d); NDBG(op, d)); assert(fd >= 0); t->waitfd = fd; deactivate(t); task_ref(t); set_task_env_p(&iot.tasks, t, iot.nwait); { pollfd x; x.fd = fd; x.events = events; x.revents = 0; set_pollfd(&iot.fd, x, iot.nwait); } iot.nwait++; } void unpoll(int i) { task_unref(get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks, i)); set_task_env_p(&iot.tasks, NULL,i); { pollfd x; x.fd = -1; x.events = 0; x.revents = 0; set_pollfd(&iot.fd, x, i); } } static void wake_all_io() { int i; for (i = 0; i < iot.nwait; i++) { activate(get_task_env_p(&iot.tasks,i)); unpoll(i); } iot.nwait = 0; } void remove_and_wakeup(int fd) { int i = 0; MAY_DBG(FN; NDBG(fd, d)); while (i < iot.nwait) { if (get_pollfd(&iot.fd,i).fd == fd) { poll_wakeup(i); } else { i++; } } } task_env *stack = NULL; task_env *wait_io(task_env *t, int fd, int op) { t->time = 0.0; t->interrupt = 0; add_fd(deactivate(t), fd, op); return t; } static task_env *timed_wait_io(task_env *t, int fd, int op, double timeout) { t->time = task_now() + timeout; t->interrupt = 0; add_fd(deactivate(t), fd, op); return t; } static uint64_t send_count; static uint64_t receive_count; static uint64_t send_bytes; static uint64_t receive_bytes; #ifdef XCOM_HAVE_OPENSSL result con_read(connection_descriptor const *rfd, void *buf, int n) { result ret = {0,0}; if (rfd->ssl_fd) { ERR_clear_error(); ret.val = SSL_read(rfd->ssl_fd, buf, n); ret.funerr = to_ssl_err(SSL_get_error(rfd->ssl_fd, ret.val)); } else { SET_OS_ERR(0); ret.val = (int)recv(rfd->fd, buf, (size_t)n, 0); ret.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); } return ret; } #else result con_read(connection_descriptor const *rfd, void *buf, int n) { result ret = {0,0}; SET_OS_ERR(0); ret.val = recv(rfd->fd, buf, (size_t)n, 0); ret.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); return ret; } #endif /* It just reads no more than INT_MAX bytes. Caller should call it again for read more than INT_MAX bytes. Either the bytes written or an error number is returned to the caller through 'ret' argument. Error number is always negative integers. */ int task_read(connection_descriptor const* con, void *buf, int n, int64_t *ret) { DECL_ENV int dummy; END_ENV; result sock_ret = {0,0}; *ret= 0; assert(n >= 0); TASK_BEGIN MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(stack); NDBG(con->fd,d); PTREXP(buf); NDBG(n,d)); for(;;){ if(con->fd <= 0) TASK_FAIL; sock_ret = con_read(con, buf, n); *ret = sock_ret.val; task_dump_err(sock_ret.funerr); MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(stack); NDBG(con->fd,d); PTREXP(buf); NDBG(n,d)); if(sock_ret.val >= 0 || (! can_retry_read(sock_ret.funerr))) break; wait_io(stack, con->fd, 'r'); TASK_YIELD; MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(stack); NDBG(con->fd,d); PTREXP(buf); NDBG(n,d)); } assert(!can_retry_read(sock_ret.funerr)); FINALLY receive_count++; if(*ret > 0) receive_bytes += (uint64_t)(*ret); TASK_END; } #ifdef XCOM_HAVE_OPENSSL result con_write(connection_descriptor const *wfd, void *buf, int n) { result ret = {0,0}; assert(n >0); if (wfd->ssl_fd) { ERR_clear_error(); ret.val = SSL_write(wfd->ssl_fd, buf, n); ret.funerr = to_ssl_err(SSL_get_error(wfd->ssl_fd, ret.val)); } else { SET_OS_ERR(0); ret.val = (int)send(wfd->fd, buf, (size_t)n, 0); ret.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); } return ret; } #else result con_write(connection_descriptor const *wfd, void *buf, int n) { result ret = {0,0}; assert(n >0); SET_OS_ERR(0); ret.val = send(wfd->fd, buf, (size_t)n, 0); ret.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); return ret; } #endif /* It writes no more than UINT_MAX bytes which is the biggest size of paxos message. Either the bytes written or an error number is returned to the caller through 'ret' argument. Error number is always negative integers. */ int task_write(connection_descriptor const *con, void *_buf, uint32_t n, int64_t *ret) { char *buf = (char *) _buf; DECL_ENV uint32_t total; /* Keeps track of number of bytes written so far */ END_ENV; result sock_ret = {0,0}; TASK_BEGIN ep->total = 0; *ret= 0; while (ep->total < n) { MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(stack); NDBG(con->fd,d); NDBG(n - ep->total,u)); for(;;){ if(con->fd <= 0) TASK_FAIL; /* con_write can only write messages that their sizes don't exceed INT_MAX bytes. We should never pass a length bigger than INT_MAX to con_write. */ sock_ret = con_write(con, buf + ep->total, n-ep->total >= INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : (int)(n-ep->total)); task_dump_err(sock_ret.funerr); MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(stack); NDBG(con->fd,d); NDBG(sock_ret.val, d)); if(sock_ret.val >= 0 || (! can_retry_write(sock_ret.funerr))) break; wait_io(stack, con->fd, 'w'); MAY_DBG(FN; PTREXP(stack); NDBG(con->fd,d); NDBG(n - ep->total,u)); TASK_YIELD; } if (0 == sock_ret.val) { /* We have successfully written n bytes */ TERMINATE; } else if (sock_ret.val < 0) { /* Something went wrong */ TASK_FAIL; } else { /* Add number of bytes written to total */ ep->total += (uint32_t)sock_ret.val; } } assert(ep->total == n); TASK_RETURN(ep->total); FINALLY send_count++; send_bytes += ep->total; TASK_END; } int unblock_fd(int fd) { #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(WIN64) int x = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); x = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, x | O_NONBLOCK); #else /** * On windows we toggle the FIONBIO flag directly * * Undocumented in MSDN: * Calling ioctlsocket(FIONBIO) to an already set state * seems to return -1 and WSAGetLastError() == 0. */ u_long nonblocking = 1; /** !0 == non-blocking */ int x = ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking); #endif return x; } int block_fd(int fd) { #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(WIN64) int x = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); x = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, x & ~O_NONBLOCK); #else /** * On windows we toggle the FIONBIO flag directly. * * Undocumented in MSDN: * Calling ioctlsocket(FIONBIO) to an already set state seems to * return -1 and WSAGetLastError() == 0. */ u_long nonblocking = 0; /** 0 == blocking */ int x = ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &nonblocking); #endif return x; } /* purecov: begin deadcode */ int is_only_task() { return link_first(&tasks) == link_last(&tasks); } /* purecov: end */ static task_env *first_runnable() { return (task_env * )link_first(&tasks); } static task_env *first_runnable_proposer() { return (task_env * )link_first(&tasks_proposer); } static task_env *next_task(task_env *t) { return (task_env * )link_first(&t->l); } static int is_task_head(task_env *t) { return & t->l == &tasks; } static int is_task_proposer_head(task_env *t) { return & t->l == &tasks_proposer; } static int msdiff(double time) { return (int)(1000.5 * (first_delayed()->time - time)); } static double idle_time = 0.0; void task_loop() { /* While there are tasks */ for(;;) { task_env * t = first_runnable(); /* While runnable tasks */ while (runnable_tasks()) { task_env * next = next_task(t); if (!is_task_head(t)) { /* DBGOUT(FN; PTREXP(t); STRLIT(t->name ? t->name : "TASK WITH NO NAME")); */ stack = t; assert(stack); assert(t->terminate != TERMINATED); if (stack->debug) /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); { /* double when = seconds(); */ int val = 0; assert(t->func); assert(stack == t); val = t->func(t->arg); /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); if (!val) { /* Is task finished? */ deactivate(t); t->terminate = TERMINATED; task_unref(t); stack = NULL; } } } t = next; } t = first_runnable_proposer(); /* While runnable tasks_proposer */ while (runnable_tasks_proposer()) { task_env * next = next_task(t); if (!is_task_proposer_head(t)) { stack = t; assert(stack); assert(t->terminate != TERMINATED); if (stack->debug) /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); { /* double when = seconds(); */ int val = 0; assert(t->func); assert(stack == t); val = t->func(t->arg); /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); if (!val) { /* Is task finished? */ deactivate(t); t->terminate = TERMINATED; task_unref(t); stack = NULL; } } } t = next; } if (active_tasks <= 0) break; /* When we get here, there are no runnable tasks left. Wait until something happens. */ { double time = seconds(); if (delayed_tasks()) { int ms = msdiff(time); if (ms > 0) { if (the_app_xcom_cfg != NULL && the_app_xcom_cfg->m_poll_spin_loops) { u_int busyloop; for(busyloop = 0; busyloop < the_app_xcom_cfg->m_poll_spin_loops; busyloop++){ ADD_WAIT_EV(task_now(), __FILE__, __LINE__, "poll_wait(ms)", 0); if(poll_wait(0)) /*Just poll */ goto done_wait; ADD_WAIT_EV(task_now(), __FILE__, __LINE__, "poll_wait(ms) end", 0); thread_yield(); } } ADD_WAIT_EV(task_now(), __FILE__, __LINE__, "poll_wait(ms)", ms); poll_wait(ms); /* Wait at most ms milliseconds and poll for IO */ ADD_WAIT_EV(task_now(), __FILE__, __LINE__, "poll_wait(ms) end", ms); } done_wait: /* While tasks with expired timers */ while (delayed_tasks() && msdiff(time) <= 0) { task_env * t = extract_first_delayed(); /* May be NULL */ if (t) activate(t); /* Make it runnable */ } } else { ADD_T_EV(task_now(), __FILE__, __LINE__, "poll_wait(-1)"); poll_wait(-1); /* Wait and poll for IO */ ADD_T_EV(seconds(), __FILE__, __LINE__, "poll_wait(-1) end"); /* } */ } idle_time += seconds() - time; } } task_sys_deinit(); } static int init_sockaddr(char *server, struct sockaddr_in *sock_addr, socklen_t *sock_size, xcom_port port) { /* Get address of server */ struct addrinfo *addr = 0; checked_getaddrinfo(server, 0, 0, &addr); if (!addr) return 0; /* Copy first address */ memcpy(sock_addr, addr->ai_addr, addr->ai_addrlen); *sock_size = addr->ai_addrlen; sock_addr->sin_port = htons(port); /* Clean up allocated memory by getaddrinfo */ freeaddrinfo(addr); return 1; } #if TASK_DBUG_ON static void print_sockaddr(struct sockaddr *a) { u_int i; GET_GOUT; NDBG(a->sa_family,u); NDBG(a->sa_family,d); STRLIT(" data "); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(a->sa_data); i++) { NPUT((unsigned char)a->sa_data[i],d); } PRINT_GOUT; FREE_GOUT; } #endif int connect_tcp(char *server, xcom_port port, int *ret) { DECL_ENV int fd; struct sockaddr sock_addr; socklen_t sock_size; END_ENV; TASK_BEGIN; DBGOUT(FN; STREXP(server); NDBG(port,d)); /* Create socket */ if ((ep->fd = xcom_checked_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0).val) < 0) { DBGOUT(FN; NDBG(ep->fd, d)); TASK_FAIL; } /* Make it non-blocking */ unblock_fd(ep->fd); /* Get address of server */ /* OHKFIX Move this before call to xcom_checked_socket and use addrinfo fields as params to socket call */ if (!init_sockaddr(server, (struct sockaddr_in *)&ep->sock_addr, &ep->sock_size, port)) { DBGOUT(FN; NDBG(ep->fd, d); NDBG(ep->sock_size, d)); TASK_FAIL; } #if TASK_DBUG_ON DBGOUT(FN; print_sockaddr(&ep->sock_addr)); #endif /* Connect socket to address */ { result sock = {0,0}; SET_OS_ERR(0); sock.val = connect(ep->fd, &ep->sock_addr, ep->sock_size); sock.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); if (sock.val < 0) { if (hard_connect_err(sock.funerr)) { task_dump_err(sock.funerr); MAY_DBG(FN; NDBG(ep->fd, d); NDBG(ep->sock_size,d)); #if TASK_DBUG_ON DBGOUT(FN; print_sockaddr(&ep->sock_addr)); #endif DBGOUT(FN; NDBG(ep->fd, d); NDBG(ep->sock_size, d)); close_socket(&ep->fd); TASK_FAIL; } } /* Wait until connect has finished */ retry: timed_wait_io(stack, ep->fd, 'w', 10.0); TASK_YIELD; /* See if we timed out here. If we did, connect may or may not be active. If closing fails with EINPROGRESS, we need to retry the select. If close does not fail, we know that connect has indeed failed, and we exit from here and return -1 as socket fd */ if(stack->interrupt){ result shut = {0,0}; stack->interrupt = 0; /* Try to close socket on timeout */ shut = shut_close_socket(&ep->fd); DBGOUT(FN; NDBG(ep->fd, d); NDBG(ep->sock_size, d)); task_dump_err(shut.funerr); if (from_errno(shut.funerr) == SOCK_EINPROGRESS) goto retry; /* Connect is still active */ TASK_FAIL; /* Connect has failed */ } { int peer = 0; /* Sanity check before return */ SET_OS_ERR(0); sock.val = peer = getpeername(ep->fd, &ep->sock_addr, &ep->sock_size); sock.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); if (peer >= 0) { TASK_RETURN(ep->fd); } else { /* Something is wrong */ socklen_t errlen = sizeof(sock.funerr); getsockopt(ep->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void * ) & sock.funerr, &errlen); if (sock.funerr == 0) { sock.funerr = to_errno(SOCK_ECONNREFUSED); } shut_close_socket(&ep->fd); if (sock.funerr == 0) sock.funerr = to_errno(SOCK_ECONNREFUSED); TASK_FAIL; } } } FINALLY TASK_END; } result set_nodelay(int fd) { int n = 1; result ret = {0,0}; do{ SET_OS_ERR(0); ret.val = setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) & n, sizeof n); ret.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); DBGOUT(FN; NDBG(from_errno(ret.funerr),d)); }while(ret.val < 0 && can_retry(ret.funerr)); return ret; } static result create_server_socket() { result fd ={0,0}; /* Create socket */ if ((fd = xcom_checked_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)).val < 0) { G_MESSAGE("Unable to create socket " "(socket=%d, errno=%d)!", fd.val, to_errno(GET_OS_ERR)); return fd; } { int reuse = 1; SET_OS_ERR(0); if (setsockopt(fd.val, SOL_SOCKET, SOCK_OPT_REUSEADDR, (void * ) & reuse, sizeof(reuse)) < 0) { fd.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); G_MESSAGE("Unable to set socket options " "(socket=%d, errno=%d)!", fd.val, to_errno(GET_OS_ERR)); close_socket(&fd.val); return fd; } } return fd; } static void init_server_addr(struct sockaddr_in *sock_addr, xcom_port port) { memset(sock_addr, 0, sizeof(*sock_addr)); sock_addr->sin_family = PF_INET; sock_addr->sin_port = htons(port); } result announce_tcp(xcom_port port) { result fd; struct sockaddr_in sock_addr; fd = create_server_socket(); if (fd.val < 0) { return fd; } init_server_addr(&sock_addr, port); if (bind(fd.val, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_addr, sizeof(sock_addr)) < 0) { int err = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); G_MESSAGE("Unable to bind to %s:%d (socket=%d, errno=%d)!", "", port, fd.val, err); goto err; } G_DEBUG("Successfully bound to %s:%d (socket=%d).", "", port, fd.val); if (listen(fd.val, 32) < 0) { int err = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); G_MESSAGE("Unable to listen backlog to 32. " "(socket=%d, errno=%d)!", fd.val, err); goto err; } G_DEBUG("Successfully set listen backlog to 32 " "(socket=%d)!", fd.val); /* Make socket non-blocking */ unblock_fd(fd.val); if (fd.val < 0) { int err = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); G_MESSAGE("Unable to unblock socket (socket=%d, errno=%d)!", fd.val, err); } else { G_DEBUG("Successfully unblocked socket (socket=%d)!", fd.val); } return fd; err: fd.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); task_dump_err(fd.funerr); close_socket(&fd.val); return fd; } int accept_tcp(int fd, int *ret) { struct sockaddr sock_addr; DECL_ENV int connection; END_ENV; TASK_BEGIN; /* Wait for connection attempt */ wait_io(stack, fd, 'r'); TASK_YIELD; /* Spin on benign error code */ { socklen_t size = sizeof sock_addr; result res = {0,0}; do{ SET_OS_ERR(0); res.val = ep->connection = accept(fd, (void * ) & sock_addr, &size); res.funerr = to_errno(GET_OS_ERR); }while(res.val < 0 && from_errno(res.funerr) == SOCK_EINTR); if (ep->connection < 0) { TASK_FAIL; } } #if TASK_DBUG_ON DBGOUT(FN; print_sockaddr(&sock_addr)); #endif TASK_RETURN(ep->connection); FINALLY TASK_END; } #define STAT_INTERVAL 1.0 #if 0 /* This was disabled to prevent unecessary build warnings. TODO: Needs to be assessed whether it should be removed altogether. */ static int statistics_task(task_arg arg) { DECL_ENV double next; END_ENV; TASK_BEGIN idle_time = 0.0; send_count = 0; receive_count = 0; send_bytes = 0; receive_bytes = 0; ep->next = seconds() + STAT_INTERVAL; TASK_DELAY_UNTIL(ep->next); for(;;) { G_DEBUG("task system idle %f send/s %f receive/s %f send b/s %f receive b/s %f", (idle_time / STAT_INTERVAL) * 100.0, send_count / STAT_INTERVAL, receive_count / STAT_INTERVAL, send_bytes / STAT_INTERVAL, receive_bytes / STAT_INTERVAL); idle_time = 0.0; send_count = 0; receive_count = 0; send_bytes = 0; receive_bytes = 0; ep->next += STAT_INTERVAL; TASK_DELAY_UNTIL(ep->next); } FINALLY TASK_END; } #endif static void init_task_vars() { stack = 0; task_errno = 0; } void task_sys_init() { DBGOUT(FN; NDBG(FD_SETSIZE,d)); init_task_vars(); link_init(&tasks, type_hash("task_env")); link_init(&tasks_proposer, type_hash("task_env")); link_init(&free_tasks, type_hash("task_env")); link_init(&ash_nazg_gimbatul, type_hash("task_env")); /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.suc > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ /* assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.pred > (linkage*)0x8000000); */ iotasks_init(&iot); seconds(); /* Needed to initialize _now */ /* task_new(statistics_task, null_arg, "statistics_task", 1); */ } static void task_sys_deinit() { DBGOUT(FN); iotasks_deinit(&iot); } /* purecov: begin deadcode */ int is_running(task_env *t) { return t && t->terminate == RUN; } /* purecov: end */ void set_task(task_env**p, task_env *t) { if (t) task_ref(t); if (*p) task_unref(*p); *p = t; } const char *task_name() { return stack ? stack->name : "idle"; } task_event task_events[MAX_TASK_EVENT]; int cur_task_event; int max_task_event; #ifdef WIN #define snprintf(...) _snprintf(__VA_ARGS__) #endif /* purecov: begin deadcode */ void ev_print(task_event te) { enum { bufsize = 10000 }; static char buf[bufsize]; static size_t pos = 0; if (te.pad) { switch (te.arg.type) { case a_int: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%d ", te.arg.val.i); break; case a_long: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%ld ", te.arg.val.l); break; case a_uint: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%u ", te.arg.val.u_i); break; case a_ulong: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%lu ", te.arg.val.u_l); break; case a_ulong_long: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%llu ", te.arg.val.u_ll); break; case a_float: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%f ", te.arg.val.f); break; case a_double: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%f ", te.arg.val.d); break; case a_void: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%p ", te.arg.val.v); break; case a_string: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%s ", te.arg.val.s); break; case a_end: xcom_log(LOG_TRACE, buf); pos = 0; break; default: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "??? "); } } else { switch (te.arg.type) { case a_int: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%d", te.arg.val.i); break; case a_long: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%ld", te.arg.val.l); break; case a_uint: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%u", te.arg.val.u_i); break; case a_ulong: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%lu", te.arg.val.u_l); break; case a_ulong_long: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%llu", te.arg.val.u_ll); break; case a_float: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%f", te.arg.val.f); break; case a_double: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%f", te.arg.val.d); break; case a_void: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%p", te.arg.val.v); break; case a_string: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "%s", te.arg.val.s); break; case a_end: xcom_log(LOG_TRACE, buf); pos = 0; break; default: pos += (size_t)snprintf(&buf[pos], bufsize - pos, "???"); } } buf[pos] = 0; } void add_event(task_arg te) { task_events[cur_task_event].arg = te; task_events[cur_task_event].pad = 1; cur_task_event++; if (cur_task_event > max_task_event) max_task_event = cur_task_event; cur_task_event %= MAX_TASK_EVENT; } void add_unpad_event(task_arg te) { task_events[cur_task_event].arg = te; task_events[cur_task_event].pad = 0; cur_task_event++; if (cur_task_event > max_task_event) max_task_event = cur_task_event; cur_task_event %= MAX_TASK_EVENT; } void add_base_event(double when, char const *file, int state) { static double t = 0.0; add_event(double_arg(when)); add_event(double_arg(when - t)); t = when; add_unpad_event(string_arg(file)); add_unpad_event(string_arg(":")); add_event(int_arg(state)); } void add_task_event(double when, char const *file, int state, char const *what) { add_base_event(when, file, state); add_event(string_arg(what)); add_event(end_arg()); } void add_wait_event(double when, char *file, int state, char *what, int milli) { add_base_event(when, file, state); add_event(string_arg(what)); add_event(string_arg("milli")); add_event(int_arg(milli)); add_event(end_arg()); } static void dump_range(double t MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused) ), int start, int end) { int i; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { ev_print(task_events[i]); } } void dump_task_events() { double t = 0.0; G_DEBUG("cur_task_event %d max_task_event %d", cur_task_event, max_task_event); add_event(end_arg()); dump_range(t, cur_task_event, max_task_event); dump_range(t, 0, cur_task_event); } /* purecov: end */