#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 # USA # ======== Script Info # Script developer: Roel Van de Paar # ======== User configurable variables section #MODE= SKIPSTAGE=0 #TEXT= #TEXT="\| 0 \| 7 \|" # Example of CLI output for MODE5 #TEXT="\| i \|" #PQUERY_MOD= #PQUERY_LOC= PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD=0 PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC=~/percona-qa/pxc-pquery/existing/fig.yml PXC_ISSUE_NODE=0 MODE5_COUNTTEXT=1 MODE5_ADDITIONAL_TEXT="" MODE5_ADDITIONAL_COUNTTEXT=1 QUERYTIMEOUT=90 TS_TRXS_SETS=0 TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT=0 TS_DS_TIMEOUT=10 TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP=1 WORKDIR_LOCATION=1 STAGE1_LINES=3 #MYEXTRA= #MYBASE= FORCE_SPORADIC=0 FORCE_SKIPV=0 # ======== User configurable variable reference # - MODE: # - MODE=1: Valgrind output testing (set TEXT) # - MODE=2: mysql CLI output testing (set TEXT) # - MODE=3: mysqld error output log testing (set TEXT) # - MODE=4: Crash testing # - MODE=5 [BETA]: MTR testcase reduction (set TEXT) (Can also be used for multi-occurence CLI output testing - see MODE5_COUNTTEXT below) # - MODE=6 [ALPHA]: Multi threaded (ThreadSync) Valgrind output testing (set TEXT) # - MODE=7 [ALPHA]: Multi threaded (ThreadSync) mysql CLI output testing (set TEXT) # - MODE=8 [ALPHA]: Multi threaded (ThreadSync) mysqld error output log testing (set TEXT) # - MODE=9 [ALPHA]: Multi threaded (ThreadSync) crash testing # - SKIPSTAGE: Stages up to and including this one are skipped (default=0). # - TEXT: Text to look for in MODEs 1,2,3,5,6,7,8. Ignored in MODEs 4 and 9. # Can contain egrep+regex syntax like "^ERROR|some_other_string". Remember this is regex: specify | as \| etc. # For MODE5, you would use a mysql CLI to get the desired output "string" (see example given above) and then set MODE5_COUNTTEXT # - PQUERY_MOD: 1: use pquery, 0: use mysql CLI. Causes reducer.sh to use pquery instead of the mysql client for replays (default=0). Supported for MODE=1,3,4 # - PQUERY_LOC: Location of the pquery binary (retrieve pquery like this; $ cd ~; bzr branch lp:percona-qa; # then ref ~/percona-qa/pquery/pquery[-ms]) # - PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD: 1: use Fig + Docker to bring up 3 node Percona XtraDB Cluster instead of default server, 0: use default non-cluster server (mysqld) # see lp:/percona-qa/pxc-pquery/new/pxc-pquery_info.txt and lp:/percona-qa/docker_info.txt for more information on this. See above for some limitations etc. # IMPORTANT NOTE: If this is set to 1, ftm, these settings (and limitations) are automatically set: INHERENT: PQUERY_MOD=1, LIMTATIONS: FORCE_SPORADIC=0, # SPORADIC=0, FORCE_SKIPV=0, SKIPV=1, MYEXTRA="", MULTI_THREADS=0 # - PXC_ISSUE_NODE: This indicates which node you would like to be checked for presence of the issue. 0 = Any node. Valid options: 0, 1, 2, or 3. Only works # for MODE=4 currently. # - PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC: Location of the Fig file used to bring up 3 node Percona XtraDB Cluster (using images previously prepared by "new" method) # - MODE5_COUNTTEXT: Number of times the text should appear (default=minimum=1). Currently only used for MODE 5 # - MODE5_ADDITIONAL_TEXT: An additional string to look for in the CLI output when using MODE 5. When not using this set to "" (=default) # - MODE5_ADDITIONAL_COUNTTEXT: Number of times the additional text should appear (default=minimum=1). Only used for MODE 5 # - QUERYTIMEOUT: Number of seconds to wait before terminating a query (similar to RQG's querytimeout option). Do not set < 40 to avoid initial DDL failure # Warning: do not set this smaller then 1.5x what was used in RQG. If set smaller, the bug may not reproduce. 1.5x instead of 1x is a simple precaution # - TS_TRXS_SETS [ALPHA]: For ThreadSync simplification (MODE 6+), use the last x set of thread actions only # (i.e. the likely crashing statements are likely at the end only) (default=1, 0=disable) # Increase to increase reproducibility, but increasing this exponentially also slightly lowers reliability. (DEBUG_SYNC vs session sync issues) # - TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT: ONLY activate for debugging. We need top speed for the mysql CLI to reproduce multi-threaded issues accurately # This turns on -vvv debug output for the mysql client (Best left disabled=default=0) # Turning this on *will* significantly reduce (if not completely nullify) issue reproducibility due to excessive disk logging # - TS_DS_TIMEOUT: Number of seconds to wait in a DEBUG_SYNC lock situation before terminating current DEBUG_SYNC lock holds # - TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP: Number of seconds to wait before a new transaction set is processed (may slightly increase/decrease issue reproducibility) # Suggested values: 0 (=default) or 1. This is one of the first parameters to test (change from 0 to 1) if a ThreadSync issue is not reproducible # - WORKDIR_LOCATION: Select which medium to use to store the working directory (Note that some issues require the extra speed of setting 1,2 or 3 to reproduce) # (Note that the working directory is also copied to /tmp/ after the reducer run finishes if tmpfs or ramfs are used) # - WORKDIR_LOCATION=0: use /tmp/ (disk bound) # - WORKDIR_LOCATION=1: use tmpfs (default) # - WORKDIR_LOCATION=2: use ramfs (setup: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ram; sudo mount -t ramfs -o size=4g ramfs /mnt/ram; sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/ram;) # - WORKDIR_LOCATION=3: use ssd (mounted as /ssd) # - STAGE1_LINES: When the testcase becomes smaller than this number of lines, proceed to STAGE2 (default=90) # Only change if reducer keeps trying to reduce by 1 line in STAGE1 for a long time (seen very rarely) # - MYEXTRA: Extra options to pass to myqsld (for instance "--core" is handy in some cases, for instance with highly sporadic issues to capture a core) # Generally should be left disabled to obtain cleaner output (using this option gives "core dumped" messages, use less space, and have faster reducer runs) # - MYBASE: Full path to MySQL basedir (example: "/mysql/mysql-5.6"). # If the directory name starts with '/mysql/' then this may be ommited (example: MYBASE="mysql-5.6-trunk") # - FORCE_SPORADIC=0 or 1: If set to 1, STAGE1_LINES setting is ignored and set to 3. MULTI reducer mode is used after verify, even if issue is found to # seemingly not be sporadic (i.e. all verify threads, normally 10, reproduced the issue). This can be handy for issues which are very slow to reduce # or which, on visual inspection of the testcase reduction process are clearly sporadic (i.e. it comes to 2 line chunks with still thousands of lines # in the testcase and/or there are many trials without the issue being observed. Another situation which would call for use of this parameter is when # produced testcases are still greater then 15 to 80 lines - this also indicates a possibly sporadic issue (even if verify stage manages to produce it 10x. # Note that this may be a bug in reducer too - i.e. a mismatch between verify stage and stage 1. Yet, if that were true, the issue would likely not # reproduce to start with. Another plausible reason for this occurence (10/10 verified in verify stage but low frequency reproduction later on) is the # existence of 10 threads in verify stage vs 1 thread in stage 1. It has been observed that a very loaded server (or using Valgrind as it also slows the # code down significantly) is better at reproducing (many) issues then a low-load/single-thread-running machine. Whatever the case, this hack will help. # - FORCE_SKIV=0 or 1: If set to 1, FORCE_SPORADIC is automatically set to 1 also. This option skips the verify stage and goes straight into testcase reduction # mode. Ideal for issues that have a very low reproducibility, at least initially (usually either increases or decreases during a simplification run.) # Note that skipping the verify stage means that you may not be sure if the issue is reproducibile untill it actually reproduces (how long is a piece of # string), and the other caveat is that the verify stage normally does some very important inital simplifications which is now skipped. It is suggested that # if the issue becomes more reproducible during simplification, to restart reducer with this hack turned off. This way you get the best of both worlds. # ======== General develoment information # - Subreducer(s): these are multi-threaded runs of reducer.sh started from within reducer.sh. They have a specific role, similar to the main reducer. # At the moment there are only two such specific roles: verfication (reproducible yes/no + sporadic yes/no) and simplification (terminate a subreducer batch # (all of it) once a simpler testcase is found by one of the subthreads (subreducers), and use that testcase to again start new simplification subreducers.) # ======== Machine configurable variables section MODE=3 # IMPORTANT NOTE; Leave the 3 spaces before TEXT on the next line; pquery-results.sh uses these TEXT="btr0cur.cc line 1" MYBASE="/sda/MS-mysql-5.7.5-m15-linux-x86_64-debug" INPUTFILE="${PWD}/bug75913.sql" MYEXTRA="--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=ON --server_id=4294967295 --innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT --log-bin=binlog --binlog_format=MIXED --innodb_file_per_table=1 --innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now=ON --innodb_buffer_pool_size=4294967244 --innodb_buffer_pool_load_now=ON --innodb_flush_neighbors=2 --innodb_page_cleaners=2 --innodb_random_read_ahead=ON --innodb_purge_threads=2 --no-defaults --event-scheduler=ON --maximum-bulk_insert_buffer_size=1M --maximum-join_buffer_size=1M --maximum-max_heap_table_size=1M --maximum-max_join_size=1M --maximum-myisam_max_sort_file_size=1M --maximum-myisam_mmap_size=1M --maximum-myisam_sort_buffer_size=1M --maximum-optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=1M --maximum-preload_buffer_size=1M --maximum-query_alloc_block_size=1M --maximum-query_prealloc_size=1M --maximum-range_alloc_block_size=1M --maximum-read_buffer_size=1M --maximum-read_rnd_buffer_size=1M --maximum-sort_buffer_size=1M --maximum-tmp_table_size=1M --maximum-transaction_alloc_block_size=1M --maximum-transaction_prealloc_size=1M --log-output=none --sql_mode=ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY" PQUERY_MOD=1 PQUERY_LOC=/home/roel/percona-qa/pquery/pquery-ms #VARMOD# < please do not remove this, it is here as a marker for other scripts (including reducer itself) to auto-insert settings # ======== Ideas for improvement # - Incorporate 3+ different playback options: SOURCE ..., redirection with <, redirection with cat, (stretch goal; replay via MTR), etc. (there may be more) # - It has been clearly shown that different ways of replaying SQL may trigger a bug where other replay options do not. This looks to be more related to for # example timing/server access method then to an inherent/underlying bug in for example the mysql client (CLI) workings. As such, the "resolution" is not # to change ("fix") the client instead exploit this difference between replay options to trigger/reproduce bugs/replay test cases in multiple ways. # - An expansion of this could be where the initial stage (as it goes through it's iterations) replays each next iteration with a different replay method. # This is not 100% covering however, as the last stage (with the least amount of changes to the SQL input file) would replay with replay method/option x, # while x may not be the replay option which triggers the bug at hand. As such, a few more verify stage rounds (there's 6 atm - each with 10 replay threads) # may be needed to replay (partly "again", but this time with the least changed SQL file) the same SQL with each replay option. This would thus result in # reducer needing a bit more time to do the VERIFY stage, but likely with good improved bug reproducibility. Untill this functionality is implemented, # see the following file/page for reproducing & simplification ideas, which (if all followed diligently) usually result in bugs becoming reproducible; # http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~percona-core/percona-qa/trunk/view/head:/reproducing_and_simplification.txt # - PXC Node work: rm -Rf's in other places (non-supported subreducers for example) will need sudo. Also test for sudo working correctly upfront # - Add a MYEXRA simplificator at end (extra stage) so that mysqld options are minimal # - Improve ";" work in STAGE4 (";" sometimes missing from results - does not affect reproducibility) # - Improve VALGRIND/ERRORLOG run work (complete?) # - Improve clause elimination when sub queries are used: "ORDER BY f1);" is not filtered due to the ending ")" # - Keep 'success counters' over time of regex replacements so that reducer can eliminate those that are not effective # Do this by proceduralizing the sed and then writing the regexes to a file with their success/failure rates # - Include a note for Valgrind runs on a "universal" string - a string which would be found if there were any valgrind erros # Something like "[1-9]* ERRORS" or something # - Keep counters over time of which sed's have been successfull or not. If after many different runs, a sed remains 0 success, remove it # - Proceduralize stages and re-run STAGE2 after the last stage as this is often beneficial for # of lines (and remove last [Info] line in [Finish]) # - Have to find some solution for the crash in tzinfo where reducer needs to use a non-Valgrind-instrumented build for tzinfo # - (process) script could pass all RQG-set extra mysqld options into MYEXTRA or another variable to get non-reproducible issues to work # - STAGE6: can be improved slightly furhter. See function for ideas. # Also, the removal of a column fails when a CREATE TABLE statement includes KEY(col), so maybe these keys can be pre-dropped or at the same time # Also, try and swap any use of the column to be removed to the name of column-1 (just store it in a variable) to avoid column missing error # And at the same time still promote removal of the said column # - start_mysqld_main() needs a bit more work to generate the $WORK_RUN file for MODE6+ as well (multiple $WORKO files are used in MODE6+) # Also remove the ifthen in finish() which test for MODE6+ for this and reports that implementation is not complete yet # - STAGE6: 2 small bugs (ref output lines below): 1) Trying to eliminate a col that is not one & 2) `table0_myisam` instead of table0_myisam # Note that 2) may not actually be a bug; if the simplifacation of "'" failed for a sporadic testcase (as is the case here), it's hard to fix (check) # | 2013-08-19 10:35:04 [*] [Stage 6] [Trial 2] [Column 22/22] Trying to eliminate column '/*Indices*/' in table '`table0_myisam`' # | sed: -e expression #1, char 41: unknown command: `*' # - Need another MODE which will look for *any* Valgrind issue based on the error count not being 0 (instead of named MODE1) # Make a note that this may cause issues to be missed: often, after simplification, less Valgrind errors are seen as the entire # SQL trace likely contained a number of issues, each originating from different Valgrind statements (can multi-issue be automated?) # - Need another MODE which will attempt to crash the server using the crashing statement from the log, directly starting the vardir # left by RQG. If this works, dump the data, add crashing statement and load in a fresh instance and re-try. If this works, simplify. # - "Previous good testcase backed up as $WORKO.prev" was only implemented for 1) parent seeing a new simplification subreducer testcase and # 2) main single-threaded reducer seeing a new testcase. It still needs to be added to multi-threaded (ThreadSync) (i.e. MODE6+) simplification. (minor) # - Multi-threaded simplification: thread-elimination > DATA + SQL threads simplified as if "one file" but accross files. # Hence, all stages need to be updated to be multi-threaded/TS aware. Fair amount of work, but doable. # See initial section of 'Verify' for some more information around multi_reducer_decide_input # - Multi-threaded simplification: # threads left + non-sporadic: attempt all DATA+SQL1+SQLx combinations. Then normal simplify. # Sporadic: normal simplify immediately. # - Multi-threaded simplification of sporadic issues: could also start # subreducer sessions and have main reducer watch for _out creation. # Once found, abort all live subreducer threads and re-init with found _out file. Maybe a safety copy of original file should be used for running. # - MODE9 work left # - When 2 threads are left (D+2T) then try MODE4 immediately instead of executing x TS_TE_ATTEMPTS attempts # - In single thread replay it should always do grep -v "DEBUG_SYNC" as DEBUG_SYNC does not make sense there (cosmetic, would be filtered anyway) # - bash$ echo -ne "test\r"; echo "te2" > use this implementation for same-line writing of threa fork commands etc # - TS_TRXS_SETS "greps" not fully corret yet: setting this to 10 lead to 2x main delay while it should have been 10. Works correctly when "1" # - TS_TRXS_SETS processing can be automated - and this is the simplification: test last, test last+1, test last+2, untill crash. (or chuncks?) # - Check if it is a debug server by issuing dummy DEBUG_SYNC command and see if it waits (TIMEOUT?) # - cut_threadsync_chunk is not in use at the moment, this will be used? but try ts_thread_elimination first # - Need to capture interrupt (CTRL+C) signal and do some end-processing (show info + locations + copy to tmp if tmpfs/ramfs used) # - If "sed: -e expression #1, char 44: unknown option to `s'" text or similar is seen in the output, it is likely due to the #VARMOD# block # replacement in multi_reducer() failing somewhere. Update RV 16/9: Added functionality to fix/change ":" to "\:" ($FIXED_TEXT) to avoid this error. # - Implement cmd line options instead of in-file options. Example: # while [ "$1" != ""]; do # case $1 in # -m | --mode shift;MODE=$1;; # shift to get actual file name into $1 # -f | --file shift;file=$1;; # *) no_options;exit 1;; # esac # shift # done # - Optimization: let 'Waiting for any forked subreducer threads to find a shorter file (Issue is sporadic: this will take time)' work for 30 minutes # or so, depending on file size. If no issue is found by then, restart or increase number of threads by 5. # ======== Internal variable Reference # $WORKD = Working directory (i.e. likely /tmp// or /dev/shm/) # $INPUTFILE = The original input file (the file to reduce). This file is never changed. # $WORKF = This is *originally* a copy of $INPUTFILE and hence the main input file in the working directory (i.e. $WORKD/in.sql). # work From it are made chunk deletes etc. and the result is stored in the $WORKT file # file $WORKT overwrites $WORKF when a [for MODE4+9: "likely the same", for other MODES: "the same"] issue was located when executing $WORKT # $WORKT = The "reduced" version of $WORKF, also in the working directory as $WORKD/in.tmp # temp It may or may not cause the same issue like $WORKF can. This file is overwritten with a new "to be tested" version is being created # file $WORKT overwrites $WORKO when a [for MODE4+9: "likely the same", for other MODES: "the same"] issue was located when executing $WORKT # $WORKO = The "reduced" version of $WORKF, in the directory of the original input file as _out # outf This file definitely causes the same issue as $WORKO can, while being smaller # $WORK_INIT, WORK_START, $WORK_STOP, $WORK_CL, $WORK_RUN, $WORK_RUN_PQUERY: Vars that point to various start/run scripts that get added to testcase working dir # WORK_OUT: an eventual copy of $WORKO, made for the sole purpose of being used in combination with $WORK_RUN etc. This makes it handy to bundle them as all # of them use ${EPOCH2} in the filename, so you get {some_epochnr}_start/_stop/_cl/_run/_run_pquery/.sql echo_out(){ echo "$(date +'%F %T') $1" echo "$(date +'%F %T') $1" >> $WORKD/reducer.log } echo_out_overwrite(){ # Used for frequent on-screen updating when using threads etc. echo -ne "$(date +'%F %T') $1\r" } ctrl_c(){ echo_out "[Abort] CTRL+C Was pressed. Dumping variable stack" echo_out "[Abort] WORKD: $WORKD (reducer log @ $WORKD/reducer.log)" if [ -s $WORKO ]; then # If there were no issues found, $WORKO was never written echo_out "[Abort] Best testcase thus far: $WORKO" else echo_out "[Abort] Best testcase thus far: $INPUTFILE (= input file, no optimizations were successful)" fi echo_out "[Abort] End of dump stack." if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Abort] Ensuring any remaining PXC Docker containers are terminated and removed" sudo docker kill $(sudo docker ps -a | grep "new_pxc" | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ') 2>/dev/null sleep 1; sync sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a | grep "new_pxc" | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ') 2>/dev/null sleep 1; sync fi echo_out "[Abort] Ensuring any remaining live processes are terminated" PIDS_TO_TERMINATE=$(ps -ef | grep "$DIRVALUE" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}' | tr '\n' ' ') echo_out "[Abort] Terminating these PID's: $PIDS_TO_TERMINATE" kill -9 $PIDS_TO_TERMINATE >/dev/null 2>&1 echo_out "[Abort] What follows below is a call of finish(), the results are likely correct, but may be mangled due to the interruption" finish echo_out "[Abort] Done. Terminating reducer" exit 2 } options_check(){ # $1 to this procedure = $1 to the program - i.e. the SQL file to reduce # Note that instead of giving the SQL file on the cmd line, $INPUTFILE can be set (./process does so automaticaly using the #VARMOD# marker above) if [ $(sysctl -n fs.aio-max-nr) -lt 300000 ]; then echo "As fs.aio-max-nr on this system is lower than 300000, so you will likely run into BUG#12677594: INNODB: WARNING: IO_SETUP() FAILED WITH EAGAIN" echo "To prevent this from happening, please use the following command at your shell prompt (you will need to have sudo privileges):" echo "sudo sysctl -w fs.aio-max-nr=300000" echo "The setting can be verified by executing: sysctl fs.aio-max-nr" echo "Alternatively, you can add make the following settings to be system wide:" echo "sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf # Then, add the following two lines to the bottom of the file" echo "fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576" echo "fs.file-max = 6815744" echo "Terminating now." exit 1 fi # Check if O_DIRECT is being used on tmpfs, which (when the original run was not on tmpfs) is not a 100% reproduce match, which may affect reproducibility # See http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=26662 for more info if $(echo $MYEXTRA | egrep -qi "MYEXTRA=.*O_DIRECT"); then if [ $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 1 -o $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 2 ]; then # ramfs may not have this same issue, maybe '-o $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 2' can be removed? echo 'Error: O_DIRECT is being used in the MYEXTRA option string, and tmpfs (or ramfs) storage was specified, but because' echo 'of bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=26662 one would see a WARNING for this in the error log along the lines of;' echo '[Warning] InnoDB: Failed to set O_DIRECT on file ./ibdata1: OPEN: Invalid argument, continuing anyway.' echo " O_DIRECT is known to result in 'Invalid argument' on Linux on tmpfs, see MySQL Bug#26662." echo 'So, reducer is exiting to allow you to change WORKDIR_LOCATION in the script to a non-tmpfs setting.' echo 'Note: this assertion currently shows for ramfs as well, yet it has not been established if ramfs also' # echo ' shows the same problem. If it does not (modify the script in this section to get it to run with ramfs' # ramfs, delete if ramfs is affected echo ' as a trial/test), then please remove ramfs, or, if it does, then please remove these 3 last lines.' # exit 1 fi fi # This section could be expanded to check for any directory specified (by for instance checking for paths), not just the two listed here DIR_ISSUE=0 if $(echo $MYEXTRA | egrep -qi "MYEXTRA=.*innodb_log_group_home_dir"); then DIR_ISSUE='innodb_log_group_home_dir'; fi if $(echo $MYEXTRA | egrep -qi "MYEXTRA=.*innodb_log_arch_dir"); then DIR_ISSUE='innodb_log_arch_dir'; fi if [ "$DIR_ISSUE" != "0" ]; then echo "Error: the $DIR_ISSUE option is being used in the MYEXTRA option string. This can lead to all sorts of problems;" echo 'Remember that reducer 1) is multi-threaded - i.e. it would access that particularly named directory for each started mysqld, which' echo 'clearly would result in issues, and 2) whilst reducer creates new directories for every trial (and for each thread), it would not do' echo 'anything for this hardcoded directory, so this directory would get used every time, again clearly resulting in issues, especially' echo 'when one considers that 3) running mysqld instances get killed once the achieved result (for example, issue discovered) is obtained.' echo 'Suggested course of action: remove this/these sort of options from the MYEXTRA string and see if the issue reproduces. This/these sort' echo 'of options often have little effect on reproducibility. Howerver, if found significant, reducer.sh can be expanded to cater for this/' echo 'these sort of options being in MYEXTRA by re-directing them to a per-trial (and per-thread) subdirectory of the trial`s rundir used.' echo 'Terminating reducer to allow this change to be made.' exit 1 fi if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then echo 'Error: A file name was given as input, but a directory name was expected.' echo "(MODE $MODE is set. Where you trying to use MODE 4 or lower?)" exit 1 fi if ! [ -d "$1/log/" -a -x "$1/log/" ]; then echo 'Error: No input directory containing a "/log" subdirectory was given, or the input directory could not be read.' echo 'Please specify a correct RQG vardir to reduce a multi-threaded testcase.' echo 'Example: ./reducer /starfish/data_WL1/vardir1_1000 -> to reduce ThreadSync trial 1000' exit 1 else TS_THREADS=$(ls -l $1/log/C[0-9]*T[0-9]*.sql | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*') # Making sure $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID is higher than number of threads to avoid 'unary operator expected' in cleanup_and_save during STAGE V TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID=$[$TS_THREADS+1] if [ $TS_THREADS -lt 1 ]; then echo 'Error: though input directory was found, no ThreadSync SQL trace files are present, or they could not be read.' echo "Please check the directory at $1" echo 'For the presence of 'C[0-9]*T[0-9]*.sql' files (for example, C1T10.sql).' echo 'Note: a data load file (such as CT2.sql or CT3.sql) alone is not sufficient: thread sql data would be missing.' exit 1 else TS_INPUTDIR="$1/log" if egrep -qi "tokudb" $TS_INPUTDIR/C[0-9]*T[0-9]*.sql; then if [ -r /usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 else echo 'This run contains TokuDB SE SQL, yet jemalloc - which is required for TokuDB - was not found, please install it first' echo 'This can be done with a command similar to: $ yum install jemalloc' exit 1 fi fi fi fi else if [ -d "$1" ]; then echo 'Error: A directory was given as input, but a filename was expected.' echo "(MODE $MODE is set. Where you trying to use MODE 6 or higher?)" exit 1 fi if [ ! -s "$1" ]; then if [ ! -s "$INPUTFILE" ]; then echo 'Error: No input file was given, or the input file could not be read.' echo 'Please specify a correct SQL file to reduce.' echo 'Example: ./reducer ~/1.sql --> to process ~/1.sql' echo 'Also, please ensure input file name only contains [0-9a-zA-Z_-] characters' exit 1 fi else INPUTFILE=$1 fi if egrep -qi "tokudb" $INPUTFILE; then if [ -r /usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 else echo 'This run contains TokuDB SE SQL, yet jemalloc - which is required for TokuDB - was not found, please install it first' echo 'This can be done with a command similar to: $ yum install jemalloc' exit 1 fi fi fi BIN="/bin/mysqld" if [ ! -s "${MYBASE}${BIN}" ]; then if [ ! -s "/mysql/${MYBASE}${BIN}" ]; then BIN="/bin/mysqld-debug" if [ ! -s "${MYBASE}${BIN}" ]; then if [ ! -s "/mysql/${MYBASE}${BIN}" ]; then echo "Error: mysqld binary not located at any of the following auto-scanned locaations:" echo -e "${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld\n${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld-debug" echo -e "/mysql/${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld\n/mysql/${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld-debug" echo 'Please check script contents/options (set $MYBASE variable correctly)' exit 1 else MYBASE="/mysql/$MYBASE" fi fi else MYBASE="/mysql/$MYBASE" fi fi if [ $MODE -ne 1 -a $MODE -ne 2 -a $MODE -ne 3 -a $MODE -ne 4 -a $MODE -ne 5 -a $MODE -ne 6 -a $MODE -ne 7 -a $MODE -ne 8 -a $MODE -ne 9 ]; then echo "Error: Invalid MODE set: $MODE (valid range: 1-9)" echo 'Please check script contents/options ($MODE variable)' exit 1 fi if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 2 -o $MODE -eq 3 -o $MODE -eq 5 -o $MODE -eq 6 -o $MODE -eq 7 -o $MODE -eq 8 ]; then if [ ! -n "$TEXT" ]; then echo "Error: MODE set to $MODE, but no \$TEXT variable was defined, or \$TEXT is blank" echo 'Please check script contents/options ($TEXT variable)' exit 1 fi fi if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then # These are currently limitations of PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD. Feel free to extend reducer.sh to handle these. FORCE_SPORADIC=0 SPORADIC=0 FORCE_SKIPV=0 SKIPV=1 PQUERY_MOD=1 MYEXTRA="" if [ ! -r $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC ]; then echo "Error: PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD is set to 1, but the Fig file (as defined by PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC; currently set to '$PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC') is not available." echo 'Please check script contents/options ($PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD and $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC variables)' exit 1 fi if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 6 ]; then echo "Error: Valgrind for 3 node PXC replay has not been implemented yet. Please do so! Free cookies afterwards!" echo "Starting tip: this would involve creating a new lp:percona-qa/pxc-pquery/ Fig+Docker setup that has Valgrind build in" exit 1 fi if [ $MODE -ge 6 -a $MODE -le 9 ]; then echo "Error: wrong option combination: MODE is set to $MODE (ThreadSync) and PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD is active" echo 'Please check script contents/options ($MODE and $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD variables)' exit 1 fi if [ $MODE -eq 5 -o $MODE -eq 3 ]; then echo_out "[Warning] MODE=$MODE is set, as well as PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD=1. This combination will likely work, but has not been tested yet. Removing this warning (for MODE=$MODE only please) when it was tested a number of times" fi if [ $MODE -eq 4 ]; then if [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 0 ]; then echo_out "[Info] All PXC nodes will be checked for the issue. As long as one node reproduces, testcase reduction will continue (PXC_ISSUE_NODE=0)" elif [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Info] Important: PXC_ISSUE_NODE is set to 1, so only PXC node 1 will be checked for the presence of the issue" elif [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 2 ]; then echo_out "[Info] Important: PXC_ISSUE_NODE is set to 2, so only PXC node 2 will be checked for the presence of the issue" elif [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 3 ]; then echo_out "[Info] Important: PXC_ISSUE_NODE is set to 3, so only PXC node 3 will be checked for the presence of the issue" fi fi fi if [ $PQUERY_MOD -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -r $PQUERY_LOC ]; then echo "Error: PQUERY_MOD is set to 1, but the pquery binary (as defined by PQUERY_LOC; currently set to '$PQUERY_LOC') is not available." echo 'Please check script contents/options ($PQUERY_MOD and $PQUERY_LOC variables)' exit 1 fi fi if [ $FORCE_SKIPV -gt 0 ]; then FORCE_SPORADIC=1 STAGE1_LINES=3 SPORADIC=1 SKIPV=1 fi if [ $FORCE_SPORADIC -gt 0 ]; then STAGE1_LINES=3 fi MYEXTRA=`echo ${MYEXTRA} | sed 's|--no-defaults||g'` # Ensuring --no-defaults is no longer part of MYEXTRA. Reducer already sets this itself always. } set_internal_options(){ # Internal options: do not modify! SEED=$(head -1 /dev/urandom | od -N 1 | awk '{print $2 }') RANDOM=$SEED EPOCH=$(date +%s) # Used for /dev/shm work directory name sleep 0.1$RANDOM if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is the main/parent reducer, so create a new EPOCH2 directory name EPOCH2=$(date +%s) # Used for /dev/shm test directory name (i.e. this directory is used in the WORK_INIT, WORK_START etc. scripts for after-reducer replay) fi DROPC="DROP DATABASE transforms;CREATE DATABASE transforms;DROP DATABASE test;CREATE DATABASE test;USE test;" MYUSER=$(whoami) STARTUPCOUNT=0 ATLEASTONCE="[]" TRIAL=1 STAGE='0' NOISSUEFLOW=0 if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then MULTI_THREADS=0 else MULTI_THREADS=10 fi C_COL_COUNTER=1 TS_ELIMINATED_THREAD_COUNT=0 TS_ORIG_VARS_FLAG=0 TS_DEBUG_SYNC_REQUIRED_FLAG=0 # Untill proven otherwise TS_TE_DIR_SWAP_DONE=0 } kill_multi_reducer(){ WHOAMI=`whoami` if [ $(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep $WHOAMI | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then PIDS_TO_TERMINATE=$(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep $WHOAMI | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Terminating these PID's: $PIDS_TO_TERMINATE" while [ $(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep `whoami` | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; do for t in $(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep `whoami` | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u); do kill -9 $t 2>/dev/null wait $t 2>/dev/null # Prevents " Killed" messages done sync; sleep 3 if [ $(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep `whoami` | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then sync; sleep 20 # Extended wait for processes to terminate if [ $(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep `whoami` | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l) -ge 1 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] WARNING: $(ps -ef | grep subreducer | grep `whoami` | grep $DIRVALUE | grep -v grep | wc -l) subreducer processes still exists after they were killed, re-attempting kill" fi fi done fi } multi_reducer(){ MULTI_FOUND=0 # This function handles starting and checking subreducer threads used for verification AND simplification of sporadic issues (as such it is the parent # function watching over multiple [seperately started] subreducer threads, each child containing the written MULTI_REDUCER=1 setting set in #VARMOD# - # thereby telling reducer it is a child process) # This function does not need to know if reducer is reducing a single or multi-threaded testcase and what MODE is used as all these options are passed # verbatim to the child ($1 to the program is $1 to the child, and all ather settings are copied into the child process below) if [ "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Starting $MULTI_THREADS verification subreducer threads to verify if the issue is sporadic ($WORKD/subreducer/)" SKIPV=0 SPORADIC=0 # This will quickly be overwritten by the line "SPORADIC=1 # Sporadic unless proven otherwise" below. So, need to check if this is needed here (may be needed for ifthen statements using this variable. Needs research and/or testing. else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Starting $MULTI_THREADS simplification subreducer threads to reduce the issue further ($WORKD/subreducer/)" SKIPV=1 # For subreducers started for simplification (STAGE1+), verify/initial simplification should be skipped as this was done already by the parent/main reducer (i.e. just above) fi echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Ensuring any old subreducer processes are terminated" kill_multi_reducer # Create (or remove/create) main multi-reducer path rm -Rf $WORKD/subreducer/ sync; sleep 0.5 if [ -d $WORKD/subreducer/ ]; then echo_out "ASSERT: $WORKD/subreducer/ still exists after it has been deleted" exit 1 fi mkdir $WORKD/subreducer/ # Choose a random port number in 40K range, check if free, increase if needbe MULTI_MYPORT=$[40000 + ( $RANDOM % ( $[ 9999 - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ] while :; do ISPORTFREE=$(netstat -an | grep $MULTI_MYPORT | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*') if [ $ISPORTFREE -ge 1 ]; then MULTI_MYPORT=$[$MULTI_MYPORT+100] #+100 to avoid 'clusters of ports' else break fi done TXT_OUT="$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Forking subreducer threads [PIDs]:" for t in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do # Create individual subreducer paths export WORKD$t="$WORKD/subreducer/$t" export MULTI_WORKD=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKD'"$t")) mkdir $MULTI_WORKD FIXED_TEXT=$(echo "$TEXT" | sed "s|:|\\\:|g") cat $0 \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:MULTI_REDUCER=1\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:EPOCH2=$EPOCH2\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:MODE=$MODE\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:TEXT=\"$FIXED_TEXT\"\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:MODE5_COUNTTEXT=$MODE5_COUNTTEXT\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:SKIPV=$SKIPV\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:SPORADIC=$SPORADIC\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:TS_TRXS_SETS=$TS_TRXS_SETS\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT=$TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:MYBASE=\"$MYBASE\"\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:MYPORT=\"$MULTI_MYPORT\"\n#VARMOD#:" \ | sed -e "0,/#VARMOD#/s:#VARMOD#:MYUSER=\"$MYUSER\"\n#VARMOD#:" > $MULTI_WORKD/subreducer chmod +x $MULTI_WORKD/subreducer sleep 0.2 # To avoid "InnoDB: Error: pthread_create returned 11" collisions/overloads $($MULTI_WORKD/subreducer $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & PID=$! export MULTI_PID$t=$PID TXT_OUT="$TXT_OUT #$t [$PID]" # Take the following available port MULTI_MYPORT=$[$MULTI_MYPORT+1] while :; do ISPORTFREE=$(netstat -an | grep $MULTI_MYPORT | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*') if [ $ISPORTFREE -ge 1 ]; then MULTI_MYPORT=$[$MULTI_MYPORT+100] #+100 to avoid 'clusters of ports' else break fi done done echo_out "$TXT_OUT" if [ "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then # Wait for forked processes to terminate echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Waiting for all forked verification subreducer threads to finish/terminate" TXT_OUT="$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Finished/Terminated verification subreducer threads:" for t in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do # An ideal situation would be to have a check here for 'Failed to start mysqld server' in the subreducer logs. However, this would require a change # to how this section works; the "wait" for PID would have to be changed to some sort of loop. However, as a stopped verify thread (1 in 10 for starters) # is quickly surpassed by a new set of threads - i.e. after 10 threads, 20 are started (a new run with +10 threads) - it is not deemed very necessary # to change this atm. This error also would only show on very busy servers. However, this check SHOULD be done for non-verify MULTI stages, as for # simplification, all threads keep running (if they remain live) untill a simplified testcase is found. Thus, if 8 out of 10 threads sooner or later # end up with 'Failed to start mysqld server', then only 2 threads would remain that try and reproduce the issue (till ifinity). The 'Failed to start # mysqld server' is seen on very busy servers (presumably some timeout hit). This second part (starting with 'However,...' is implemented already below. wait $(eval echo $(echo '$MULTI_PID'"$t")) TXT_OUT="$TXT_OUT #$t" echo_out_overwrite "$TXT_OUT" if [ $t -eq 20 -a $MULTI_THREADS -gt 20 ]; then echo_out "$TXT_OUT" TXT_OUT="$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Finished/Terminated verification subreducer threads:" fi done echo_out "$TXT_OUT" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] All verification subreducer threads have finished/terminated" else # Wait for one of the forked processes to find a better reduction file echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Waiting for any forked simplifation subreducer threads to find a shorter file (Issue is sporadic: this will take time)" FOUND_VERIFIED=0 while [ $FOUND_VERIFIED -eq 0 ]; do for t in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do export MULTI_WORKD=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKD'"$t")) # Check if issue was found (i.e. $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED file is present). End both loops (while+for) if so if [ -s $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED ]; then sleep 1.5 # Give subreducer script time to write out the file fully echo_out_overwrite "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Terminating simplification subreducer threads... " for i in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do PID_TO_KILL=$(eval echo $(echo '$MULTI_PID'"$i")) kill -9 $PID_TO_KILL 2>/dev/null wait $PID_TO_KILL 2>/dev/null # Prevents " Killed" messages done sleep 4 # Make sure disk based activity is finished # Make sure all subprocessed are gone for i in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do PID_TO_KILL=$(eval echo $(echo '$MULTI_PID'"$i")) kill -9 $PID_TO_KILL 2>/dev/null wait $PID_TO_KILL 2>/dev/null # Prevents " Killed" messages done sleep 2 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Terminating simplification subreducer threads... done" cp -f $(cat $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED | grep "WORKO" | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/[ ]*//g') $WORKF if [ -r $WORKO ]; then # First occurence: there is no $WORKO yet cp -f $WORKO ${WORKO}.prev # Save a testcase backup (this is useful if [oddly] the issue now fails to reproduce) echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Previous good testcase backed up as $WORKO.prev" fi cp -f $WORKF $WORKO echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Thread #$t reproduced the issue: testcase saved in $WORKO" FOUND_VERIFIED=1 # Outer loop terminate break # Inner loop terminate fi # Check if this subreducer ($MULTI_PID$t) is still running. For more info, see "However, ..." in few lines of comments above. PID_TO_CHECK=$(eval echo $(echo '$MULTI_PID'"$t")) if [ "$(ps -p$PID_TO_CHECK | grep -o $PID_TO_CHECK)" != "$PID_TO_CHECK" ]; then RESTART_WORKD=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKD'"$t")) rm -Rf $RESTART_WORKD/[^s]* # Remove all files, except for subreducer script $($RESTART_WORKD/subreducer $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & export MULTI_PID$t=$! echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Thread #$t disappeared, restarted thread with PID #$(eval echo $(echo '$MULTI_PID'"$t")) (This can happens on busy servers)" # Due to mysqld startup timeouts etc. | Check last few lines of subreducer log to find reason (you may need a pause above before the thread is restarted!) fi sleep 1 # Hasten slowly, server already busy with subreducers done done echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] All subreducer threads have finished/terminated" fi if [ "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then # Check thread outcomes TXT_OUT="" for t in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do export MULTI_WORKD=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKD'"$t")) if [ -s $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED ]; then ATLEASTONCE="[*]" # The issue was seen at least once MULTI_FOUND=$[$MULTI_FOUND+1] TXT_OUT="$TXT_OUT #$t" fi done # Report on outcomes SPORADIC=1 # Sporadic unless proven otherwise (set below) if [ $MULTI_FOUND -eq 0 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Threads which reproduced the issue: " elif [ $MULTI_FOUND -eq $MULTI_THREADS ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Threads which reproduced the issue:$TXT_OUT" if [ $FORCE_SPORADIC -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] All threads reproduced the issue: this issue is not considered sporadic" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] However, as the FORCE_SPORADIC hack is on, sporadic testcase reduction will commence" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] All threads reproduced the issue: this issue is not sporadic" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Note: if this issue proves sporadic in actual reduction (slow/stalling reduction), use the FORCE_SPORADIC=1 setting" SPORADIC=0 fi if [ $MODE -lt 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Ensuring any rogue subreducer processes are terminated" kill_multi_reducer rm -Rf $WORKD/subreducer/ # Cleanup subreducer directory: if this issue was non-sporadic, and stage 1 is next (with no MULTI threaded reducing because the issue is found non-sporadic), then this ensures that the space currently used by ./subreducer is saved. This is handy for /dev/shm usage which tends to quickly run out os space. Normally the subreducer dir is removed at the start of a new MULTI threaded run, but this is the one case where the directory still exists and is no longer needed. This will also remove the subreducer directory when the issues IS sporadic, and that is fine - it would have been deleted at the starrt of MULTI threaded reducing anyways. MULTI threaded reducing is done in multi_reducer() fi elif [ $MULTI_FOUND -lt $MULTI_THREADS ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Threads which reproduced the issue:$TXT_OUT" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Only $MULTI_FOUND out of $MULTI_THREADS threads reproduced the issue: this issue is sporadic" fi return $MULTI_FOUND fi } multi_reducer_decide_input(){ echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Deciding which verified output file to keep out of $MULTI_FOUND threads" # This function, based on checking the outcome of the various threads started in multi_reducer() decides which verified input file (from the various # subreducer threads) will be kept. It would be best to keep a file with TRIAL=1 (obviously from a succesful verification thread) since such a file # would have had maximum simplification applied. As soon such a file is found, reducer can use that one and stop searching. LOWEST_TRIAL_LEVEL_SEEN=100 for t in $(eval echo {1..$MULTI_THREADS}); do export MULTI_WORKD=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKD'"$t")) if [ -s $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED ]; then TRIAL_LEVEL=$(cat $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED | grep "TRIAL" | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/[ ]*//g') if [ $TRIAL_LEVEL -eq 1 ]; then # Highest optimization possible, use file and exit cp -f $(cat $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED | grep "WORKO" | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/[ ]*//g') $WORKF echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Found verified, maximum initial simplification file, at thread #$t: Using it as new input file" break elif [ $TRIAL_LEVEL -lt $LOWEST_TRIAL_LEVEL_SEEN ]; then LOWEST_TRIAL_LEVEL_SEEN=$TRIAL_LEVEL cp -f $(cat $MULTI_WORKD/VERIFIED | grep "WORKO" | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/[ ]*//g') $WORKF echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Found verified, level $TRIAL_LEVEL simplification file, at thread #$t: Using it as new input file, unless better is found" fi fi done } TS_init_all_sql_files(){ # DATA thread (Single threaded init by RQG - saved as CT[0-9].sql, usually CT2.sql or CT3.sql) TSDATA_COUNT=$(ls $TS_INPUTDIR/CT[0-9]*.sql | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*') if [ $TSDATA_COUNT -eq 1 ]; then TS_DATAINPUTFILE=$(ls $TS_INPUTDIR/CT[0-9]*.sql) else echo 'ASSERT: do not know how to handle more than one ThreadSync data input file [yet].' exit 1 fi # SQL threads (Multi-threaded SQL run by RQG - saved as C[0-9]*T[0-9]*.sql) TS_REAL_THREAD=0 for TSSQL in $(ls $TS_INPUTDIR/C[0-9]*T[0-9]*.sql | sort); do TS_REAL_THREAD=$[$TS_REAL_THREAD+1] export TS_SQLINPUTFILE$TS_REAL_THREAD=$TSSQL done if [ ! $TS_REAL_THREAD -eq $TS_THREADS ]; then echo 'ASSERT: $TS_REAL_THREAD != $TS_THREADS: '"$TS_REAL_THREAD != $TS_THREADS" exit 1 fi if [ $TS_ORIG_VARS_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then TS_ORIG_DATAINPUTFILE=$TS_DATAINPUTFILE TS_ORIG_THREADS=$TS_THREADS TS_ORIG_VARS_FLAG=1 fi echo_out "[Init] Input directory: $TS_INPUTDIR/" echo_out "[Init] Input files: Data: $TS_DATAINPUTFILE" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export WORKF$t="$WORKD/in$t.sql" export WORKT$t="$WORKD/in$t.tmp" export WORKO$t=$(eval echo $(echo '$TS_SQLINPUTFILE'"$t") | sed 's/$/_out/' | sed "s/^.*\//$(echo $WORKD | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\/out\//") TS_FILE_NAME=$(eval echo $(echo '$TS_SQLINPUTFILE'"$t")) echo_out "[Init] Input files: Thread $t: $TS_FILE_NAME" done # Copy of INPUTFILE to WORKF files # DDL data thread load is done in run_sql_code. Here reducer handles the SQL threads for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do cat $(eval echo $(echo '$TS_SQLINPUTFILE'"$t")) > $(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) done } init_empty_port(){ # Choose a random port number in 30K range, check if free, increase if needbe MYPORT=$[30000 + ( $RANDOM % ( $[ 9999 - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ] while :; do ISPORTFREE=$(netstat -an | grep $MYPORT | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*') if [ $ISPORTFREE -ge 1 ]; then MYPORT=$[$MYPORT+100] #+100 to avoid 'clusters of ports' else break fi done } init_workdir_and_files(){ # Make sure that the directory does not exist yet DIRVALUE=$EPOCH while :; do if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" == "1" ]; then # This is a subreducer WORKD=$(dirname $0) break fi if [ $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 3 ]; then if ! [ -d "/ssd/" -a -x "/ssd/" ]; then echo 'Error: ssd storage usage was specified (WORKDIR_LOCATION=3), yet /ssd/ does not exist, or could not be read.' exit 1 fi if [ $(df -k -P 2>&1 | grep -v "docker/devicemapper.*Permission denied" | grep "/ssd$" | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v 'docker.devicemapper') -lt 3500000 ]; then echo 'Error: /ssd does not have enough free space (3.5Gb free space required)' exit 1 fi WORKD="/ssd/$DIRVALUE" elif [ $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 2 ]; then if ! [ -d "/mnt/ram/" -a -x "/mnt/ram/" ]; then echo 'Error: ramfs storage usage was specified (WORKDIR_LOCATION=2), yet /mnt/ram/ does not exist, or could not be read.' echo 'Suggestion: setup a ram drive using the following commands at your shell prompt:' echo 'sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ram; sudo mount -t ramfs -o size=4g ramfs /mnt/ram; sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/ram;' exit 1 fi if [ $(df -k -P 2>&1 | grep -v "docker/devicemapper.*Permission denied" | grep "/mnt/ram$" | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v 'docker.devicemapper') -lt 3500000 ]; then echo 'Error: /mnt/ram/ does not have enough free space (3.5Gb free space required)' exit 1 fi WORKD="/mnt/ram/$DIRVALUE" elif [ $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 1 ]; then if ! [ -d "/dev/shm/" -a -x "/dev/shm/" ]; then echo 'Error: tmpfs storage usage was specified (WORKDIR_LOCATION=1), yet /dev/shm/ does not exist, or could not be read.' echo 'Suggestion: check the location of tmpfs using the 'df -h' command at your shell prompt and change the script to match' exit 1 fi if [ $(df -k -P 2>&1 | grep -v "docker/devicemapper.*Permission denied" | grep "/dev/shm$" | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v 'docker.devicemapper') -lt 3500000 ]; then echo 'Error: /dev/shm/ does not have enough free space (3.5Gb free space required)' exit 1 fi WORKD="/dev/shm/$DIRVALUE" else if ! [ -d "/tmp/" -a -x "/tmp/" ]; then echo 'Error: /tmp/ storage usage was specified (WORKDIR_LOCATION=0), yet /tmp/ does not exist, or could not be read.' exit 1 fi if [ $(df -k -P 2>&1 | grep -v "docker/devicemapper.*Permission denied" | grep "[ \t]/$" | awk '{print $4}' | grep -v 'docker.devicemapper') -lt 3500000 ]; then echo 'Error: The drive mounted as / does not have enough free space (3.5Gb free space required)' exit 1 fi WORKD="/tmp/$DIRVALUE" fi if [ -d $WORKD ]; then DIRVALUE=$[DIRVALUE-1] else break fi done if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is a parent/main reducer mkdir $WORKD fi mkdir $WORKD/data $WORKD/tmp chmod -R 777 $WORKD touch $WORKD/reducer.log echo_out "[Init] Workdir: $WORKD" export TMP=$WORKD/tmp echo_out "[Init] Temporary storage directory (TMP environment variable) set to $TMP" # jemalloc configuration for TokuDB plugin JE1="if [ \"\${JEMALLOC}\" != \"\" -a -r \${JEMALLOC} ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=\${JEMALLOC}" JE2=" elif [ -r /usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1 ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.1" JE3=" elif [ -r /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjemalloc.so.1 ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjemalloc.so.1" JE4=" elif [ -r \${MYBASE}/lib/mysql/libjemalloc.so.1 ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=\${MYBASE}/lib/mysql/libjemalloc.so.1" JE5=" else echo 'Error: jemalloc not found, please install it first'; exit 1; fi" WORKF="$WORKD/in.sql" WORKT="$WORKD/in.tmp" WORK_MYBASE=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_mybase|") WORK_INIT=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_init|") WORK_START=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_start|") WORK_STOP=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_stop|") WORK_RUN=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_run|") WORK_GDB=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_gdb|") WORK_PARSE_CORE=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_parse_core|") if [ $PQUERY_MOD -eq 1 ]; then WORK_RUN_PQUERY=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_run_pquery|") WORK_PQUERY_BIN=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_|" | sed "s|$|$(echo $PQUERY_LOC | sed 's|.*/||')|") fi WORK_CL=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}_cl|") WORK_OUT=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed "s|/[^/]\+$|/|;s|$|${EPOCH2}.sql|") if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then mkdir $WORKD/out mkdir $WORKD/log TS_init_all_sql_files else if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is the parent/main reducer WORKO=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed 's/$/_out/') else WORKO=$(echo $INPUTFILE | sed 's/$/_out/' | sed "s/^.*\//$(echo $WORKD | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\//") # Save output file in individual workdirs fi echo_out "[Init] Input file: $INPUTFILE" # Initial INPUTFILE to WORKF copy (echo "$DROPC"; (cat $INPUTFILE | grep -v "$DROPC")) > $WORKF fi if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Init] PXC Node #1 Client: $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000" echo_out "[Init] PXC Node #2 Client: $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P11000" echo_out "[Init] PXC Node #3 Client: $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P12000" else echo_out "[Init] Server (When MULTI mode is not active): ${MYBASE}${BIN} (as $MYUSER)" echo_out "[Init] Client (When MULTI mode is not active): $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock" fi if [ $SKIPSTAGE -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "[Init] SKIPSTAGE hack active. Stages up to and including $SKIPSTAGE are skipped"; fi if [ $FORCE_SKIPV -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "[Init] FORCE_SKIPV hack active. Verify stage skipped, and immediately commencing multi threaded simplification"; fi if [ $FORCE_SKIPV -gt 0 -a $FORCE_SPORADIC -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "[Init] FORCE_SKIPV hack is active, so FORCE_SPORADIC hack is automatically set active also" ; fi if [ $FORCE_SPORADIC -gt 0 ]; then if [ $FORCE_SKIPV -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "[Init] FORCE_SPORADIC hack active. Issue is assumed to be sporadic" else echo_out "[Init] FORCE_SPORADIC hack active. Issue is assumed to be sporadic, even if verify stage shows otherwise" fi echo_out "[Init] STAGE1_LINES variable was overwritten and set to $STAGE1_LINES to match FORCE_SPORADIC=$FORCE_SPORADIC setting" fi echo_out "[Init] Querytimeout: $QUERYTIMEOUT seconds (ensure this is at least 1.5x what was set in RQG using the --querytimeout option)" if [ -n "$MYEXTRA" ]; then echo_out "[Init] Passing the following additional options to mysqld: $MYEXTRA"; fi if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then if [ $TS_TRXS_SETS -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Init] ThreadSync: using last transaction set (accross threads) only"; fi if [ $TS_TRXS_SETS -gt 1 ]; then echo_out "[Init] ThreadSync: using last $TS_TRXS_SETS transaction sets (accross threads) only"; fi if [ $TS_TRXS_SETS -eq 0 ]; then echo_out "[Init] ThreadSync: using complete input files (you may want to set TS_DS_TIMEOUT=10 [seconds] or less)"; fi if [ $TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "[Init] ThreadSync: will wait $TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP seconds before each new transaction set is processed"; fi echo_out "[Init] ThreadSync: default DEBUG_SYNC timeout (TS_DS_TIMEOUT): $TS_DS_TIMEOUT seconds" if [ $TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Init] ThreadSync: using debug (-vvv) mysql CLI output logging" echo_out "[Warning] ThreadSync: ONLY use -vvv logging for debugging, as this *will* cause issue non-reproducilbity due to excessive disk logging!" fi fi if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is a parent/main reducer if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -ne 1 ]; then # For PXC, we do not need this, Fig/Docker takes care of it echo_out "[Init] Setting up standard working subdirectories" if [ "`$MYBASE${BIN} --version | grep -oe '5\.[1567]' | head -n1`" == "5.7" ]; then MID_OPTIONS="--insecure" # --insecure prevents random root password in 5.7. --force is no longer supported in new mysql_install_db binary in 5.7 elif [ "`$MYBASE${BIN} --version | grep -oe '5\.[1567]' | head -n1`" == "5.6" ]; then MID_OPTIONS="--force" elif [ "`$MYBASE${BIN} --version | grep -oe '5\.[1567]' | head -n1`" == "5.5" ]; then MID_OPTIONS="--force" else MID_OPTIONS="" echo_out "[Warning] Could not automatically determine the mysqld version. If this is 5.7, mysql_install_db will now fail due to a missing '--insecure' option, which is normally set by this script if a 5.7 mysqld is detected. If this happens, please rename the BASE directory (${BASE}) to contain the string '5.7' in it's directory name. Alternatively, you can hack reducer.sh and set the variable \$MID_OPTIONS manually. Search for any part of this warning message to find the right area, and add MID_OPTIONS='--insecure' directly under the closing fi statement of this warning." fi # MID_OPTIONS='--insecure' # 5.7 Hack described in [Warning above], normally not needed if path name contains 5.7 (usually the case) echo "MYBASE=$MYBASE" | sed 's|^[ \t]*||;s|[ \t]*$||;s|/$||' > $WORK_MYBASE echo "JEMALLOC=~/libjemalloc.so.1 # This can be changed to a custom path if you would like to use a custom jemalloc. If this file is not present, the standard OS locations for jemalloc will be checked." >> $WORK_MYBASE echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_INIT echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_INIT echo "echo \"Attempting to prepare mysqld environment at /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}...\"" >> $WORK_INIT echo "rm -Rf /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}" >> $WORK_INIT echo "mkdir /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}" >> $WORK_INIT echo "mkdir /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/tmp" >> $WORK_INIT echo "if [ \"\`\${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld --version | grep -oe '5\.[1567]' | head -n1\`\" == \"5.7\" ]; then MID_OPTIONS='--insecure'; elif [ \"\`\${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld --version | grep -oe '5\.[1567]' | head -n1\`\" == \"5.6\" ]; then MID_OPTIONS='--force'; elif [ \"\`\${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld --version| grep -oe '5\.[1567]' | head -n1\`\" == \"5.5\" ]; then MID_OPTIONS='--force';else MID_OPTIONS=''; fi" >> $WORK_INIT echo "if [ -r \${MYBASE}/scripts/mysql_install_db ]; then \${MYBASE}/scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=\${MYBASE} --datadir=/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/data \$MID_OPTIONS; elif [ -r \${MYBASE}/bin/mysql_install_db ]; then \${MYBASE}/bin/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=\${MYBASE} --datadir=/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/data \$MID_OPTIONS; else echo 'mysql_install_db not found in scripts nor bin directories'; fi" >> $WORK_INIT if [ -r $MYBASE/scripts/mysql_install_db ]; then $MYBASE/scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=$MYBASE --datadir=$WORKD/data ${MID_OPTIONS} --user=$MYUSER > $WORKD/mysql_install_db.init 2>&1 elif [ -r $MYBASE/bin/mysql_install_db ]; then $MYBASE/bin/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=$MYBASE --datadir=$WORKD/data ${MID_OPTIONS} --user=$MYUSER > $WORKD/mysql_install_db.init 2>&1 else echo_out "[Assert] Script could not locate mysql_install_db. Checked in $MYBASE/scripts/ and in $MYBASE/bin/." rm -f $WORK_INIT exit 1 fi echo "mkdir -p /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/data/test" >> $WORK_INIT chmod +x $WORK_INIT mkdir $WORKD/data/test 2>/dev/null # test db provisioning if not there already (needs to be done here & not earlier as mysql_install_db expects an empty data directory in 5.7) start_mysqld_main if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo_out "[Init] [ERROR] Failed to start mysqld server (1st boot), check $WORKD/error.log.out, $WORKD/mysqld.out, $WORKD/mysql_install_db.init, and maybe $WORKD/data/error.log. Also check that there is plenty of space on the device being used" exit 1 fi echo_out "[Init] Loading timezone data into mysql database" # echo_out "[Info] You may safely ignore any 'Warning: Unable to load...' messages, unless there are very many (Ref. BUG#13563952)" # The ones listed in BUG#13563952 are now filterered out to make output nicer $MYBASE/bin/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo > $WORKD/timezone.init 2> $WORKD/timezone.err egrep -v "Riyadh8[789]'|zoneinfo/iso3166.tab|zoneinfo/zone.tab" $WORKD/timezone.err > $WORKD/timezone.err.tmp for A in $(cat $WORKD/timezone.err.tmp|sed 's/ /=DUMMY=/g'); do echo_out "$(echo "[Warning from mysql_tzinfo_to_sql] $A" | sed 's/=DUMMY=/ /g')" done echo_out "[Info] If you see a [GLIBC] crash above, change reducer to use a non-Valgrind-instrumented build of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql (Ref. BUG#13498842)" $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --force mysql < $WORKD/timezone.init # Add various scripts: _run (runs the sql), _cl (starts a mysql cli), _stop (stop mysqld). _start is added in the respective startup functions # (start_mysqld_main and start_valgrind_mysqld). Togheter these scripts can be used for executing the final testcase ($WORKO_start > $WORKO_run) if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then # This still needs implementation for MODE6 or higher ("else line" below simply assumes a single $WORKO atm, while MODE6 and higher has more then 1) echo_out "[Not implemented yet] MODE6 or higher does not auto-generate a $WORK_RUN file yet." echo "Not implemented yet: MODE6 or higher does not auto-generate a $WORK_RUN file yet." > $WORK_RUN echo "#${MYBASE}/bin/mysql -uroot -S/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock < INPUT_FILE_GOES_HERE (like $WORKO)" >> $WORK_RUN chmod +x $WORK_RUN else echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_RUN echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_RUN echo "echo \"Executing testcase ./${EPOCH2}.sql against mysqld with socket /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock using the mysql CLI client...\"" >> $WORK_RUN echo "\${MYBASE}/bin/mysql -uroot --binary-mode --force -S/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock < ./${EPOCH2}.sql" >> $WORK_RUN chmod +x $WORK_RUN if [ $PQUERY_MOD -eq 1 ]; then cp $PQUERY_LOC $WORK_PQUERY_BIN # Make a copy of the pquery binary for easy replay later (no need to download) if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then echo "echo \"Executing testcase ./${EPOCH2}.sql against mysqld at using pquery...\"" > $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${MYBASE}/lib" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "$(echo ${PQUERY_LOC} | sed "s|.*/|./${EPOCH2}_|") --infile=./${EPOCH2}.sql --database=test --threads=1 --user=root --addr= --port=10000" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY else echo "echo \"Executing testcase ./${EPOCH2}.sql against mysqld with socket /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock using pquery...\"" > $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${MYBASE}/lib" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY echo "$(echo ${PQUERY_LOC} | sed "s|.*/|./${EPOCH2}_|") --infile=./${EPOCH2}.sql --database=test --threads=1 --user=root --socket=/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock" >> $WORK_RUN_PQUERY fi chmod +x $WORK_RUN_PQUERY fi fi echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_GDB echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_GDB echo "gdb \${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld \$(ls /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/data/core.*)" >> $WORK_GDB echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_PARSE_CORE echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_PARSE_CORE echo "gdb \${MYBASE}/bin/mysqld \$(ls /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/data/core.*) >/dev/null 2>&1 <> $WORK_PARSE_CORE echo -e " set auto-load safe-path /\n set libthread-db-search-path /usr/lib/\n set trace-commands on\n set pagination off\n set print pretty on\n set print array on\n set print array-indexes on\n set print elements 4096\n set logging file ${EPOCH2}_FULL.gdb\n set logging on\n thread apply all bt full\n set logging off\n set logging file ${EPOCH2}_STD.gdb\n set logging on\n thread apply all bt\n set logging off\n quit\nEOF" >> $WORK_PARSE_CORE echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_STOP echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_STOP echo "echo \"Attempting to shutdown mysqld with socket /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock...\"" >> $WORK_STOP echo "\${MYBASE}/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock shutdown" >> $WORK_STOP echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_CL echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_CL echo "echo \"Connecting to mysqld with socket -S/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock test using the mysql CLI client...\"" >> $WORK_CL echo "\${MYBASE}/bin/mysql -uroot -S/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock test" >> $WORK_CL chmod +x $WORK_CL $WORK_STOP $WORK_GDB $WORK_PARSE_CORE stop_mysqld_or_pxc mkdir $WORKD/data.init cp -R $WORKD/data/* $WORKD/data.init/ fi else echo_out "[Init] This is a subreducer process; use initialization data from the main process ($WORKD/../../data.init)" fi } init_mysql_dir(){ if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then sudo rm -Rf $WORKD/data/* cp $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_LOC $WORKD sed -i "s|/dev/shm/pxc-pquery|$WORKD/data/|" $WORKD/fig.yml else rm -Rf $WORKD/data/* if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is a parent/main reducer cp -R $WORKD/data.init/* $WORKD/data/ else cp -R $WORKD/../../data.init/* $WORKD/data/ fi fi } start_mysqld_or_pxc(){ init_mysql_dir if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then CLUSTER_UP=0 start_pxc_main if [ $CLUSTER_UP -ne 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [ERROR] Failed to start 3 node PXC Cluster, check clients on ports 10000, 11000, 12000 (if still live), and error logs for all 3 nodes in $WORKD/data/{node_nr}/error.log" exit 1 fi else if [ -f $WORKD/mysqld.out ]; then mv -f $WORKD/mysqld.out $WORKD/mysqld.prev; fi start_mysqld_main if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [ERROR] Failed to start mysqld server, check $WORKD/error.log.out, $WORKD/mysqld.out and $WORKD/mysql_install_db.init" exit 1 fi fi STARTUPCOUNT=$[$STARTUPCOUNT+1] } start_pxc_main(){ CURPATH=$PWD cd $WORKD sudo fig up & cd ${CURPATH} CURPATH= echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Waiting for the 3 node PXC Cluster to fully start..." for X in $(seq 1 300); do sleep 1 CLUSTER_UP=0 if $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P12000 ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ `$MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 -e"show global status like 'wsrep_cluster_size'" | sed 's/[| \t]\+/\t/g' | grep "wsrep_cluster" | awk '{print $2}'` -eq 3 ]; then CLUSTER_UP=$[ $CLUSTER_UP + 1]; fi if [ `$MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P11000 -e"show global status like 'wsrep_cluster_size'" | sed 's/[| \t]\+/\t/g' | grep "wsrep_cluster" | awk '{print $2}'` -eq 3 ]; then CLUSTER_UP=$[ $CLUSTER_UP + 1]; fi if [ `$MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P12000 -e"show global status like 'wsrep_cluster_size'" | sed 's/[| \t]\+/\t/g' | grep "wsrep_cluster" | awk '{print $2}'` -eq 3 ]; then CLUSTER_UP=$[ $CLUSTER_UP + 1]; fi if [ "`$MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 -e"show global status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment'" | sed 's/[| \t]\+/\t/g' | grep "wsrep_local" | awk '{print $2}'`" == "Synced" ]; then CLUSTER_UP=$[ $CLUSTER_UP + 1]; fi if [ "`$MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P11000 -e"show global status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment'" | sed 's/[| \t]\+/\t/g' | grep "wsrep_local" | awk '{print $2}'`" == "Synced" ]; then CLUSTER_UP=$[ $CLUSTER_UP + 1]; fi if [ "`$MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P12000 -e"show global status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment'" | sed 's/[| \t]\+/\t/g' | grep "wsrep_local" | awk '{print $2}'`" == "Synced" ]; then CLUSTER_UP=$[ $CLUSTER_UP + 1]; fi fi # If count reached 6 (there are 6 checks), then the Cluster is up & running and consistent in it's Cluster topology views (as seen by each node) if [ $CLUSTER_UP -eq 6 ]; then break fi done } start_mysqld_main(){ echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_START echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_START echo "echo \"Attempting to start mysqld (socket /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock)...\"" >> $WORK_START echo $JE1 >> $WORK_START; echo $JE2 >> $WORK_START; echo $JE3 >> $WORK_START; echo $JE4 >> $WORK_START;echo $JE5 >> $WORK_START # Change --port=$MYPORT to --skip-networking instead once BUG#13917335 is fixed and remove all MYPORT + MULTI_MYPORT coding if [ $MODE -ge 6 -a $TS_DEBUG_SYNC_REQUIRED_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then CMD="${MYBASE}${BIN} --no-defaults --basedir=$MYBASE --datadir=$WORKD/data --tmpdir=$WORKD/tmp \ --port=$MYPORT --pid-file=$WORKD/pid.pid --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock \ --user=$MYUSER $MYEXTRA --log-error=$WORKD/error.log.out --event-scheduler=ON \ --loose-debug-sync-timeout=$TS_DS_TIMEOUT" $CMD > $WORKD/mysqld.out 2>&1 & PIDV="$!" echo "\${MYBASE}${BIN} --no-defaults --basedir=\${MYBASE} --datadir=$WORKD/data --tmpdir=$WORKD/tmp \ --port=$MYPORT --pid-file=$WORKD/pid.pid --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock \ $MYEXTRA --log-error=$WORKD/error.log.out --event-scheduler=ON \ --loose-debug-sync-timeout=$TS_DS_TIMEOUT > $WORKD/mysqld.out 2>&1 &" | sed 's/ \+/ /g' >> $WORK_START else CMD="${MYBASE}${BIN} --no-defaults --basedir=$MYBASE --datadir=$WORKD/data --tmpdir=$WORKD/tmp \ --port=$MYPORT --pid-file=$WORKD/pid.pid --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock \ --user=$MYUSER $MYEXTRA --log-error=$WORKD/error.log.out --event-scheduler=ON" $CMD > $WORKD/mysqld.out 2>&1 & PIDV="$!" echo "\${MYBASE}${BIN} --no-defaults --basedir=\${MYBASE} --datadir=$WORKD/data --tmpdir=$WORKD/tmp \ --port=$MYPORT --pid-file=$WORKD/pid.pid --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock \ $MYEXTRA --log-error=$WORKD/error.log.out --event-scheduler=ON > $WORKD/mysqld.out 2>&1 &" | sed 's/ \+/ /g' >> $WORK_START fi sed -i "s|$WORKD|/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}|g" $WORK_START # sed -i "s#$MYBASE#\$(cat $(echo $WORK_MYBASE | sed 's|.*/|\${SCRIPT_DIR}/|'))#g" $WORK_START sed -i "s|pid.pid|pid.pid --core-file|" $WORK_START sed -i "s|\.so\;|\.so\\\;|" $WORK_START chmod +x $WORK_START for X in $(seq 1 120); do sleep 1; if $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then break; fi done } # --binlog-format=MIXED \ start_valgrind_mysqld(){ init_mysql_dir if [ -f $WORKD/valgrind.out ]; then mv -f $WORKD/valgrind.out $WORKD/valgrind.prev; fi CMD="valgrind --suppressions=$MYBASE/mysql-test/valgrind.supp --num-callers=40 --show-reachable=yes \ ${MYBASE}${BIN} --basedir=${MYBASE} --datadir=$WORKD/data --port=$MYPORT --tmpdir=$WORKD/tmp \ --pid-file=$WORKD/pid.pid --log-error=$WORKD/error.log.out \ --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock --user=$MYUSER $MYEXTRA \ --event-scheduler=ON" # Workaround for BUG#12939557 (when old Valgrind version is used): --innodb_checksum_algorithm=none $CMD > $WORKD/valgrind.out 2>&1 & PIDV="$!"; STARTUPCOUNT=$[$STARTUPCOUNT+1] echo "SCRIPT_DIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)" > $WORK_START_valgrint echo "source $WORK_MYBASE" >> $WORK_START_valgrint echo "echo \"Attempting to start Valgrind-instrumented mysqld (socket /dev/shm/${EPOCH2}/socket.sock)...\"" >> $WORK_START_valgrint echo $JE1 >> $WORK_START_valgrint; echo $JE2_valgrint >> $WORK_START_valgrint; echo $JE3 >> $WORK_START_valgrint echo $JE4 >> $WORK_START_valgrint; echo $JE5 >> $WORK_START_valgrint echo "valgrind --suppressions=\${MYBASE}/mysql-test/valgrind.supp --num-callers=40 --show-reachable=yes \ \${MYBASE}${BIN} --basedir=\${MYBASE} --datadir=$WORKD/data --port=$MYPORT --tmpdir=$WORKD/tmp \ --pid-file=$WORKD/pid.pid --log-error=$WORKD/error.log.out \ --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock $MYEXTRA --event-scheduler=ON > $WORKD/valgrind.out 2>&1 &" | sed 's/ \+/ /g' >> $WORK_START_valgrint sed -i "s|$WORKD|/dev/shm/${EPOCH2}|g" $WORK_START_valgrint sed -i "s|pid.pid|pid.pid --core-file|" $WORK_START_valgrint sed -i "s|\.so\;|\.so\\\;|" $WORK_START_valgrint chmod +x $WORK_START_valgrint for X in $(seq 1 360); do sleep 1; if $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then break; fi done if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [ERROR] Failed to start mysqld server under Valgrind, check $WORKD/error.log.out, $WORKD/valgrind.out and $WORKD/mysql_install_db.init" exit 1 fi } determine_chunk(){ if [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 1000 ]; then if [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 20 ]; then CHUNK=0 elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 18 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/500] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 15 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/200] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 14 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/100] # 1% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 12 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/50] # 2% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 10 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/25] # 4% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 8 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/12] # 8% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 6 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/8] # 12% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 5 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/6] # 16% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 4 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/4] # 25% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 3 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/3] # 33% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 2 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/2] # 50% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 1 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF*65/100] # 65% else CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF*80/100] # 80% delete fi else if [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 15 ]; then CHUNK=0 elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 14 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/500] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 12 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/200] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 10 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/100] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 8 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/75] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 6 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/50] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 5 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/40] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 4 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/30] # 3% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 3 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/20] # 5% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 2 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/10] # 10% elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 1 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/6] # 16% else CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/4] # 25% delete fi fi if [ $NOISSUEFLOW -lt 0 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=0; fi # For issues which are sporadic, gradually reducing the CHUNK is ok, as long as reduction is done much slower (reducer should not end up with single # line removals per trial too quickly since this leads to very slow testcase reduction. So, a smarter algorithm can be used here based on the remaining # testcase size and a much slower/much less important $NOISSUEFLOW input ($NOISSUEFLOW 1/100th % input; if 50 no-issue-runs then reduce chunk by 50%) # The flow is different in subreducer: when an issue is found, all subreducers are terminated & restarted (with a new filesize and fresh/new chunksize) if [ $SPORADIC -eq 1 ]; then if [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 10000 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/6]; # 16% elif [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 5000 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/7]; # 14% elif [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 2000 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/8]; # 12% elif [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 1000 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/9]; # 11% elif [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 500 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/10]; # 10% elif [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 200 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/12]; # 8% elif [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 100 ]; then CHUNK=$[$LINECOUNTF/15]; # 7% fi # If $LINECOUNTF < 100 then the normal CHUNK size calculation above is fine. if [ $LINECOUNTF -ge 100 ]; then if [ $NOISSUEFLOW -lt 100 ]; then # Make chunk size (very) gradually smaller based on seeing issues or not CHUNK=$[($CHUNK*(((100*100)-($NOISSUEFLOW*100))/100))/100] # As explained above. 100ths are used due to int limitation else CHUNK=$[$CHUNK/100] # 1% of original chunk size fi fi fi # Protection against 0 CHUNK size if [ $CHUNK -lt 1 ]; then CHUNK=1; fi } control_backtrack_flow(){ if [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 100 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW-60] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 70 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW-40] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 40 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW-20] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 20 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW-8] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 10 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW-3] elif [ $NOISSUEFLOW -ge 1 ]; then NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW-1] fi } cut_random_chunk(){ RANDLINE=$[ ( $RANDOM % ( $[ $LINECOUNTF - $CHUNK - 1 ] + 1 ) ) + 1 ] if [ $RANDLINE -eq 1 ]; then RANDLINE=2; fi # Do not filter first line which contains DROP/CREATE/USE of test db ENDLINE=$[$RANDLINE+$CHUNK] REALCHUNK=$[$CHUNK+1] if [ $SPORADIC -eq 1 -a $LINECOUNTF -lt 100 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Now filtering line(s) $RANDLINE to $ENDLINE (Current chunk size: $REALCHUNK: Sporadic issue; using a fixed % based chunk)" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Now filtering line(s) $RANDLINE to $ENDLINE (Current chunk size: $REALCHUNK)" fi sed -n "$RANDLINE,+$CHUNK ! p" $WORKF > $WORKT } cut_fixed_chunk(){ echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Now filtering line $CURRENTLINE (Current chunk size: fixed to 1)" sed -n "$CURRENTLINE ! p" $WORKF > $WORKT } cut_threadsync_chunk(){ if [ $TS_TRXS_SETS -gt 0 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Now filtering out last $TS_TRXS_SETS command sets" fi for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) if [ $TS_TRXS_SETS -gt 0 ]; then FIRST_DS_OCCURENCE=$(tac $TS_WORKF | grep -v "^[\t ]*;[\t ]*$" | grep -m1 -n "SET DEBUG_SYNC" | awk -F":" '{print $1}'); if egrep -qi "SIGNAL GO_T2" $TS_WORKF; then # Control thread LAST_LINE=$( \ if [ $FIRST_DS_OCCURENCE -gt 1 ]; then \ tac $TS_WORKF | awk '/now SIGNAL GO_T2/,/SET DEBUG_SYNC/ {print NR; i++; if (i>$TS_TRXS_SETS) nextfile}' | tail -n1; \ else \ tac $TS_WORKF | awk '/now SIGNAL GO_T2/,/SET DEBUG_SYNC/ {print NR; i++; if (i>1+$TS_TRXS_SETS) nextfile}' | tail -n1; \ fi) if [ $TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP -gt 0 ]; then tail -n$LAST_LINE $TS_WORKF | grep -v "^[\t ]*;[\t ]*$" | \ sed -e "s/SET DEBUG_SYNC\(.*\)now SIGNAL GO_T2/SELECT SLEEP($TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP);SET DEBUG_SYNC\1now SIGNAL GO_T2/" > $TS_WORKT else tail -n$LAST_LINE $TS_WORKF | grep -v "^[\t ]*;[\t ]*$" > $TS_WORKT fi else # Sub threads LAST_LINE=$( \ if [ $FIRST_DS_OCCURENCE -gt 1 ]; then \ tac $TS_WORKF | awk '/now WAIT_FOR GO_T/,/SET DEBUG_SYNC/ {print NR; i++; if (i>$TS_TRXS_SETS) nextfile}' | tail -n1; \ else \ tac $TS_WORKF | awk '/now WAIT_FOR GO_T/,/SET DEBUG_SYNC/ {print NR; i++; if (i>1+$TS_TRXS_SETS) nextfile}' | tail -n1; \ fi) if [ $TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP -gt 0 ]; then TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP_TENTH=$(echo "$TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP / 10" | bc -l) tail -n$LAST_LINE $TS_WORKF | grep -v "^[\t ]*;[\t ]*$" | \ sed -e "s/SET DEBUG_SYNC/SELECT SLEEP($TS_VARIABILITY_SLEEP_TENTH);SET DEBUG_SYNC/" > $TS_WORKT else tail -n$LAST_LINE $TS_WORKF | grep -v "^[\t ]*;[\t ]*$" > $TS_WORKT fi fi else cat $TS_WORKF > $TS_WORKT fi done } run_and_check(){ if [ $MODE -ne 1 -a $MODE -ne 6 ]; then start_mysqld_or_pxc; else start_valgrind_mysqld; fi run_sql_code if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 6 ]; then stop_mysqld_or_pxc; fi process_outcome OUTCOME="$?" if [ $MODE -ne 1 -a $MODE -ne 6 ]; then stop_mysqld_or_pxc; fi # Add error log from this trial to the overall run error log if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then sudo cat $WORKD/data/1/error.log >> $WORKD/node1_error.log sudo cat $WORKD/data/2/error.log >> $WORKD/node2_error.log sudo cat $WORKD/data/3/error.log >> $WORKD/node3_error.log else cat $WORKD/error.log.out >> $WORKD/error.log rm -f $WORKD/error.log.out fi return $OUTCOME } run_sql_code(){ if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then mv -f $WORKD/mysql.out $WORKD/mysql.prev; fi mkdir $WORKD/data/test > /dev/null 2>&1 # Ensuring reducer can connect to the test database # Setting up query timeouts using the MySQL Event Sheduler # Place event into the mysql db, not test db as the test db is dropped immediately if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 --force mysql -e" DELIMITER || CREATE EVENT querytimeout ON SCHEDULE EVERY 20 SECOND DO BEGIN SET @id:=''; SET @id:=(SELECT id FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE ID<>CONNECTION_ID() AND STATE<>'killed' AND TIME>$QUERYTIMEOUT ORDER BY TIME DESC LIMIT 1); IF @id > 1 THEN KILL QUERY @id; END IF; END || DELIMITER ; " else $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --force mysql -e" DELIMITER || CREATE EVENT querytimeout ON SCHEDULE EVERY 20 SECOND DO BEGIN SET @id:=''; SET @id:=(SELECT id FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE ID<>CONNECTION_ID() AND STATE<>'killed' AND TIME>$QUERYTIMEOUT ORDER BY TIME DESC LIMIT 1); IF @id > 1 THEN KILL QUERY @id; END IF; END || DELIMITER ; " fi #DEBUG #read -p "Go! (run_sql_code break)" if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [DATA] Loading datafile before SQL threads replay" if [ $TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT -eq 0 ]; then (echo "$DROPC"; (cat $TS_DATAINPUTFILE | grep -v "$DROPC")) | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --force test > /dev/null 2>/dev/null else (echo "$DROPC"; (cat $TS_DATAINPUTFILE | grep -v "$DROPC")) | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --force -vvv test > $WORKD/mysql_data.out 2>&1 fi TXT_OUT="$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [SQL] Forking SQL threads [PIDs]:" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do # Forking background threads by using bash fork implementation $() & export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) if [ $TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT -eq 0 ]; then $(cat $TS_WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --force test > /dev/null 2>/dev/null ) & else $(cat $TS_WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --force -vvv test > $WORKD/mysql$t.out 2>&1 ) & fi PID=$! export TS_THREAD_PID$t=$PID TXT_OUT="$TXT_OUT #$t [$!]" done echo_out "$TXT_OUT" # Wait for forked processes to terminate echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [SQL] Waiting for all forked SQL threads to finish/terminate" TXT_OUT="$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [SQL] Finished/Terminated SQL threads:" for t in $(eval echo {$TS_THREADS..1}); do # Reverse: later threads are likely to finish earlier wait $(eval echo $(echo '$TS_THREAD_PID'"$t")) TXT_OUT="$TXT_OUT #$t" echo_out_overwrite "$TXT_OUT" if [ $t -eq 20 -a $TS_THREADS -gt 20 ]; then echo_out "$TXT_OUT" TXT_OUT="$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] Finished/Terminated subreducer threads:" fi done echo_out "$TXT_OUT" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [SQL] All SQL threads have finished/terminated" elif [ $MODE -eq 5 ]; then if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then cat $WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 -vvv --force test > $WORKD/mysql.out 2>&1 else cat $WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock -vvv --force test > $WORKD/mysql.out 2>&1 fi else # Could MODE=2 (CLI output capture) be extended to cater for pquery replay? Untill this research is done, just use client CLI for replay only. # Obviously with the same issues/limiations that the CLI comes with; a mis-matched single or double quote will fail re-play if the original # issue was generated by pquery. Reason; pquery is C/API driven, each statement executed is a statement in and by itself. In the CLI OTOH. each # statement can be continued on the next line, and a mismatched (i.e. unterminated) single or double quote in the sql file can throw off the replay. if [ $MODE -eq 2 ]; then if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then cat $WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 --binary-mode --force test > $WORKD/mysql.out 2>&1 else cat $WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --binary-mode --force test > $WORKD/mysql.out 2>&1 fi else if [ $PQUERY_MOD -eq 1 ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${MYBASE}/lib if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then ${PQUERY_LOC} --infile=$WORKT --database=test --threads=1 --user=root --addr= --port=10000 > $WORKD/pquery.out 2>&1 else ${PQUERY_LOC} --infile=$WORKT --database=test --threads=1 --user=root --socket=$WORKD/socket.sock > $WORKD/pquery.out 2>&1 fi else if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then cat $WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 --binary-mode --force test > $WORKD/mysql.out 2>&1 else cat $WORKT | $MYBASE/bin/mysql -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock --binary-mode --force test > $WORKD/mysql.out 2>&1 fi fi fi fi sleep 1 } cleanup_and_save(){ if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then rm -Rf $WORKD/log/*.sql; fi rm -Rf $WORKD/out/*.sql for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) export TS_WORKO=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKO'"$t")) cp -f $TS_WORKT $TS_WORKF cp -f $TS_WORKT $TS_WORKO if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then export TS_WORKO_TE_FILE=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKO'"$t") | sed 's/_out//g;s/\/out/\/log/g') # Do not copy the eliminated thread if [ ! $t -eq $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID ]; then cp -f $TS_WORKO $TS_WORKO_TE_FILE fi fi done if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then # Move workdir if [ $TS_TE_DIR_SWAP_DONE -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Info] ThreadSync input directory now set to $WORKD/log after a thread was eliminated (Directory was re-initialized)" else echo_out "[Info] ThreadSync input directory now set to $WORKD/log after a thread was eliminated" TS_TE_DIR_SWAP_DONE=1 fi cp -f $TS_ORIG_DATAINPUTFILE $WORKD/log TS_THREADS=$[$TS_THREADS-1] TS_ELIMINATED_THREAD_COUNT=$[$TS_ELIMINATED_THREAD_COUNT+1] TS_INPUTDIR=$WORKD/log TS_init_all_sql_files fi else cp -f $WORKT $WORKF if [ -r $WORKO ]; then # First occurence: there is no $WORKO yet cp -f $WORKO ${WORKO}.prev # Save a testcase backup (this is useful if [oddly] the issue now fails to reproduce) echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Previous good testcase backed up as $WORKO.prev" fi cp -f $WORKT $WORKO cp -f $WORKO $WORK_OUT # Save a tarball of full self-contained testcase on each successful reduction BUGTARDIR=$(echo $WORKO | sed 's|/[^/]\+$||;s|/$||') rm -f $BUGTARDIR/${EPOCH2}_bug_bundle.tar.gz $(cd $BUGTARDIR; tar -zhcf ${EPOCH2}_bug_bundle.tar.gz ${EPOCH2}*) fi ATLEASTONCE="[*]" # The issue was seen at least once (this is used to permanently mark lines with '[*]' suffix as soon as this happens) # VERFIED file creation + subreducer handling echo "TRIAL:$TRIAL" > $WORKD/VERIFIED echo "WORKO:$WORKO" >> $WORKD/VERIFIED if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" == "1" ]; then # This is a subreducer echo "# $ATLEASTONCE Issue was reproduced during this simplification subreducer." >> $WORKD/VERIFIED echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Issue was reproduced during this simplification subreducer. Terminating now." # This is a simplification subreducer started by a parent/main reducer, to simplify an issue. We terminate now after discovering the issue here. # We rely on the parent/main reducer to kill off mysqld processes (on the next multi_reducer() call - at the top of the function). finish $INPUTFILE else echo "# $ATLEASTONCE Issue was seen at least once during this run of reducer" >> $WORKD/VERIFIED fi } process_outcome(){ # MODE1: Valgrind output testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Waiting for Valgrind to terminate analysis" while :; do sleep 1; sync if egrep -q "ERROR SUMMARY" $WORKD/valgrind.out; then break; fi done if egrep -iq "$TEXT" $WORKD/valgrind.out; then if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*ValgrindBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good Valgrind issue in $WORKO" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoValgrindBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE2: mysql CLI output testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 2 ]; then if egrep -iq "$TEXT" $WORKD/mysql.out; then if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*CLIOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good mysql CLI output issue in $WORKO" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoCLIOutputBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE3: mysqld error output log testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 3 ]; then ERRORLOG= if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then ERRORLOG=$WORKD/data/*/error.log else ERRORLOG=$WORKD/error.log.out fi if egrep -iq "$TEXT" $ERRORLOG; then if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*ErrorLogOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good mysqld error log output issue in $WORKO" read -p "Issue found... Inspect $WORKD/data/* - Press a key to continue..." control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoErrorLogOutputBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE4: Crash testing if [ $MODE -eq 4 ]; then M4_ISSUE_FOUND=0 if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then if [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 0 -o $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 1 ]; then if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P10000 ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then M4_ISSUE_FOUND=1; fi fi if [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 0 -o $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 2 ]; then if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P11000 ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then M4_ISSUE_FOUND=1; fi fi if [ $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 0 -o $PXC_ISSUE_NODE -eq 3 ]; then if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P12000 ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then M4_ISSUE_FOUND=1; fi fi else if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then M4_ISSUE_FOUND=1 fi fi if [ $M4_ISSUE_FOUND -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then if [ $STAGE -eq 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] [*Crash*] Swapping files & saving last known good crash in $WORKO" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*Crash*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good crash in $WORKO" read -p "Issue found... Inspect $WORKD/data/* - Press a key to continue..." fi control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then if [ $STAGE -eq 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] [NoCrash] Kill server $NEXTACTION" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoCrash] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" fi NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE5: MTR testcase reduction testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 5 ]; then COUNT_TEXT_OCCURENCES=$(egrep -ic "$TEXT" $WORKD/mysql.out) if [ $COUNT_TEXT_OCCURENCES -ge $MODE5_COUNTTEXT ]; then COUNT_TEXT_OCCURENCES=$(egrep -ic "$MODE5_ADDITIONAL_TEXT" $WORKD/mysql.out) if [ $COUNT_TEXT_OCCURENCES -ge $MODE5_ADDITIONAL_COUNTTEXT ]; then if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*MTRCaseOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good MTR testcase output issue in $WORKO" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoMTRCaseOutputBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoMTRCaseOutputBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE6: ThreadSync Valgrind output testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Waiting for Valgrind to terminate analysis" while :; do sleep 1; sync if egrep -q "ERROR SUMMARY" $WORKD/valgrind.out; then break; fi done if egrep -iq "$TEXT" $WORKD/valgrind.out; then if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSValgrindBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good Valgrind issue thread file(s) in $WORKD/log/" elif [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSValgrindBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good Valgrind issue thread file(s) in $WORKD/out/" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" -a ! "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoTSValgrindBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE7: ThreadSync mysql CLI output testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 7 ]; then if egrep -iq "$TEXT" $WORKD/mysql.out; then if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSCLIOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good CLI output issue thread file(s) in $WORKD/log/" elif [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSCLIOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good CLI output issue thread file(s) in $WORKD/out/" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" -a ! "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoTSCLIOutputBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE8: ThreadSync mysqld error output log testing (set TEXT) if [ $MODE -eq 8 ]; then if egrep -iq "$TEXT" $WORKD/error.log.out; then if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSErrorLogOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good error log output issue thread file(s) in $WORKD/log/" elif [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSErrorLogOutputBug*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good error log output issue thread file(s) in $WORKD/out/" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" -a ! "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoTSErrorLogOutputBug] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi # MODE9: ThreadSync Crash testing if [ $MODE -eq 9 ]; then if ! $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock ping > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSCrash*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good crash thread file(s) in $WORKD/log/" elif [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [*TSCrash*] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Swapping files & saving last known good crash thread file(s) in $WORKD/out/" control_backtrack_flow fi cleanup_and_save return 1 else if [ ! "$STAGE" = "V" -a ! "$STAGE" = "T" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [NoTSCrash] [$NOISSUEFLOW] Kill server $NEXTACTION" NOISSUEFLOW=$[$NOISSUEFLOW+1] fi return 0 fi fi } stop_mysqld_or_pxc(){ if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then sudo docker kill $(sudo docker ps -a | grep "new_pxc" | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ') 2>/dev/null sleep 1; sync sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a | grep "new_pxc" | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' ') 2>/dev/null sleep 1; sync else # RV-15/09/14 Added timeout due to bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=73914 # RV-02/12/14 We do not want too fast a shutdown either; quite a few bugs happen when mysqld is being shutdown timeout -k40 -s9 40s $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock shutdown >> $WORKD/mysqld.out 2>&1 if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 6 ]; then sleep 5; else sleep 1; fi while :; do sleep 1 if kill -0 $PIDV > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 6 ]; then sleep 5; else sleep 2; fi if kill -0 $PIDV > /dev/null 2>&1; then $MYBASE/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -S$WORKD/socket.sock shutdown >> $WORKD/mysqld.out 2>&1; else break; fi if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 6 ]; then sleep 8; else sleep 4; fi if kill -0 $PIDV > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [WARNING] Attempting to bring down server failed at least twice. Is this server very busy?"; else break; fi sleep 5 if [ $MODE -ne 1 -a $MODE -ne 6 ]; then if kill -0 $PIDV > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [WARNING] Attempting to bring down server failed. Now forcing kill of mysqld (you may see a kill message)." kill -9 $PIDV else break; fi; fi else break fi done PIDV="" fi } finish(){ echo_out "[Finish] Finalized reducing SQL input file ($INPUTFILE)" echo_out "[Finish] Number of server startups : $STARTUPCOUNT (not counting subreducers)" echo_out "[Finish] Working directory was : $WORKD" echo_out "[Finish] Reducer log : $WORKD/reducer.log" if [ -s $WORKO ]; then # If there were no issues found, $WORKO was never written cp -f $WORKO $WORK_OUT echo_out "[Finish] Final testcase : $WORKO" else cp $INPUTFILE $WORK_OUT echo_out "[Finish] Final testcase : $INPUTFILE (= input file, no optimizations were successful)" fi BUGTARDIR=$(echo $WORKO | sed 's|/[^/]\+$||;s|/$||') rm -f $BUGTARDIR/${EPOCH2}_bug_bundle.tar.gz $(cd $BUGTARDIR; tar -zhcf ${EPOCH2}_bug_bundle.tar.gz ${EPOCH2}*) echo_out "[Finish] Final testcase bundle + scripts : $BUGTARDIR/${EPOCH2}" echo_out "[Finish] Final testcase for script use : $WORK_OUT (handy to use in combination with the scripts below)" echo_out "[Finish] File containing datadir : $WORK_MYBASE (All scripts below use this. Update this when basedir changes)" echo_out "[Finish] Matching data dir init script : $WORK_INIT (This script will use /dev/shm/${EPOCH2} as working directory)" echo_out "[Finish] Matching startup script : $WORK_START (Starts mysqld with same options as used in reducer)" if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then # See init_workdir_and_files() and search for WORK_RUN for more info. Also more info in improvements section at top echo_out "[Finish] Matching run script : $WORK_RUN (though you can look at this file for an example, implementation for MODE6+ is not finished yet)" else echo_out "[Finish] Matching run script (CLI) : $WORK_RUN (executes the testcase via the mysql CLI)" echo_out "[Finish] Matching startup script (pquery) : $WORK_RUN_PQUERY (executes the testcase via the pquery binary)" fi echo_out "[Finish] Final testcase bundle tar ball : ${EPOCH2}_bug_bundle.tar.gz (handy for upload to bug reports)" if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is the parent/main reducer echo_out "[Finish] Final testcase size : $SIZEF bytes ($LINECOUNTF lines)" echo_out "[Info] It is often beneficial to re-run reducer on the output file ($0 $WORKO) to make it smaller still (Reason for this is that certain lines may have been chopped up (think about missing end quotes or semicolons) resulting in non-reproducibility)" echo_out "[Info] Remember that MYEXTRA options (extra options passed to mysqld) may be necessary to have the issue reproduce correctly. Relisting them here to copy/paste:" echo_out "[Info] MYEXTRA: $MYEXTRA" if [ $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 1 -o $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 2 ]; then echo_out "[Cleanup] Since tmpfs or ramfs (volatile memory) was used, reducer is now saving a copy of the work directory in /tmp/$DIRVALUE" if [ $PXC_DOCKER_FIG_MOD -eq 1 ]; then sudo cp -R $WORKD /tmp/$DIRVALUE sudo chown -R `whoami`:`whoami` /tmp/$DIRVALUE else cp -R $WORKD /tmp/$DIRVALUE fi fi fi exit 0 } report_linecounts(){ if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then if [ "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then TXT_OUT="[Init] Initial number of lines in restructured input file(s):" else TXT_OUT="[Init] Number of lines in input file(s):" fi TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT=0 for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do TS_WORKF_NAME=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_LINECOUNTF$t=$(cat $TS_WORKF_NAME | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*') TS_WORKF_LINECOUNT=$(eval echo $(echo '$TS_LINECOUNTF'"$t")) TXT_OUT="$TXT_OUT #$t: $TS_WORKF_LINECOUNT" if [ $TS_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT ]; then TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT=$TS_WORKF_LINECOUNT; fi done echo_out "$TXT_OUT" else LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` if [ "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "[Init] Initial number of lines in restructured input file: $LINECOUNTF" else echo_out "[Init] Number of lines in input file: $LINECOUNTF" fi fi if [ "$STAGE" = "V" ]; then echo_out "[Info] Linecounts for restructured files are usually higher as INSERT lines are broken up etc."; fi } verify_not_found(){ if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is the parent - change pathnames to reflect that issue was in a subreducer EXTRA_PATH="subreducer//" else EXTRA_PATH="" fi echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Initial verify of the issue: fail. Bug/issue is not present. Terminating." echo_out "[Finish] Verification failed. It may help to check the following files to get an idea as to why this run did not reproduce the issue (if these files do not give any further hints, please check variable/initialization differences, enviroment differences etc.):" if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then if [ $TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Finish] mysql CLI outputs : $WORKD/${EXTRA_PATH}mysql.out (Look for clear signs of non-replay or a terminated connection)" else echo_out "[Finish] mysql CLI outputs : not recorded (You may want to *TEMPORARY* turn on TS_DBG_CLI_OUTPUT to debug. Ensure to turn it back off before re-testing if the issue exists as it will likely not show with debug on if this is a multi-threaded issue)" fi else echo_out "[Finish] mysql CLI output : $WORKD/${EXTRA_PATH}mysql.out (Look for clear signs of non-replay or a terminated connection" fi if [ $MODE -eq 1 -o $MODE -eq 6 ]; then echo_out "[Finish] Valgrind output : $WORKD/${EXTRA_PATH}valgrind.out (Check if there are really 0 errors)" fi echo_out "[Finish] mysqld error log output : $WORKD/${EXTRA_PATH}error.log(.out) (Check if the mysqld server output looks normal. ".out" = last startup)" echo_out "[Finish] initialization output : $WORKD/${EXTRA_PATH}mysql_install_db.init (Check if the inital server initalization happened correctly)" echo_out "[Finish] time init output : $WORKD/${EXTRA_PATH}timezone.init (Check if the timezone information was installed correctly)" if [ $WORKDIR_LOCATION -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Cleanup] Since tmpfs (volatile memory) was used, reducer is now saving a copy of the work directory in /tmp/$DIRVALUE" cp -R $WORKD /tmp/$DIRVALUE fi exit 1 } verify(){ #STAGEV: VERIFY: Check first if the bug/issue exists and is reproducible by reducer STAGE='V' TRIAL=1 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verifying the bug/issue exists and is reproducible by reducer (duration depends on initial input file size)" if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is the parent/main reducer while :; do multi_reducer $1 if [ "$?" -ge "1" ]; then # Verify success. if [ $MODE -lt 6 ]; then # At the moment, MODE6+ does not use initial simplification yet. And, since MODE6+ swaps to MODE1+ after succesfull thread elimination, # multi_reducer_decide_input is only skipped when 1) there is a multi-threaded testcase and 2) this testcase could not be reducerd to a single thread # This is because (after a succesfull thread elimination process, the verify stage is re-run in a MODE1+) # However, for full multi-threaded simplification, reducer needs to do this: thread elimination > DATA thread reducing+SQL. Then, reducer will need # to have a VERIFY for the initial simplification of the data thread (and this is how multi-threaded simplification should start) multi_reducer_decide_input fi report_linecounts break fi echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] As (possibly sporadic) issue did not reproduce with $MULTI_THREADS threads, now increasing number of threads to $[$MULTI_THREADS+10] (maximum is 50)" MULTI_THREADS=$[$MULTI_THREADS+10] if [ $MULTI_THREADS -ge 40 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] WARNING: High load active. You may start seeing messages releated to server overload like:" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] WARNING: 'command not found', 'No such file or directory' or 'fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable'" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [MULTI] WARNING: These can safely be ignored, reducer is trying to see if the issue can be reproduced at all" fi if [ $MULTI_THREADS -ge 51 ]; then # Verify failed. Terminate next. verify_not_found fi done else # This is a subreducer: go through normal verification stages while :; do if [ $TRIAL -eq 1 ]; then if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #1: Maximum initial simplification & DEBUG_SYNC disabled and removed (DEBUG_SYNC may not be necessary)" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) egrep -v "^#|^$|DEBUG_SYNC" $TS_WORKF \ | sed -e 's/[\t ]\+/ /g' \ | sed -e "s/[ ]*)[ ]*,[ ]*([ ]*/),\n(/g" \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" \ | sed -e 's/ VALUES[ ]*(/ VALUES \n(/g' \ -e "s/', '/','/g" > $TS_WORKT done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #1: Maximum initial simplification & cleanup" egrep -v "^#|^$|DEBUG_SYNC|^\-\-| \[Note\] |====| WARNING: |^Hope that|^Logging: |\++++| exit with exit status |Lost connection to | valgrind |Using [MSI]|Using dynamic|MySQL Version|\------|TIME \(ms\)$|Skipping ndb|Setting mysqld |Binaries are debug |Killing Possible Leftover|Removing Stale Files|Creating Directories|Installing Master Database|Servers started, |Try: yum|Missing separate debug|SOURCE|CURRENT_TEST|\[ERROR\]|with SSL|_root_|connect to MySQL|No such file|is deprecated at|just omit the defined" $WORKF \ | sed -e 's/[\t ]\+/ /g' \ | sed -e 's/Query ([0-9a-fA-F]): \(.*\)/\1;/g' \ | sed -e "s/[ ]*)[ ]*,[ ]*([ ]*/),\n(/g" \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" \ | sed -e 's/ VALUES[ ]*(/ VALUES \n(/g' \ -e "s/', '/','/g" > $WORKT fi elif [ $TRIAL -eq 2 ]; then if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #2: Medium initial simplification (CREATE+INSERT lines split) & DEBUG_SYNC disabled and removed" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) sed -e "s/[\t ]*)[\t ]*,[\t ]*([\t ]*/),\n(/g" TS_$WORKF \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" > $TS_WORKT done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #2: High initial simplification & cleanup (no RQG log text removal)" egrep -v "^#|^$|DEBUG_SYNC|^\-\-" $WORKF \ | sed -e 's/[\t ]\+/ /g' \ | sed -e "s/[ ]*)[ ]*,[ ]*([ ]*/),\n(/g" \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" \ | sed -e 's/ VALUES[ ]*(/ VALUES \n(/g' \ -e "s/', '/','/g" > $WORKT fi elif [ $TRIAL -eq 3 ]; then if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then TS_DEBUG_SYNC_REQUIRED_FLAG=1 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #3: Maximum initial simplification & DEBUG_SYNC enabled" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) egrep -v "^#|^$" $TS_WORKF \ | sed -e 's/[\t ]\+/ /g' \ | sed -e "s/[ ]*)[ ]*,[ ]*([ ]*/),\n(/g" \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" \ | sed -e 's/ VALUES[ ]*(/ VALUES \n(/g' \ -e "s/', '/','/g" > $TS_WORKT done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #3: High initial simplification (no RQG text removal & less cleanup)" egrep -v "^#|^$|DEBUG_SYNC|^\-\-" $WORKF \ | sed -e "s/[\t ]*)[\t ]*,[\t ]*([\t ]*/),\n(/g" \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" \ | sed -e 's/ VALUES[ ]*(/ VALUES \n(/g' > $WORKT fi elif [ $TRIAL -eq 4 ]; then if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #4: Medium initial simplification (CREATE+INSERT lines split) & DEBUG_SYNC enabled" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) sed -e "s/[\t ]*)[\t ]*,[\t ]*([\t ]*/),\n(/g" TS_$WORKF \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" > $TS_WORKT done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #4: Medium initial simplification (CREATE+INSERT lines split)" sed -e "s/[\t ]*)[\t ]*,[\t ]*([\t ]*/),\n(/g" $WORKF \ | sed -e "s/;\(.*CREATE.*TABLE\)/;\n\1/g" \ | sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/(/(\n/1;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/\(.*\))/\1\n)/;/CREATE.*TABLE.*;/s/,/,\n/g;" > $WORKT fi elif [ $TRIAL -eq 5 ]; then if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #5: Low initial simplification (only main data INSERT lines split) & DEBUG_SYNC enabled" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) sed -e "s/[\t ]*)[\t ]*,[\t ]*([\t ]*/),\n(/g" $TS_WORKF > $TS_WORKT done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #5: Low initial simplification (only main data INSERT lines split)" sed -e "s/[\t ]*)[\t ]*,[\t ]*([\t ]*/),\n(/g" $WORKF > $WORKT fi elif [ $TRIAL -eq 6 ]; then if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #6: No initial simplification & DEBUG_SYNC enabled" for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) cp -f $TS_WORKF $TS_WORKT done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #6: No initial simplification" cp -f $WORKF $WORKT fi else verify_not_found fi run_and_check if [ "$?" -eq "1" ]; then # Verify success, exit loop echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #$TRIAL: Success. Issue detected. Saved files." report_linecounts break else # Verify fail, 'while' loop continues echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Verify attempt #$TRIAL: Failed. Issue not detected." TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] fi done fi } #Init trap ctrl_c SIGINT options_check $1 set_internal_options if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" ]; then # This is a parent/main reducer init_empty_port fi init_workdir_and_files if [ $MODE -eq 9 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: ThreadSync Crash [ALPHA]" echo_out "[Init] Looking for any mysqld crash"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 8 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: ThreadSync mysqld error log [ALPHA]" echo_out "[Init] Looking for this string: '$TEXT' in mysqld error log output (@ $WORKD/error.log.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 7 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: ThreadSync mysql CLI output [ALPHA]" echo_out "[Init] Looking for this string: '$TEXT' in mysql CLI output (@ $WORKD/mysql.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 6 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: ThreadSync Valgrind output [ALPHA]" echo_out "[Init] Looking for this string: '$TEXT' in Valgrind output (@ $WORKD/valgrind.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 5 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: MTR testcase output" echo_out "[Init] Looking for "$MODE5_COUNTTEXT"x this string: '$TEXT' in mysql CLI verbose output (@ $WORKD/mysql.out when MULTI mode is not active)" if [ "$MODE5_ADDITIONAL_TEXT" != "" -a $MODE5_ADDITIONAL_COUNTTEXT -ge 1 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Looking additionally for "$MODE5_ADDITIONAL_COUNTTEXT"x this string: '$MODE5_ADDITIONAL_TEXT' in mysql CLI verbose output (@ $WORKD/mysql.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi; fi if [ $MODE -eq 4 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: Crash" echo_out "[Init] Looking for any mysqld crash"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 3 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: mysqld error log" echo_out "[Init] Looking for this string: '$TEXT' in mysqld error log output (@ $WORKD/error.log.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 2 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: mysql CLI output" echo_out "[Init] Looking for this string: '$TEXT' in mysql CLI output (@ $WORKD/mysql.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi if [ $MODE -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "[Init] Run mode: MODE$MODE: Valgrind output" echo_out "[Init] Looking for this string: '$TEXT' in Valgrind output (@ $WORKD/valgrind.out when MULTI mode is not active)"; fi echo_out "[Info] Leading [] = No bug/issue found yet | [*] = Bug/issue at least seen once" report_linecounts if [ "$SKIPV" != "1" ]; then verify $1 if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" = "1" ]; then # This is a simplfication subreducer started by a parent/main reducer, but only to verify if the issue is reproducible (as SKIPV=0). # We terminate now after checking if the issue is yes/no reproducible. finish $INPUTFILE fi fi #STAGET: TS_THREAD_ELIMINATION: Reduce the number of threads in MODE9 (ThreadSync multi-threaded testcases) if [ $MODE -ge 6 ]; then NEXTACTION="& try removing next thread" STAGE=T TRIAL=1 if [ $TS_THREADS -ne 1 ]; then # If $TS_THREADS = 1 there is only one thread, and thread elimination is not necessary echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] ThreadSync thread elimination: removing unncessary threads" while :; do for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) cp -f $TS_WORKF $TS_WORKT done if [ $TRIAL -gt 1 ]; then report_linecounts; fi TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID=$[$TS_THREADS+1+$TS_ELIMINATED_THREAD_COUNT-$TRIAL] if [ $SPORADIC -eq 0 ]; then if [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 40000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=1 # Large case, highly likely not sporadic, try only once to eliminate a thread elif [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 10000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=2 # Medium case, highly likely not sporadic, try twice to eliminate a thread elif [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 5000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=4 # Small case, highly likely not sporadic, try 4 times to eliminate a thread elif [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 1000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=6 # Smaller case, highly likely not sporadic, try 6 times to eliminate a thread else TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=10 # Minimal case, highly likely not sporadic, try 10 times to eliminate a thread fi else if [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 40000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=10 # Large case, established sporadic, try 10 thread elimination attempts elif [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 10000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=13 # Medium case, established sporadic, try 13 times to eliminate a thread elif [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 5000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=15 # Small case, established sporadic, try 15 to eliminate a thread elif [ $TS_LARGEST_WORKF_LINECOUNT -gt 1000 ]; then TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=15 # Smaller case, established sporadic, try 17 to eliminate a thread else TS_TE_ATTEMPTS=20 # Minimal case, established sporadic, try 20 times to eliminate a thread fi fi for a in $(eval echo {1..$TS_TE_ATTEMPTS}); do echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Attempt $a] Trying to eliminate thread $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID" # Single thread elimination (based on reverse order of TRIAL - control thread is normally first) export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID")) TS_T_THREAD=$(grep "DEBUG_SYNC.*SIGNAL" $TS_WORKF | sed -e 's/^.*SIGNAL[ ]*//;s/ .*$//g') echo "" > $TS_WORKT # Update the control thread (remove DEBUG_SYNCs for thread in question) if [ -n "$TS_T_THREAD" ]; then # Don't run this for threads which did not have DEBUG_SYNC text yet (early crash) # This does leave some unnecessary DEBUG_SYNC info in the control thread, but this will be auto-reduced later for t in $(eval echo {1..$TS_THREADS}); do export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF'"$t")) export TS_WORKT=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKT'"$t")) if egrep -qi "SIGNAL GO_T2" $TS_WORKF; then # Control thread egrep -v "DEBUG_SYNC.*$TS_T_THREAD " $TS_WORKF > $TS_WORKT # do not remove critical end space (T2 == T20 delete otherwise!) fi done fi run_and_check if [ "$?" -eq "1" ]; then # Thread elimination success echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Attempt $a] Thread $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID elimination: Success. Thread $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID was eliminated and input file(s) were swapped" break else if [ $a -eq $TS_TE_ATTEMPTS ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Attempt $a] Thread $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID elimination: Failed. Thread $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID will be left as-is ftm (will be reduced later)." else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Attempt $a] Thread $TS_ELIMINATION_THREAD_ID elimination: Failed. Re-attempting." fi # Re-instate TS_WORKT with original contents cp -f $TS_WORKF $TS_WORKT fi done TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] if [ $TRIAL -eq $[$TS_THREADS+1+$TS_ELIMINATED_THREAD_COUNT] ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Last thread processed. ThreadSync thread elimination complete" break fi done fi if [ $TS_THREADS -eq 1 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Only one SQL thread remaining. Merging DATA and SQL thread and swapping to single threaded simplification" WORKO="$WORKD/single_out.sql" cp -f $TS_DATAINPUTFILE $WORKF # We can immediately use thread #1 as TS_init_all_sql_files (from the last run above, or from the original run if there was ever only one thread) # has set thread #1 to be the correct remaining thread export TS_WORKF=$(eval echo $(echo '$WORKF1')); cat $TS_WORKF >> $WORKF cp -f $WORKF $WORKO echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Merging complete. Single threaded DATA+SQL file saved as $WORKO" if [ $MODE -eq 6 ]; then MODE=1 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Swapped to standard single-threaded valgrind output testing (MODE1)" elif [ $MODE -eq 7 ]; then MODE=2 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Swapped to standard single-threaded mysql CLI output testing (MODE2)" elif [ $MODE -eq 8 ]; then MODE=3 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Swapped to standard single-threaded mysqld output simplification (MODE3)" elif [ $MODE -eq 9 ]; then MODE=4 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Swapped to standard single-threaded crash simplification (MODE4)" fi VERIFY=1 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] Now starting re-verification in $MODE (this enables INSERT splitting in initial simplification etc.)" verify $WORKO else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [TSE Finish] More than one thread remaining. Implement multi-threaded simplification here" exit 1 fi fi #STAGE1: Reduce large size files fast LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 1 ]; then NEXTACTION="& try removing next random line(set)" STAGE=1 TRIAL=1 if [ $LINECOUNTF -ge $STAGE1_LINES ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE (duration depends on initial input file size)" while [ $LINECOUNTF -ge $STAGE1_LINES ]; do if [ $LINECOUNTF -eq $STAGE1_LINES ]; then NEXTACTION="& Progress to the next stage"; fi if [ $TRIAL -gt 1 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Remaining number of lines in input file: $LINECOUNTF"; fi if [ "$MULTI_REDUCER" != "1" -a $SPORADIC -eq 1 ]; then # This is the parent/main reducer AND the issue is sporadic (so; need to use multiple threads) multi_reducer $WORKF # $WORKT is not used by the main reducer in this case. The subreducer uses $WORKT it's own session however (in the else below) else determine_chunk cut_random_chunk run_and_check fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` done else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Skipping stage $STAGE as remaining number of lines in input file <= $STAGE1_LINES" fi fi #STAGE2: Loop through each line of the remaining file (now max $STAGE1_LINES lines) once if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 2 ]; then NEXTACTION="& try removing next line in the file" STAGE=2 TRIAL=1 NOISSUEFLOW=0 LINES=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` CURRENTLINE=2 # Do not filter first line which contains DROP/CREATE/USE of test db REALLINE=2 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE" while [ $LINES -ge $REALLINE ]; do if [ $LINES -eq $REALLINE ]; then NEXTACTION="& progress to the next stage"; fi if [ $TRIAL -gt 1 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Remaining number of lines in input file: $LINECOUNTF"; fi cut_fixed_chunk run_and_check if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then CURRENTLINE=$[$CURRENTLINE+1]; fi # Only advance the column number if there was no issue, otherwise stay on the same column (An issue will remove the current column and shift all other columns down by one, hence you have to stay in the same place as it will contain the next column) REALLINE=$[$REALLINE+1] TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` done fi #STAGE3: Execute various cleanup sed's to reduce testcase complexity further. Perform a check if the issue is still present for each replacement (set) if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 3 ]; then STAGE=3 TRIAL=1 SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE" while :; do NEXTACTION="& try next testcase complexity reducing sed" # The @##@ sed's remove comments like /*! NULL */. Each sed removes one /* */ block per line, so 3 sed's removes 3x /* */ for each line # In sed, '*' means zero or more, '+' means one or more. Note you have to escape + as '\+' if [ $TRIAL -eq 1 ]; then sed -e "s/[\t ]*,[ \t]*/,/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 2 ]; then sed -e "s/\\\'//g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 3 ]; then sed -e "s/'[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]'/'0000-00-00'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 4 ]; then sed -e "s/'[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'/'00:00:00.000000'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 5 ]; then sed -e "s/'[-][0-9]*\.[0-9]*'/'0.0'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 6 ]; then sed -e "s/'[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]'/'00:00:00'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 7 ]; then sed -e "s/'[-][0-9]'/'0'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 8 ]; then sed -e "s/'[-][0-9]\+'/'0'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 9 ]; then sed -e "s/'0'/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 10 ]; then sed -e "s/,[-][0-9],/,0,/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 11 ]; then sed -e "s/,[-][0-9]\+,/,0,/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 12 ]; then sed -e "s/'[a-z]'/'a'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 13 ]; then sed -e "s/'[a-z]\+'/'a'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 14 ]; then sed -e "s/'[A-Z]'/'a'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 15 ]; then sed -e "s/'[A-Z]\+'/'a'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 16 ]; then sed -e 's/^[ \t]\+//g' -e 's/[ \t]\+$//g' -e 's/[ \t]\+/ /g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 17 ]; then sed -e 's/( /(/g' -e 's/ )/)/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 18 ]; then sed -e 's/\*\//@##@/' -e 's/\/\*.*@##@//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 19 ]; then sed -e 's/\*\//@##@/' -e 's/\/\*.*@##@//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 20 ]; then sed -e 's/\*\//@##@/' -e 's/\/\*.*@##@//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 21 ]; then sed -e 's/ \. /\./g' -e 's/, /,/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 22 ]; then sed -e 's/)[ \t]\+,/),/g' -e 's/)[ \t]\+;/);/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 23 ]; then sed -e 's/\/\*\(.*\)\*\//\1/' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 24 ]; then sed -e 's/field/f/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 25 ]; then sed -e 's/field/f/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 26 ]; then sed -e 's/column/c/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 27 ]; then sed -e 's/column/c/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 28 ]; then sed -e 's/col/c/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 29 ]; then sed -e 's/col/c/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 30 ]; then sed -e 's/view/v/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 31 ]; then sed -e 's/view\([0-9]\)*/v\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 32 ]; then sed -e 's/table/t/g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 33 ]; then sed -e 's/table\([0-9]\)*/t\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 34 ]; then sed -e 's/alias\([0-9]\)*/a\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 35 ]; then sed -e 's/ \([=<>!]\+\)/\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 36 ]; then sed -e 's/\([=<>!]\+\) /\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 37 ]; then sed -e 's/[=<>!]\+/=/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 38 ]; then sed -e 's/ .*[=<>!]\+.* / 1=1 /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 39 ]; then sed -e 's/([0-9]\+)/(1)/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 40 ]; then sed -e 's/([0-9]\+)//gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 41 ]; then sed -e 's/[ ]*/ /g' -e 's/^ //g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 42 ]; then sed -e 's/transforms\.//gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 43 ]; then NEXTACTION="& progress to the next stage"; sed -e 's/`//g' $WORKF > $WORKT else break fi SIZET=`stat -c %s $WORKT` if [ $SIZEF -eq $SIZET ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Skipping this trial as it does not reduce filesize" else if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Remaining size of input file: $SIZEF bytes ($LINECOUNTF lines)"; fi run_and_check LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] done fi #STAGE4: Execute various query syntax complexity reducing sed's to reduce testcase complexity further. Perform a check if the issue is still present for each replacement (set) if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 4 ]; then STAGE=4 TRIAL=1 SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE" while :; do NEXTACTION="& try next query syntax complexity reducing sed" # The @##@ sed's remove comments like /*! NULL */. Each sed removes one /* */ block per line, so 3 sed's removes 3x /* */ for each line if [ $TRIAL -eq 1 ]; then sed -e 's/IN[ \t]*(.*)/IN (SELECT 1)/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 2 ]; then sed -e 's/IN[ \t]*(.*)/IN (SELECT 1)/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 3 ]; then sed -e 's/ON[ \t]*(.*)/ON (1=1)/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 4 ]; then sed -e 's/ON[ \t]*(.*)/ON (1=1)/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 5 ]; then sed -e 's/FROM[ \t]*(.*)/FROM (SELECT 1)/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 6 ]; then sed -e 's/FROM[ \t]*(.*)/FROM (SELECT 1)/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 7 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 8 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 9 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*LIMIT/LIMIT/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 10 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*LIMIT/LIMIT/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 11 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 12 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 13 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*HAVING/HAVING/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 14 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*HAVING/HAVING/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 15 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*WHERE/WHERE/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 16 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*WHERE/WHERE/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 17 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*LIMIT/LIMIT/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 18 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*LIMIT/LIMIT/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 19 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 20 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 21 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*HAVING/HAVING/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 22 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*HAVING/HAVING/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 23 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*WHERE/WHERE/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 24 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*WHERE/WHERE/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 25 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 26 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 27 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 28 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 29 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*HAVING/HAVING/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 30 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*HAVING/HAVING/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 31 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*WHERE/WHERE/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 32 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*WHERE/WHERE/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 33 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 34 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 35 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*LIMIT/LIMIT/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 36 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*LIMIT/LIMIT/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 37 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*HAVING/HAVING/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 38 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*HAVING/HAVING/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 39 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*WHERE/WHERE/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 40 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*WHERE/WHERE/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 41 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 42 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 43 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*LIMIT/LIMIT/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 44 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*LIMIT/LIMIT/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 45 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 46 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 46 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT[[:digit:][:space:][:cntrl:]]*;$/;/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 47 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*;$/;/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 48 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*;$/;/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 49 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*;$/;/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 50 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*;$/;/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 51 ]; then sed -e 's/LIMIT.*;$/;/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 52 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY.*;$/;/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 53 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY.*;$/;/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 54 ]; then sed -e 's/HAVING.*;$/;/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 55 ]; then sed -e 's/WHERE.*;$/;/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 56 ]; then sed -e 's/(SELECT 1)/(1)/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 57 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/ORDER BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 58 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/ORDER BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 59 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/ORDER BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 60 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/ORDER BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 61 ]; then sed -e 's/ORDER BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/ORDER BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 62 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/GROUP BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 63 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/GROUP BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 64 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/GROUP BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 65 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/GROUP BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 66 ]; then sed -e 's/GROUP BY \(.*\),\(.*\)/GROUP BY \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 67 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT \(.*\),\(.*\)/SELECT \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 68 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT \(.*\),\(.*\)/SELECT \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 69 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT \(.*\),\(.*\)/SELECT \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 70 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT \(.*\),\(.*\)/SELECT \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 71 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT \(.*\),\(.*\)/SELECT \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 72 ]; then sed -e 's/ SET \(.*\),\(.*\)/ SET \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 73 ]; then sed -e 's/ SET \(.*\),\(.*\)/ SET \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 74 ]; then sed -e 's/ SET \(.*\),\(.*\)/ SET \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 75 ]; then sed -e 's/ SET \(.*\),\(.*\)/ SET \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 76 ]; then sed -e 's/ SET \(.*\),\(.*\)/ SET \1/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 77 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*IN/IN/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 78 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*ON/ON/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 79 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*WHERE/WHERE/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 80 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 81 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 82 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*LIMIT/LIMIT/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 83 ]; then sed -e 's/AND.*HAVING/HAVING/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 84 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*IN/IN/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 85 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*ON/ON/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 86 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*WHERE/WHERE/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 87 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*ORDER BY/ORDER BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 88 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*GROUP BY/GROUP BY/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 89 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*LIMIT/LIMIT/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 90 ]; then sed -e 's/OR.*HAVING/HAVING/i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 91 ]; then sed -e 's/INTEGER/INT/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 92 ]; then sed -e 's/ NOT NULL/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 93 ]; then sed -e 's/ NOT NULL/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 94 ]; then sed -e 's/ NULL/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 95 ]; then sed -e 's/ NULL/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 96 ]; then sed -e 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 97 ]; then sed -e 's/ ALGORITHM=MERGE/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 98 ]; then sed -e 's/ OR REPLACE/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 99 ]; then sed -e 's/ PRIMARY/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 100 ]; then sed -e 's/ PRIMARY KEY/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 101 ]; then sed -e 's/ DEFAULT NULL/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 102 ]; then sed -e 's/ DEFAULT NULL/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 103 ]; then sed -e 's/ DEFAULT 0/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 104 ]; then sed -e 's/ DEFAULT 0/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 105 ]; then sed -e "s/ DEFAULT '2038-01-19 03:14:07'/ /i" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 106 ]; then sed -e "s/ DEFAULT '2038-01-19 03:14:07'/ /gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 107 ]; then sed -e "s/ DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:01'/ /i" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 108 ]; then sed -e "s/ DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:01'/ /gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 109 ]; then sed -e 's/ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 110 ]; then sed -e 's/ DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 111 ]; then sed -e 's/ ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 112 ]; then sed -e 's/ ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/ /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 113 ]; then sed -e 's/ IF NOT EXISTS / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 114 ]; then sed -e 's/ DISTINCT / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 115 ]; then sed -e 's/ SQL_.*_RESULT / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 116 ]; then sed -e 's/CHARACTER SET[ ]*.*[ ]*COLLATE[ ]*.*\([, ]\)/\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 117 ]; then sed -e 's/CHARACTER SET[ ]*.*\([, ]\)/\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 118 ]; then sed -e 's/COLLATE[ ]*.*\([, ]\)/\1/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 119 ]; then sed -e 's/ LEFT / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 120 ]; then sed -e 's/ RIGHT / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 121 ]; then sed -e 's/ OUTER / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 122 ]; then sed -e 's/ INNER / /gi' -e 's/ CROSS / /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 123 ]; then sed -e 's/[a-z0-9]\+_//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 124 ]; then sed -e 's/[a-z0-9]\+_//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 125 ]; then sed -e 's/[a-z0-9]\+_//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 126 ]; then sed -e 's/[a-z0-9]\+_//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 127 ]; then sed -e 's/[a-z0-9]\+_//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 128 ]; then sed -e 's/[a-z0-9]\+_//' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 129 ]; then sed -e 's/alias/a/gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 130 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT .* /SELECT * /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 131 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT .* /SELECT * /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 132 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT .* /SELECT 1 /gi' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 133 ]; then sed -e 's/SELECT .* /SELECT 1 /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 134 ]; then sed -e 's/[\t ]\+/ /g' -e 's/ *\([;,]\)/\1/g' -e 's/ $//g' -e 's/^ //g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 135 ]; then sed -e 's/CHARACTER[ ]*SET[ ]*latin1/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 136 ]; then sed -e 's/CHARACTER[ ]*SET[ ]*utf8/ /i' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 137 ]; then NEXTACTION="& progress to the next stage"; sed -e 's/DROP DATABASE transforms;CREATE DATABASE transforms;//' $WORKF > $WORKT else break fi SIZET=`stat -c %s $WORKT` if [ $SIZEF -eq $SIZET ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Skipping this trial as it does not reduce filesize" else if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Remaining size of input file: $SIZEF bytes ($LINECOUNTF lines)"; fi run_and_check LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] done fi #STAGE5: Rename tables and views to generic tx/vx names. This stage is not size bound (i.e. testcase size is not checked pre-run to see if the run can be skipped like in some other stages). Perform a check if the issue is still present for each replacement (set). if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 5 ]; then STAGE=5 TRIAL=1 echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE" NEXTACTION="& try next testcase complexity reducing sed" # Change tablenames to tx COUNTTABLES=$(grep "CREATE[\t ]*TABLE" $WORKF | wc -l) if [ $COUNTTABLES -gt 0 ]; then for i in $(eval echo {$COUNTTABLES..1}); do # Reverse order # the '...\n/2' sed is a precaution against multiple CREATE TABLEs on one line (it replaces the second occurence) TABLENAME=$(grep -m$i "CREATE[\t ]*TABLE" $WORKF | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/CREATE[\t ]*TABLE/\n/2' \ | head -n1 | sed -e 's/CREATE[\t ]*TABLE[\t ]*\(.*\)[\t ]*(/\1/' -e 's/ .*//1' -e 's/(.*//1') sed -e "s/\([(. ]\)$TABLENAME\([ )]\)/\1 $TABLENAME \2/gi;s/ $TABLENAME / t$i /gi" $WORKF > $WORKT if [ "$TABLENAME" = "t$i" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Skipping this trial as table $i is already named 't$i' in the file" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Trying to rename table '$TABLENAME' to 't$i'" run_and_check fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] done fi # Change viewnames to vx COUNTVIEWS=$(grep "CREATE[\t ]*VIEW" $WORKF | wc -l) if [ $COUNTVIEWS -gt 0 ]; then for i in $(eval echo {$COUNTVIEWS..1}); do # Reverse order # the '...\n/2' sed is a precaution against multiple CREATE VIEWs on one line (it replaces the second occurence) VIEWNAME=$(grep -m$i "CREATE[\t ]*VIEW" $WORKF | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/CREATE[\t ]*VIEW/\n/2' \ | head -n1 | sed -e 's/CREATE[\t ]*VIEW[\t ]*\(.*\)[\t ]*(/\1/' -e 's/ .*//1' -e 's/(.*//1') sed -e "s/\([(. ]\)$VIEWNAME\([ )]\)/\1 $VIEWNAME \2/gi;s/ $VIEWNAME / v$i /gi" $WORKF > $WORKT if [ "$VIEWNAME" = "v$i" ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Skipping this trial as view $i is already named 'v$i' in the file" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Trying to rename view '$VIEWNAME' to 'v$i'" run_and_check fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] done fi fi #STAGE6: Eliminate columns to reduce testcase complexity further. Perform a check if the issue is still present for each replacement (set). if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 6 ]; then STAGE=6 TRIAL=1 SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE" NEXTACTION="& try and rename this column (if it failed removal) or remove the next column" # CREATE TABLE name (...); statements on one line are split to obtain one column per line by the initial verification (STAGE V). # And, another situation, CREATE TABLE statements with each column on a new line is the usual RQG output. Both these cases are handled. # However, this stage assumes that each column is on a new line. As such, the only unhandled situation is where there is a mix of new lines in # the CREATE TABLE statement, which is to be avoided (and is rather unlikely). In such cases, cleanup the testcase manually to have this format: # CREATE TABLE name ( # , #Note the trailing comma # , # # ) ENGINE=abc; COUNTTABLES=$(grep "CREATE[\t ]*TABLE" $WORKF | wc -l) for t in $(eval echo {$COUNTTABLES..1}); do # Reverse order process all tables # the '...\n/2' sed is a precaution against multiple CREATE TABLEs on one line (it replaces the second occurence) TABLENAME=$(grep -m$t "CREATE[\t ]*TABLE" $WORKF | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/CREATE[\t ]*TABLE/\n/2' \ | head -n1 | sed -e 's/CREATE[\t ]*TABLE[\t ]*\(.*\)[\t ]*(/\1/' -e 's/ .*//1' -e 's/(.*//1') # Check if this table ($TABLENAME) is references in aother INSERT..INTO..$TABLENAME2..SELECT..$TABLENAME line. # If so, reducer does not need to process this table since it will be processed later when reducer gets to the table $TABLENAME2 # This is basically an optimization to avoid x (number of colums) unnecessary restarts which will definitely fail: # Example: CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); CREATE TABLE t2 (id2 INT): INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; # One cannot remove t1.id because t2 has the same number of columsn and does a select from t1 if egrep -qi "INSERT.*INTO.*SELECT.*FROM.*$TABLENAME" $WORKF; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Skipping column reduction for table '$TABLENAME' as it is present in a INSERT..SELECT..$TABLENAME. This will be/has been reduced elsewhere" echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Will now try and simplify the column names of this table ('$TABLENAME') to more uniform names" COLUMN=1 COLS=$(cat $WORKF | awk "/CREATE.*TABLE.*$TABLENAME/,/;/" | sed 's/^ \+//' | egrep -vi "CREATE|ENGINE|^KEY|^PRIMARY|;" | sed 's/ .*$//' | egrep -v "\(|\)") COUNTCOLS=$(printf "%b\n" "$COLS" | wc -l) for COL in $COLS; do if [ "$COL" != "c$C_COL_COUNTER" ]; then # Try and rename column now to cx to make testcase cleaner if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Now attempting to rename column '$COL' to a more uniform 'c$C_COL_COUNTER'"; fi sed -e "s/$COL/c$C_COL_COUNTER/g" $WORKF > $WORKT C_COL_COUNTER=$[$C_COL_COUNTER+1] run_and_check if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then # This column was removed, reducing column count COUNTCOLS=$[$COUNTCOLS-1] fi COLUMN=$[$COLUMN+1] LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` else if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Not renaming column '$COL' as it's name is already optimal"; fi fi done else NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES=1 # Check if there are INSERT..INTO..$TABLENAME..SELECT..$TABLENAME2 lines. If so, fetch $TABLENAME2 etc. TEMPTABLENAME=$TABLENAME while egrep -qi "INSERT.*INTO.*$TEMPTABLENAME.*SELECT" $WORKF; do NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES=$[$NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES+1] # the '...\n/2' sed is a precaution against multiple INSERT INTOs on one line (it replaces the second occurence) export TABLENAME$NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES=$(grep "INSERT.*INTO.*$TEMPTABLENAME.*SELECT" $WORKF | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/INSERT.*INTO/\n/2' \ | head -n1 | sed -e "s/INSERT.*INTO.*$TEMPTABLENAME.*SELECT.*FROM[\t ]*\(.*\)/\1/" -e 's/ //g;s/;//g') TEMPTABLENAME=$(eval echo $(echo '$TABLENAME'"$NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES")) done COLUMN=1 COLS=$(cat $WORKF | awk "/CREATE.*TABLE.*$TABLENAME/,/;/" | sed 's/^ \+//' | egrep -vi "CREATE|ENGINE|^KEY|^PRIMARY|;" | sed 's/ .*$//' | egrep -v "\(|\)") COUNTCOLS=$(printf "%b\n" "$COLS" | wc -l) # The inner loop below is called for each table (= each trial) and processes all columns for the table in question # So the hierarchy is: reducer > STAGE6 > TRIAL x (various tables) > Column y of table x for COL in $COLS; do echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Trying to eliminate column '$COL' in table '$TABLENAME'" # Eliminate the column from the correct CREATE TABLE table (this will match the first occurence of that column name in the correct CREATE TABLE) # This sed presumes that each column is on one line, by itself, terminated by a comma (can be improved upon as per the above remark note) WORKT2=`echo $WORKT | sed 's/$/.2/'` sed -e "/CREATE.*TABLE.*$TABLENAME/,/^[ ]*$COL.*,/s/^[ ]*$COL.*,//1" $WORKF | grep -v "^$" > $WORKT2 # Remove the column from table defintion # Write the testcase with removed column table definition to WORKT as well in case there are no INSERT removals # (and hence $WORKT will not be replaced with $WORKT2 anymore below, so reducer does it here as a harmless, but potentially needed, precaution) cp -f $WORKT2 $WORKT # If present, the script also need to drop the same column from the INSERT for that table, otherwise the testcase will definitely fail (incorrect INSERT) # Small limitation 1: ,',', (a comma inside a txt string) is not handled correctly. Column elimination will work, but only upto this occurence (per table) # Small limitation 2: INSERT..INTO..SELECT does not work. SELECT * in such cases is handled. You could manually edit the testcase. for c in $(eval echo {1..$NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES}); do if [ $c -eq 1 ]; then # We are now processing any INSERT..INTO..$TABLENAME..VALUES reductions # Noth much is required here. In effect, this is what happens here: # CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT); # INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); # reducer will try and eliminate "(1)" (after "id" was removed from the table defintion above already) # Note that this will also run (due to the for loop) for a NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES=2+ run - i.e. if an INSERT..INTO..$TABLENAME..SELECT is detected, # This run ensures that (see t1/t2 example below) that any additional INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2) (besides the INSERT SELECT) are covered TABLENAME_OLD=$TABLENAME elif [ $c -ge 2 ]; then # We are now processing any eliminations from other tables to ensure that INSERT..INTO..$TABLENAME..SELECT works for this table # We do this by setting TABLENAME to $TABLENAME2 etc. In effect, this is what happens: # CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT); # INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); # CREATE TABLE t2 (id2 INT): # INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; # reducer will try and eliminate "(1)" from table t1 (after "id2" was removed from the table defintion above already) # An extra part (see * few lines lower) will ensure that "id" is also removed from t1 TABLENAME=$(eval echo $(echo '$TABLENAME'"$c")) # Replace TABLENAME with TABLENAMEx thereby eliminating all "chained" columns echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] INSERT..SELECT into this table from another one detected: removing corresponding column $COLUMN in table '$TABLENAME'" WORKT3=`echo $WORKT | sed 's/$/.3/'` COL_LINE=$[$(cat $WORKT2 | grep -m1 -n "CREATE.*TABLE.*$TABLENAME" | awk -F":" '{print $1}') + $COLUMN] cat $WORKT2 | sed -e "${COL_LINE}d" > $WORKT3 # (*) Remove the column from the connected table defintion cp -f $WORKT3 $WORKT2 rm $WORKT3 else echo "ASSERT: NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES!=1||2: $NUMOFINVOLVEDTABLES!=1||2"; exit 1 fi # First count how many actual INSERT rows there are COUNTINSERTS=0 COUNTINSERTS=$(for INSERT in $(cat $WORKT2 | awk "/INSERT.*INTO.*$TABLENAME.*VALUES/,/;/" | \ sed "s/;/,/;s/^[ ]*(/(\n/;s/)[ ,;]$/\n)/;s/)[ ]*,[ ]*(/\n/g" | \ egrep -v "^[ ]*[\(\)][ ]*$|INSERT"); do \ echo $INSERT; \ done | wc -l) if [ $COUNTINSERTS -gt 0 ]; then # Loop through each line within a single INSERT (ex: INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a',1),('b',2);), and through multiple INSERTs (ex: INSERT .. INSERT ..) # And each time grab the "between ( and )" information and therein remove the n-th column ($COLUMN) value reducer is trying to remove. Then use a # simple sed to replace the old "between ( and )" with the new "between ( and )" which contains one less column (the correct one which removed from # the CREATE TABLE statement above also. Then re-test if the issue remains and swap files if this is the case, as usual. if [ $c -ge 2 ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Also removing $COUNTINSERTS INSERT..VALUES for column $COLUMN in table '$TABLENAME' to match column removal in said table" else echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Removing $COUNTINSERTS INSERT..VALUES for column '$COL' in table '$TABLENAME'" fi for i in $(eval echo {1..$COUNTINSERTS}); do FROM=$(for INSERT in $(cat $WORKT2 | awk "/INSERT.*INTO.*$TABLENAME.*VALUES/,/;/" | \ sed "s/;/,/;s/^[ ]*(/(\n/;s/)[ ,;]$/\n)/;s/)[ ]*,[ ]*(/\n/g" | \ egrep -v "^[ ]*[\(\)][ ]*$|INSERT"); do \ echo $INSERT; \ done | awk "{if(NR==$i) print "'$1}') TO_DONE=0 TO=$(for INSERT in $(cat $WORKT2 | awk "/INSERT.*INTO.*$TABLENAME.*VALUES/,/;/" | \ sed "s/;/,/;s/^[ ]*(/(\n/;s/)[ ,;]$/\n)/;s/)[ ]*,[ ]*(/\n/g" | \ egrep -v "^[ ]*[\(\)][ ]*$|INSERT"); do \ echo $INSERT | tr ',' '\n' | awk "{if(NR!=$COLUMN && $TO_DONE==0) print "'$1}'; echo "==>=="; \ done | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,==>==/\n/g' | sed 's/^,//' | awk "{if(NR==$i) print "'$1}') TO_DONE=1 # Fix backslash issues (replace \ with \\) like 'you\'ve' - i.e. a single quote within single quoted INSERT values # This insures the regex matches in the sed below against the original file: you\'ve > you\\'ve (here) > you\'ve (in the sed) FROM=$(echo $FROM | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g') TO=$(echo $TO | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g') # The actual replacement cat $WORKT2 | sed "s/$FROM/$TO/" > $WORKT cp -f $WORKT $WORKT2 #DEBUG #echo_out "i: |$i|";echo_out "from: |$FROM|";echo_out "_to_: |$TO|"; done fi # DEBUG #echo_out "c: |$c|";echo_out "COUNTINSERTS: |$COUNTINSERTS|";echo_out "COLUMN: |$COLUMN|";echo_out "diff: $(diff $WORKF $WORKT2)" #read -p "pause" done rm $WORKT2 TABLENAME=$TABLENAME_OLD if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Remaining size of input file: $SIZEF bytes ($LINECOUNTF lines)"; fi run_and_check if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$COL" != "c$C_COL_COUNTER" ]; then LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` # This column was not removed. Try and rename column now to cx to make testcase cleaner if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Now attempting to rename this column ('$COL') to a more uniform 'c$C_COL_COUNTER'"; fi sed -e "s/$COL/c$C_COL_COUNTER/g" $WORKF > $WORKT C_COL_COUNTER=$[$C_COL_COUNTER+1] run_and_check else if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] [Column $COLUMN/$COUNTCOLS] Not renaming column '$COL' as it's name is already optimal"; fi fi # Only advance the column number if there was no issue showing, otherwise stay on the same column (If the issue does show, # the script will remove the current column and shift all other columns down by one, hence it has to stay in the same # place as this will contain the next column) COLUMN=$[$COLUMN+1] else # This column was removed, reducing column count COUNTCOLS=$[$COUNTCOLS-1] fi LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` done fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] done fi #STAGE7: Execute various final testcase cleanup sed's. Perform a check if the issue is still present for each replacement (set) if [ $SKIPSTAGE -lt 7 ]; then STAGE=7 TRIAL=1 SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] Now executing first trial in stage $STAGE" while :; do NEXTACTION="& try next testcase complexity reducing sed" # In sed, '*' means zero or more, '+' means one or more. Note you have to escape + as '\+' if [ $TRIAL -eq 1 ]; then sed -e "s/[\t]\+/ /g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 2 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]\+/ /g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 3 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*,/,/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 4 ]; then sed -e "s/,[ ]*/,/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 5 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*;[ ]*/;/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 6 ]; then sed -e "s/^[ ]*//g" -e "s/[ ]*$//g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 7 ]; then sed -e "s/GRANDPARENT/gp/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 8 ]; then sed -e "s/PARENT/p/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 9 ]; then sed -e "s/CHILD/c/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 10 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'a'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'a'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Simplify INSERT VALUES elif [ $TRIAL -eq 11 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*''[ ]*/\1/g;s/[ ]*''[ ]*\([,)]\)/\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Try and elimiante '' elif [ $TRIAL -eq 12 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[a-z]'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[a-z]'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 13 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[A-Z]'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[A-Z]'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 14 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[a-zA-Z]'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[a-zA-Z]'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 15 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[a-z]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[a-z]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 16 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[A-Z]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[A-Z]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 17 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[a-zA-Z]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[a-zA-Z]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 18 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*''[ ]*/\1/g;s/[ ]*''[ ]*\([,)]\)/\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Try and elimiante '' again now elif [ $TRIAL -eq 19 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*[0-9][ ]*,/(0,/g;s/,[ ]*[0-9][ ]*,/,0,/g;s/,[ ]*[0-9][ ]*)/,0)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 20 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*,/(0,/g;s/,[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*,/,0,/g;s/,[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*)/,0)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 21 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*NULL[ ]*,/(1,/g;s/,[ ]*NULL[ ]*,/,1,/g;s/,[ ]*NULL[ ]*)/,1)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 22 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*NULL[ ]*,/(0,/g;s/,[ ]*NULL[ ]*,/,0,/g;s/,[ ]*NULL[ ]*)/,0)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 23 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*NULL[ ]*,/('',/g;s/,[ ]*NULL[ ]*,/,'',/g;s/,[ ]*NULL[ ]*)/,'')/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 24 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*''[ ]*/\1/g;s/[ ]*''[ ]*\([,)]\)/\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Try and elimiante '' again now elif [ $TRIAL -eq 25 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[0-9]'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[0-9]'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 26 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[0-9]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[0-9]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 27 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[-0-9]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[-0-9]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Date elif [ $TRIAL -eq 28 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[:0-9]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[:0-9]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Time elif [ $TRIAL -eq 29 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[:.0-9]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[:.0-9]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Time, FSP elif [ $TRIAL -eq 30 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[-: 0-9]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[-: 0-9]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Datetime elif [ $TRIAL -eq 31 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*'[-.: 0-9]*'[ ]*/\1''/g;s/[ ]*'[-.: 0-9]*'[ ]*\([,)]\)/''\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Dt, FSP elif [ $TRIAL -eq 32 ]; then sed -e "s/\([(,]\)[ ]*''[ ]*/\1/g;s/[ ]*''[ ]*\([,)]\)/\1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # Try and elimiante '' again now elif [ $TRIAL -eq 33 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[a-z]'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 34 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[A-Z]'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 35 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[a-zA-Z]'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 36 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[a-z]*'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 37 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[A-Z]*'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 38 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[a-zA-Z]*'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 39 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*[0-9][ ]*/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 40 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 41 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*NULL[ ]*//g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 42 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*NULL[ ]*/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 43 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*NULL[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 44 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[0-9]'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 45 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*'[0-9]*'[ ]*/''/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 46 ]; then sed -e "s/[0-9]/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 47 ]; then sed -e "s/[0-9]\+/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 48 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]*//gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 49 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*AUTO_INCREMENT[ ]*,/,/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 50 ]; then sed -e "s/PRIMARY[ ]*KEY.*,//g" $WORKF > $WORKT # TODO: add situation where PRIMARY KEY is last column (i.e. remove comma on preceding line) elif [ $TRIAL -eq 51 ]; then sed -e "s/PRIMARY[ ]*KEY[ ]*(\(.*\))/KEY (\1)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 52 ]; then sed -e "s/KEY[ ]*(\(.*\),.*)/KEY(\1)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 53 ]; then sed -e "s/ ENGINE=MEMORY/ENGINE=InnoDB/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 54 ]; then sed -e "s/ ENGINE=MyISAM/ENGINE=InnoDB/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 55 ]; then sed -e "s/,LOAD_FILE('[A-Za-z0-9\/.]*'),/,'',/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 56 ]; then sed -e "s/_tinyint/ti/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 57 ]; then sed -e "s/_smallint/si/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 58 ]; then sed -e "s/_mediumint/mi/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 59 ]; then sed -e "s/_bigint/bi/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 60 ]; then sed -e "s/_int/i/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 61 ]; then sed -e "s/_decimal/dc/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 62 ]; then sed -e "s/_float/f/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 63 ]; then sed -e "s/_bit/bi/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 64 ]; then sed -e "s/_double/do/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 65 ]; then sed -e "s/_nokey/nk/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 66 ]; then sed -e "s/_key/k/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 67 ]; then sed -e "s/_varchar/vc/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 68 ]; then sed -e "s/_char/c/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 69 ]; then sed -e "s/_datetime/dt/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 70 ]; then sed -e "s/_date/d/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 71 ]; then sed -e "s/_time/t/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 72 ]; then sed -e "s/_timestamp/ts/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 73 ]; then sed -e "s/_year/y/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 74 ]; then sed -e "s/_blob/b/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 75 ]; then sed -e "s/_tinyblob/tb/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 76 ]; then sed -e "s/_mediumblob/mb/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 77 ]; then sed -e "s/_longblob/lb/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 78 ]; then sed -e "s/_text/te/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 79 ]; then sed -e "s/_tinytext/tt/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 80 ]; then sed -e "s/_mediumtext/mt/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 81 ]; then sed -e "s/_longtext/lt/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 82 ]; then sed -e "s/_binary/bn/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 83 ]; then sed -e "s/_varbinary/vb/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 84 ]; then sed -e "s/_enum/e/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 85 ]; then sed -e "s/_set/s/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 86 ]; then sed -e "s/_not/n/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 87 ]; then sed -e "s/_null/nu/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 88 ]; then sed -e "s/_latin1/l/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 89 ]; then sed -e "s/_utf8/u/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 90 ]; then sed -e "s/;[ ]*;/;/g" -e "s/[ ]*,[ ]*/,/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 91 ]; then sed -e "s/VARCHAR[ ]*(\(.*\))/CHAR (\1)/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 92 ]; then sed -e "s/VARBINARY[ ]*(\(.*\))/BINARY (\1)/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 93 ]; then sed -e "s/DATETIME/DATE/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 94 ]; then sed -e "s/TIME/DATE/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 95 ]; then sed -e "s/TINYBLOB/BLOB/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 96 ]; then sed -e "s/MEDIUMBLOB/BLOB/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 97 ]; then sed -e "s/LONGBLOB/BLOB/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 98 ]; then sed -e "s/TINYTEXT/TEXT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 99 ]; then sed -e "s/MEDIUMTEXT/TEXT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 100 ]; then sed -e "s/LONGTEXT/TEXT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 101 ]; then sed -e "s/INTEGER/INT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 102 ]; then sed -e "s/TINYINT/INT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 103 ]; then sed -e "s/SMALLINT/INT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 104 ]; then sed -e "s/MEDIUMINT/INT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 105 ]; then sed -e "s/BIGINT/INT/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 106 ]; then sed -e "s/WHERE[ ]*(\(.*\),.*)/WHERE (\1)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 107 ]; then sed -e "s/\\\'[0-9a-zA-Z]\\\'/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT # \'c\' in PS matching elif [ $TRIAL -eq 108 ]; then sed -e "s/\\\'[0-9a-zA-Z]\\\'/1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 109 ]; then sed -e "s/\\\'[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\\'/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 110 ]; then sed -e "s/\\\'[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\\'/1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 111 ]; then sed -e "s/\\\'[0-9a-zA-Z]*\\\'/\\\'\\\'/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 112 ]; then sed -e "s/<>/=/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 113 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*(/((/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 114 ]; then sed -e "s/)[ ]*)/))/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 115 ]; then sed -e "s/([ ]*/(/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 116 ]; then sed -e "s/[ ]*)/)/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 117 ]; then sed -e "s/ prep_stmt_[0-9]*/ p1/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 118 ]; then sed -e '/INSERT[ ]*INTO/,/)/{s/INSERT[ ]*INTO[ ]*\(.*\)[ ]*(/INSERT INTO \1/p;d}' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 119 ]; then sed -e "s/QUICK //gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 120 ]; then sed -e "s/LOW_PRIORITY //gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 121 ]; then sed -e "s/IGNORE //gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 122 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('','','','','',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 123 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('','','','','',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 124 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('','','','','',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 125 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('','','','','',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 126 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('','','','','','',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 127 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('','','','',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 128 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('','','',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 129 ]; then sed -e "s/enum[ ]*('','',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 130 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 131 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 132 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 133 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*','[a-zA-Z0-9]*',/ENUM('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 134 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','','','','','',/SET('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 135 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','','','',/SET('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 136 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','','',/SET('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 137 ]; then sed -e "s/set[ ]*('','',/SET('',/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 138 ]; then sed -e "s/INNR/I/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 139 ]; then sed -e "s/OUTR/O/gi" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 140 ]; then sed -e 's/[\t ]\+/ /g' -e 's/ \([;,]\)/\1/g' -e 's/ $//g' -e 's/^ //g' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 141 ]; then sed -e 's/.*/\L&/' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 142 ]; then sed -e 's/[ ]*([ ]*/(/;s/[ ]*)[ ]*/)/' $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 143 ]; then sed "s/''/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 144 ]; then sed "/INSERT/,/;/s/''/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 145 ]; then sed "/SELECT/,/;/s/''/0/g" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 146 ]; then egrep -v "^#|^$" $WORKF > $WORKT elif [ $TRIAL -eq 147 ]; then NEXTACTION="& Finalize run"; sed 's/`//g' $WORKF > $WORKT else break fi SIZET=`stat -c %s $WORKT` if [ $SIZEF -eq $SIZET ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Skipping this trial as it does not reduce filesize" else if [ -f $WORKD/mysql.out ]; then echo_out "$ATLEASTONCE [Stage $STAGE] [Trial $TRIAL] Remaining size of input file: $SIZEF bytes ($LINECOUNTF lines)"; fi run_and_check LINECOUNTF=`cat $WORKF | wc -l | tr -d '[\t\n ]*'` SIZEF=`stat -c %s $WORKF` fi TRIAL=$[$TRIAL+1] done fi finish $INPUTFILE