How to repeat: Download mysql-5.1.69-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz Use sandbox to setup replication using below script. [ushastry@cluster-repo ~]$ more #!/bin/bash export SANDBOX_HOME=$HOME/sandboxes export MYSQL5_1_69=mysql-5.1.69-linux-x86_64-glibc23 export TARBALL=$HOME/downloads/$MYSQL5_1_69.tar.gz if [ ! -f $TARBALL ] then echo "$TARBALL not found" exit 1 fi export SANDBOX_BINARY=$HOME/usr/local/bin/ if [ ! -d $SANDBOX_BINARY ] then mkdir -p $SANDBOX_BINARY fi if [ ! -d $SANDBOX_BINARY/5.1.69 ] then cd $SANDBOX_BINARY tar -xzf $TARBALL if [ ! -d $MYSQL5_1_69 ] then echo "error expanding $TARBALL" exit 1 fi mv $MYSQL5_1_69 5.1.69 fi make_replication_sandbox --how_many_slaves=1 5.1.69 ######### -- on master: use test; CREATE TABLE `tbl_auto_col` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `c` char(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `tbl_auto_col_only_on_slave` ( `col1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col2` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `col3` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `col4` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col5` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Alter the table tbl_auto_col_only_on_slave on the slave to add an auto_increment column: -- on slave: alter table tbl_auto_col_only_on_slave add column id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY; -- Run below load script couple of times and monitor slave status as well [ushastry@cluster-repo rsandbox_5_1_69]$ more #!/bin/bash export SANDBOX_HOME=$HOME/sandboxes export MYSQL5_1_69=mysql-5.1.69-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 export TARBALL=$HOME/downloads/$MYSQL5_1_69.tar.gz cd $SANDBOX_HOME/rsandbox_5_1_69 # Reset the auto-inc counters (if any) of the tables ./master/use -A test -e "truncate table tbl_auto_col" ./master/use -A test -e "truncate table tbl_auto_col_only_on_slave" # Generate new binary log ./master/use -A -e "flush logs" ./master/use -A -e "show master status" # Insert some data for ((i=0; i < 5; i++)) do ./master/use -A test -e "INSERT INTO tbl_auto_col_only_on_slave SET col1 = 23211, col2 = 'foo', col3 = 'bar', col4 = 1, col5 = 242122;" done # Do the load asynchronously to simulate concurrent connections ./master/use -A test -e "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/SQL_LOAD_MB-17a99f5-3' INTO TABLE tbl_auto_col FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' (c);" & #sleep 1 # Do an insert while the load is in progress for ((i=0; i < 5; i++)) do ./master/use -A test -e "INSERT INTO tbl_auto_col_only_on_slave SET col1 = 23211, col2 = 'foo', col3 = 'bar', col4 = 1, col5 = 242122;" done wait