23:00:29 [ Debug1][ WBContext]: Creating WBContext 23:00:29 [ Info][ WBContext]: WbContext::init 23:00:29 [ Debug1][ grt]: Warning! Can't use connect with timeout in paramiko (George) 23:00:29 [ Debug1][ grt]: Looking for user plugins in /home/hdzhong/.mysql/workbench/modules 23:00:29 [ Debug1][ grt]: Looking for user plugins in /home/hdzhong/.mysql/workbench/plugins 23:00:29 [ Debug1][ grt]: Looking for plugins in /home/hdzhong/.mysql/workbench/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/plugins 23:00:30 [ Debug1][ grt]: MySQL Generic Runtime Environment 4.1.0 23:00:30 [ Debug1][ grt]: Type '?' for help. 23:00:30 [ Debug1][ grt]: Python Shell initialized. (Use Preferences -> General to set language) 23:00:30 [ Debug1][ grt]: Ready. 23:00:30 [ Debug1][ grt]: 23:00:30 [ Info][ WBContext]: System info: MySQL Workbench CE for Linux/Unix version 5.2.36 revision 8542 Configuration Directory: /home/hdzhong/.mysql/workbench Data Directory: /usr/share/mysql-workbench Cairo Version: 1.10.2 Rendering Mode: OpenGL is not available on this system, so Native is used for rendering. OS: Linux 3.0.0-13-generic CPU: 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz 1600.000 MHz, 3.8 GB RAM 23:00:46 [ Info][ SSH tunnel]: Starting tunnel 23:00:46 [ Debug2][ python context]: About to pyrun '/usr/share/mysql-workbench/sshtunnel.py' 23:00:46 [ Debug1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'xhcms'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 23:00:46 [ Debug3][ grt]: Fetch schema contents for test 23:00:48 [ Debug3][SqlEditorSchemaTree]: Fetching column data for test.testtable 23:00:50 [ Debug3][SqlEditorSchemaTree]: Fetching object details for test.testtable 23:00:50 [ Debug3][SqlEditorSchemaTree]: Fetching object details for test.testtable 23:00:52 [ Debug3][ grt]: Destroying WBContext