======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN MIN( table2 . `col_int` ) AS field1, # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 table1 . `col_int_key` AS field2 , # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 table3 . `col_int_key` AS field3 , # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 table1 . `pk` AS field4 , # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 table2 . `pk` AS field5 , # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 table1 . `col_int` AS field6 # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 FROM W AS table1 # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 . `col_int_key` = table4 . `pk` # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 . `pk` = table5 . `pk` ON table2 . `col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 . `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 . `col_int` = table8 . `col_int_key` ON table6 . `col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 . `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 . `col_int_key` = table6 . `col_int` ON table1 . `pk` = table8 . `pk` # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 WHERE ( table4 . `col_int_key` IN (4) OR table2 . `pk` != 8 ) # 2010-05-12T18:29:54 GROUP BY field2, field3, field4, field5, field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:01 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:01 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN MIN( table2 .`col_int` ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:08 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:08 Query: STRAIGHT_JOIN MIN( table2 .`col_int` ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'STRAIGHT_JOIN MIN( table%d .`col_int` ) AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:08 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ( table2 .`col_int` ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS fi' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ( table2 `col_int` ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int` ) AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ( table2 ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1054 Unknown column '%s' in 'field list'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ( `col_int` ) AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1052 Column 'col_int' in field list is ambiguous. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN ( table2 .`col_int` AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` AS field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:22 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:22 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1317 Query execution was interrupted. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN .`col_int` field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 table1 .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , .`col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , tabl' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , `col_int_key` AS field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1052 Column 'col_int_key' in field list is ambiguous. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:30 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:36 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:36 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , table1 .`col_int_key` , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1054 Unknown column '%s' in 'group statement'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` field1 , .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` , table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:44 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`col_int` table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS fi' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:50 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:50 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 table3 .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:50 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , .`col_int_key` AS field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:51 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS fie' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS fie' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS fiel' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 table1 .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS fiel' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , .`pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , `pk` AS field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1052 Column 'pk' in field list is ambiguous. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:30:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIG' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` A' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS fiel' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` A' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 table2 .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGH' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , .`pk` AS field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGH' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FRO' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` fi' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS fi' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGH' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d R' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT J' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 table1 .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int` AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , .`col_int` AS field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:19 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:19 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOI' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:19 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d L' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:19 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT J' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT J' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RI' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT J' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int` field%d FROM W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JO' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 W AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM AS table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM table1 RIGHT JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1146 Table '%s' doesn't exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 JOIN P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT P AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'P AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON table%d .`co' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN AS table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON table%d .`col_i' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:34 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT JOIN H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` = ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT H AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'H AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN AS table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` L' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:41 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:41 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN LEFT JOIN BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN BB AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:41 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT BB AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BB AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:41 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN AS table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:41 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1054 Unknown column '%s' in 'where clause'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`p' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON .`col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 `col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int_key` = table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1054 Unknown column '%s' in 'on clause'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON `col_int_key` = table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1052 Column '%s' in %s clause is ambiguous. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varcha' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table4 `pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` = LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 .`col_int_key` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:31:55 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:31:55 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table3 `col_int_key` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int_key` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON tabl' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:55 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON = LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_var' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:31:55 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN LEFT LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN ON table4 .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON LEFT JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_va' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:09 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:09 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` W AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_lati' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:09 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN AS table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:09 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN ON table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 table3 .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`c' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON .`pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table3 `pk` = table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` = table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varch' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table3 .`pk` table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table3 .`pk` = .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` R' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table3 .`pk` = table5 `pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_k' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table3 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:23 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON = ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:30 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:30 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:30 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:30 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN LEFT JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varc' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_la' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = tabl' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 `pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_k' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGH' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 `col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JO' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = table4 `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table2 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1` = RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON = RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W A' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN JOIN RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN LEFT JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RI' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 `pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OU' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 `pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN ON RIGHT JOIN E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON RIGHT JOIN E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT E AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'E AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN AS table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:39 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:46 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:46 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` =' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:46 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 OUTER JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OUTER JOIN D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` = table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:46 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:32:53 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:32:53 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT D AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'D AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:53 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN AS table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:32:53 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:00 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:00 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN LEFT JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN W AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key` ON table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:00 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:08 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:08 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 W AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_var' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:08 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN AS table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS table%d ON table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varcha' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:08 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 table7 .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON .`col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varc' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 `col_int` = table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int` = table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 .`col_int` table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varcha' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 .`col_int` = table8 `col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_l' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:16 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 .`col_int` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:23 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table7 `col_int` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON = ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D table7 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:30 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:30 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:30 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:37 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN JOIN ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN D W table8 ON table8 .`col_int_key` ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d ON table%d .`col_int_key` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:37 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN ON ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`co' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 `col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` = table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`co' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` = table8 `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:44 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 .`col_varchar_10_latin1` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:51 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:51 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table6 `col_varchar_10_latin1` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d` ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:51 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON = ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:51 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:33:58 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:33:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN LEFT JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_i' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN LEFT ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LEFT ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:33:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int_key` = ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`c' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`p' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHE' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON .`col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_k' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 `col_int_key` = table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int_key` = table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table3 .`col_int_key` = table6 `col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON = ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) O' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:05 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:12 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` O' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:12 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN JOIN RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_k' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:13 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d O' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN ON ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JO' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 `pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN ON RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` RIGHT JOIN E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d )' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'E table%d JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`c' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:14 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` O' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`co' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W table%d ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN ON ON table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` table1 .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR tabl' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON .`pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 `pk` = table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` = table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` = table8 `pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROU' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table1 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:22 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:22 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON = WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:22 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:29 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM RIGHT WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GRO' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM JOIN WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROU' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`p' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d )' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN (' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WH' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( ta' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN ON ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) O' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 `col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int` ON table%d .`pk` WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM ON WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON WHERE ( table%d .`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1305 FUNCTION %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , f' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 `col_int_key` IN ( 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int_key` IN ( %d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN 4 ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%d ) OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( ) OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` IN ( 4 OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , fie' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:31 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 .`col_int_key` OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:38 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( table4 `col_int_key` OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int_key` OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( IN OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IN OR table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d ,' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:38 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:45 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:45 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 table2 .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:45 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR .`pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '!= %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:45 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR table2 `pk` != 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` != %d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:45 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR table2 .`pk` 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%d ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:45 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR table2 .`pk` ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:52 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:52 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR table2 `pk` ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk` ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:52 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR != ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '!= ) GROUP BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:34:52 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 OR 8 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:34:59 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:34:59 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE ( 4 ) GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:06 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:06 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` WHERE 4 GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:13 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:13 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:19 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` BY field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'BY field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP field2 , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY , field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field2 field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field2 , , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:20 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field2 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:27 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY , , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:27 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field3 , field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:34 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field3 field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field3 , , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:34 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field3 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:41 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:41 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY , , field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:41 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field4 , field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:48 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field4 field5 , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field4 , , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:48 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field4 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:35:55 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:35:55 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY , , field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:35:55 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field5 , field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:02 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field5 field6 failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'field%d' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field5 , failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:02 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field5 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:09 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:09 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` GROUP BY field6 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:17 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:17 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:23 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 failed: 1109 Unknown table '%s' in field list. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'W table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON t' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM RIGHT failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:23 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM JOIN failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN JOIN ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'JOIN ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN ON ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 `col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_varchar_%d_latin%d_key` ON table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN ON ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 `col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`col_int` ON table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM ON failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d .`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 , table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 `pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`pk`' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:25 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:26 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:32 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:32 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' table%d .`pk` field%d FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d ' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:33 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:40 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:40 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` field2 , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:47 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:47 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int_key` , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:36:54 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:36:54 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , table%d .`pk` field%d FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H tabl' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:36:54 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table3 .`col_int_key` field3 , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:01 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:01 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table3 .`col_int_key` , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:08 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:08 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`pk` field4 , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:15 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:15 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`pk` , table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:22 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:22 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN , FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:37:22 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`pk` table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.`pk` field%d FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT J' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:37:22 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`pk` field5 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:29 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:29 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 .`pk` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:36 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:36 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` field6 FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:43 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:43 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:50 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:50 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` W table1 RIGHT JOIN P table2 RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d RIGHT JOIN P table%d RIGHT JOIN H table%d LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:37:50 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H table3 LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:37:58 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:37:58 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:38:05 Default schema: test # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`p' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'table%d RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOI' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W tabl' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'H LEFT JOIN BB table%d ON table%d .`pk` JOIN W table%d ON table%d .`pk` ON tab' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'STRAIGHT_JOIN table%d .`col_int` FROM W table%d RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LE' at line %d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: failed: 1065 Query was empty # 2010-05-12T18:38:07 Query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query ======================================================= WARNING: Using mysql-test-run.pl version 1! ======================================================= Logging: lib/v1/mysql-test-run.pl --mysqld=--innodb --start-and-exit --start-dirty --vardir=/data0/johnemb/optimizer-testing/code/bzr/mysql-6.0-codebase-bugfixing-valgrind/mysql-test/var --master_port=19306 --skip-ndbcluster 1st MySQL Version 6.0.14 Using dynamic switching of binlog format Skipping ndbcluster Setting mysqld to support SSL connections Binaries are debug compiled Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD = 0 Using MASTER_MYPORT = 19306 Using MASTER_MYPORT1 = 19307 Using SLAVE_MYPORT = 9308 Using SLAVE_MYPORT1 = 9309 Using SLAVE_MYPORT2 = 9310 Using IM_PORT = 9313 Using IM_MYSQLD1_PORT = 9314 Using IM_MYSQLD2_PORT = 9315 Killing Possible Leftover Processes ======================================================= TEST RESULT TIME (ms) ------------------------------------------------------- Servers started, exiting # 2010-05-12T18:38:15 Default schema: test Simplified query: SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN table1 .`col_int` FROM W table1 RIGHT JOIN P RIGHT JOIN H LEFT JOIN BB table4 ON table4 .`pk` JOIN W table5 ON table5 .`pk` ON table4 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` RIGHT JOIN E table6 JOIN W table8 ON table8 .`col_varchar_1024_latin1_key` ON table6 .`col_int` ON table8 .`pk` ; mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (111) when trying to connect DBI connect('host=','',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) at lib/GenTest/Simplifier/Tables.pm line 69 Can't call method "do" on an undefined value at lib/GenTest/Simplifier/Tables.pm line 71. # 2010-05-12T18:38:16 Passing queries: /tmp/31752-1273682296-passing.txt; failing queries: /tmp/31752-1273682296-failing.txt