# Attention: If you modify something under $tables than the amount and the names of # the tables will change and this requires adjustments in # conf/replication-dml_sql.yy *_table # $schemas = [ 'test' , 'test1' ]; $tables = { # Example: table rows => [ 0 , 1 , 10] , # partitions => [ undef , 'KEY (pk) PARTITIONS 2' ] , # Example: table , table_ engines => [ undef , 'MyISAM' , 'InnoDB' ] , # Example: table__ like table0_myisam_int_autoinc # If Bug#47927 is fixed switch to # pk => [ 'int auto_increment' , 'int' , undef ] pk => [ 'int auto_increment' , 'int' ] }; $fields = { types => [ # Numeric 'bit' , 'bit(4)' , 'bit(64)' , 'tinyint' , 'smallint' , 'mediumint' , 'int' , 'bigint' , 'float' , 'double' , # decimal(M,N) is not supported by RQG. I would have taken decimal(65,30),decimal(10,0). 'decimal' , 'decimal(35)' , # String # Manual: Specifying the CHARACTER SET binary attribute for a character data type causes # the column to be created as the corresponding binary data type: # CHAR becomes BINARY, VARCHAR becomes VARBINARY, and TEXT becomes BLOB. # We do not mention *BINARY and BLOB here + but have 'binary' between the charsets. 'enum' , 'set' , # Variable length 'varchar' , 'varchar(10)' , 'varchar(257)' , # Not all storage engines support text 'tinytext' , 'text' , 'mediumtext' , 'longtext' , # Fixed length 'char' , 'char(10)' , # Date/time 'datetime' , 'date' , 'timestamp' , 'time' ,'year' ] , indexes => [ undef ] , # null => [ undef , 'not null' ] , # default => [ undef , 'default null' ] , sign => [ undef , 'unsigned' ] , charsets => [ 'utf8' , 'latin1' , 'binary' ] }; $data => { numbers => [ 'digit' , 'null' , undef ], strings => [ 'letter' , 'english' , 'null' ], blobs => [ 'english', 'data' ], temporals => [ undef , 'null' , 'time' , 'date' , 'datetime' , 'year(2)' , 'year(4)' , 'timestamp' ] }