/* test program for CSC issue #34651 compile with: gcc -o test1 -DRECONNECT=0 `mysql_config --cflags --libs` 34651.c gcc -o test2 -DRECONNECT=1 `mysql_config --cflags --libs` 34651.c then run as: ./test and restart MySQL server when asked */ #include #include #include #include #define ZERO(F) \ if (F) {\ printf("Error: 0 != %s\n", #F);\ printf("MySQL error: %d - %s\n", mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));\ exit(1);\ } else\ printf("OK: %s\n", #F); #define SZERO(F) \ if (F) {\ printf("Error: 0 != %s\n", #F);\ printf("MySQL error: %d - %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), mysql_stmt_error(stmt));\ } else\ printf("OK: %s\n", #F); #define NONZERO(F) \ if (!(F)) {\ printf("Error: 0 == %s\n", #F);\ exit(1);\ } else\ printf("OK: %s\n", #F); #define BUFSIZE 20 char *values[] = {"eins", "zwei", "drei", "viele", NULL}; #define DROP "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1" #define CREATE "CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, c2 CHAR(10))" #define INSERT "INSERT INTO t1 (c2) VALUES (?)" int main (void) { MYSQL *mysql; MYSQL_RES *res; my_bool reconnect= RECONNECT; unsigned int i; //connect to MySQL NONZERO(mysql= mysql_init(NULL)); ZERO(mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect)); NONZERO(mysql_real_connect(mysql, "", NULL, NULL, "test", 0, NULL, 0)); //create a table ZERO(mysql_query(mysql, DROP)); ZERO(mysql_query(mysql, CREATE)); //insert some rows { MYSQL_STMT *stmt; MYSQL_BIND bind; char buffer[BUFSIZE]; my_bool is_null= 0; unsigned long length; //create statement handle NONZERO(stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql)); ZERO(mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, INSERT, strlen(INSERT))); //prepare parameter bind bind.buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; bind.buffer_length= BUFSIZE; bind.buffer= buffer; bind.is_null= &is_null; bind.length= &length; //bind params to statement ZERO(mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &bind)); //insert 4 rows for (i= 0; values[i]; i++) { if (i == 2) { printf("please restart MySQL server and press \n"); getc(stdin); } strncpy(buffer, values[i], BUFSIZE); length= strlen(buffer); //execute statement SZERO(mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)); } //close statement ZERO(mysql_stmt_close(stmt)); } //cleanup ZERO(mysql_query(mysql, DROP)); //close connection mysql_close(mysql); printf("complete\n"); }