# Config file to be used with InnoDB clusters # Created by Matt.Lord on April 30 2017 # Configuration Options #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options used by all client programs # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/programs-client.html [client] # MySQL command-line client options # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-command-options.html [mysql] prompt="innodb-cluster> " reconnect show-warnings #ssl-ca = ca.pem #ssl-cert = client-cert.pem #ssl-key = client-key.pem # MySQL Server process options # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqld-option-tables.html [mysqld] # basic process setup options user = mysql basedir = /usr datadir = /var/lib/mysql #ignore-db-dir = "lost+found" tmpdir = /tmp log-error = /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.err # storage engine options archive = OFF blackhole = OFF federated = OFF partition = OFF default-storage-engine = innodb default-tmp-storage-engine = innodb internal-tmp-disk-storage-engine = innodb disabled-storage-engines = myisam # misc options #memlock = ON key-buffer-size = 32M table-open-cache = 8000 table-open-cache-instances = 16 back-log = 1500 query-cache-type = 0 join-buffer-size = 32K sort-buffer-size = 32K #max-allowed-packet = #tmp-table-size = #max-heap-table-size = skip-temp-pool max-connections = 150 # binary log and replication options log-bin binlog-row-image = FULL #binlog-row-image = MINIMAL binlog-rows-query-log-events = ON log-bin-trust-function-creators = TRUE expire-logs-days = 4 max-binlog-size = 500M relay-log-recovery = ON slave-parallel-type = LOGICAL_CLOCK slave-parallel-workers = 4 slave-rows-search-algorithms = 'INDEX_SCAN,HASH_SCAN' slave-type-conversions = ALL_NON_LOSSY sync-master-info = 0 sync-relay-log = 0 # character set, collation, and i18n options character-set-server = utf8mb4 collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci # crash handling and debugging options core-file # security options default-password-lifetime = 0 #des-key-file = ssl-ca = ca.pem ssl-cert = server-cert.pem ssl-key = server-key.pem #ssl-crl = #ssl-cipher = #require-secure-transport = TRUE # date and time handling options default-time-zone = SYSTEM explicit-defaults-for-timestamp = ON # optimizer related options #eq-range-index-dive-limit = #optimizer-prune-level = #optimizer-search-depth = #range-optimizer-max-mem-size = # scheduler options #event-scheduler = ON # logging options #log-error-verbosity = # Performance Schema options performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-current = ON performance-schema-consumer-events-transactions-history = ON # Enterprise features # Reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/audit-log-plugin.html # Reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/thread-pool-plugin.html # Reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/pam-authentication-plugin.html #plugin-load=audit_log.so;thread_pool.so;authentication_pam.so #audit-log=FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT #thread-pool-size = 64 # session tracking #session-track-gtids = OWN_GTID #session-track-schema = ON #session-track-state-change = ON #session-track-transaction-info = ON # InnoDB options innodb-buffer-pool-size = 128M innodb-buffer-pool-instances = 4 innodb-autoinc-lock-mode = 2 innodb-flush-method = O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC innodb-log-file-size = 32M innodb-log-files-in-group = 3 innodb-log-write-ahead-size = 4096 innodb-open-files = 128 innodb-log-buffer-size = 4M innodb-monitor-enable = '%' innodb-max-dirty-pages-pct = 90 innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm = 10 innodb-print-all-deadlocks = ON innodb-undo-log-truncate = ON innodb-undo-tablespaces = 2 innodb-undo-logs = 2 # group replication pre-requisites & recommendations binlog-format = ROW gtid-mode = ON enforce-gtid-consistency = ON log-slave-updates = ON master-info-repository = TABLE relay-log-info-repository = TABLE binlog-checksum = NONE slave-preserve-commit-order = ON # prevent use of non-transactional storage engines disabled_storage_engines="MyISAM,BLACKHOLE,FEDERATED,ARCHIVE" # InnoDB gap locks are problematic for multi-primary conflict detection; none are used with READ-COMMITTED # So if you don't rely on REPEATABLE-READ semantics and/or wish to use multi-primary mode then this # isolation level is recommended transaction-isolation = 'READ-COMMITTED' # Let Group Replication manage the READ/WRITE mode of the server entirely throughout the process lifecycle # super_read_only = ON # group replication specific options transaction-write-set-extraction = XXHASH64 # disable the IP whitelisting, as we won't know what the IP range will be loose-group-replication-ip-whitelist='' # dynamic options to be driven by command-line parameters #**************************************************************************** # server-id = ??? # must be unique within replication topologies # group_replication_group_name = ??? # must be valid UUID # group_replication_bootstrap_group = ??? # must be ON for the first node in the group # group_replication_local_address = ??? # needs to be an IP address / hostname which the other GR containers can reach # group_replication_group_seeds = ??? # is necessary for the non-bootstrap nodes #****************************************************************************